Behind the canvas of wealth and power, lies a web of betrayal and desire. Sophia Lynns, a talented but struggling artist, gets entangled in a game of love,art and corruption with enigmatic billionaire, Lucas Hawke. But behind his polished charm, lies a labyrinth of secrets, danger and an unexpected hunting ties to Sophia's past. Sophia is pulled into his dark orbit as whispers of betrayal, obsession and hidden agendas swirl. At the height of daunting revelations, she gets to meet the real Lucas Hawke, hiding behind a cool and sexy exterior. Who is Lucas Hawke exactly? Can Sophia trust him with her life or will he be the architect of her destruction? In a game where love and lies collide, some masterpieces are painted in shadows.
Sophia Lynns gripped a letter in her two hands, gazing intently at it. As her mind raced, the words became hazy.
An art commission.
An actual one. Not the odd murals she'd created to make ends meet, or the hesitant offers from tiny galleries.
It was a big one. No, this was enormous. The first thing that shocked her was the name at the bottom of the letter: Lucas Hawke.
She was startled out of her reverie as her phone buzzed on the messy desk. She grabbed it up and spoke in a tremulous voice. "Hello?"
A professional, clipped voice said, "This is Laura Bennett, Mr. Hawke's secretary. Ms. Lynns, Mr. Hawke is excited to talk about a private commission after being pleased with your portfolio. He wants to meet you at his company tomorrow."
Sophia gulped forcefully, her thoughts racing. "Tomorrow? Already? Isn't that too soon?"
Laura remarked impatiently, "Mr. Hawke values efficiency. May I confirm the meeting?"
Sophia paused, surveying her cramped, disorganized workspace. Her bank account balance was ridiculous, her fridge was almost empty, and her rent was past due. This was what she needed.
"Yes," she answered, trying to steady her voice. "I'll be there."
"All right. I will email you the information. And Ms. Lynns?"
"Yes?" Sophia answered raising a brow.
"Be on time. Mr Hawke doesn't tolerate lateness." Laura added, her tone maintaining the professional standard.
Before Sophia could reply, the line died. Her chest constricted as she gazed at her phone.
Lucas Hawke. The multi billionaire businessman whose name was a byword for strength, controversy, and secrecy.
What kind of artwork could he possibly desire from an unknown artist like her when he probably has connections to the most famous artists around the world?
Sophia thought hard about it but made no headway. She eventually gave up on her thoughts.
Maybe Fortune had decided to smile at her just like it smiled at her father, the well-known artist Lynns, and allowed her a platform to show her talent and what she was capable of doing as an artist.
The following morning, Sophia felt quite little as she stood in Hawke Enterprises' sparkling lobby.
Her studio's chipped paint and creaking floors were in sharp contrast to the building's gleaming marble floors and tall glass walls, which shouted wealth and sophistication.
She walked up to the receptionist, adjusting her blazer in the hopes that it would conceal her nerves. Despite the pounding in her chest, she spoke steadily, "I'm here to see Mr. Hawke."
The receptionist was typing rapidly on her keyboard, without looking up. "What's your name?"
"Sophia Lynns." The woman nodded and pointed to the elevators after a brief pause.
"The top floor. There, his secretary will greet you."
The low buzz of gentle classical music did little to calm her jangled nerves throughout the seemingly endless elevator ride.
She was met by a stunning woman wearing a fitted suit when the doors were opened. The woman said in a tone as sharp as her appearance, "Ms. Lynns?"
"Yes," Sophia replied.
"I'm Laura Bennett; I'm Mr. Hawke's secretary. Please, come with me."
She followed Laura along a hallway with floor-to-ceiling windows that provided an amazing view of the city but Sophia was so focused on the enormous oak door at the end of the hall that she hardly noticed.
Laura pushed the door open after knocking once. "Ms. Lynns is here, Mr. Hawke."
Breathing heavily, Sophia entered. She marveled at the spacious and uncluttered office with its modern furnishings and a full wall of glass windows that let in plenty of natural light.
Lucas Hawke was standing behind a big, bulky desk.
As she went in, he turned, and Sophia momentarily lost her ability to breathe. He had dark, well-groomed hair, eyes so sharply gray they appeared to stare right through her, and he was taller than she had anticipated.
She felt completely out of place since his fitted suit suited him like a second skin and he exuded an effortless dominance. If there was a more stunning man alive, Sophia wouldn't have met him.
She immediately started wondering how cool he'd look in casual wear if he was so dashing in a formal suit.
Sophia subtly shakes her head to regain control of her thoughts and take her eyes off the gorgeous Mr Hawke before she is caught staring.
"Ms. Lynns," he stated in a firm yet hushed voice. "I appreciate you coming."
Sophia pushed herself forward and held out her hand. "I'm honored to meet you, Mr. Hawke." His touch was warm, his handshake solid.
"Call me Lucas, please. This is not a board meeting."
Sophia smiled politely and sat in the chair he indicated, wiping her clammy palms against her skirt in an unobtrusive manner.
Lucas reclined in his chair, his eyes looking directly at her. He started, "I've looked over your portfolio. I was instantly drawn to your work. With each brushstroke, you can convey a tale and capture unadulterated emotion."
Surprised by the compliment, Sophia blinked. "Thank you. That is very significant."
Lucas went on, "I want you to make me something special. A composition that discusses resilience, strength, and success."
Sophia's curiosity flickered as she tilted her head. "May I ask, Why me? I assume there are many more skilled artists out there who could take on a project like this."
A slight smile curved Lucas's lips. "Yes, there are. But being an artist myself, although not a professional one, I know exactly what I need in an artwork. Your work has a rare depth. It seems raw and .......intimate."
Sophia paused, uncertain of how to react.
His remarks seemed almost too personal, as though he had caught glimpses of aspects of her that she had not intended to share.
"This project will be demanding," Lucas continued, adopting a more formal tone. "The time frame is six weeks, and I will require frequent updates. However, I promise that the pay will be substantial."
Six weeks? She agreed, but there wasn't much time for a piece of the scale he appeared to imagine. "I can do it."
"That's very good." He stated, looking directly into her gray eyes. "Because this endeavor will transform everything-for us both."
His comments caused Sophia's breath to catch.
Lucas got up, which indicated an end to the meeting before she could ask him what he meant. He said, "I'll have Laura email you the information. Ms. Lynns, I'm excited to see what you produce."
Her thoughts were racing as she exited his office, down to the lobby. When he said "change everything," what did he mean? And why did she think she had just accepted a commission for more than just a piece of art?
Chapter 1 An Encounter With Destiny
Chapter 2 Stunning Private Collection
Chapter 3 Keep Your Eyes Open
Chapter 4 Art Piece From The Dream
Chapter 5 Behind The Shine, There Are Shadows
Chapter 6 The Inside Out
Chapter 7 Armor Fractures
Chapter 8 Behind Locked Doors
Chapter 9 Warning Whispers
Chapter 10 Intense Art Session
Chapter 11 Facing The Reality
Chapter 12 Sketches And Shadows
Chapter 13 An Historical Mirror
Chapter 14 Sneak Peek Into The Past
Chapter 15 Snooping Like A Thief
Chapter 16 Unexpected Kiss
Chapter 17 Everyone Has A Past
Chapter 18 Repeated Warnings
Chapter 19 Rival Billionaire
Chapter 20 A Cry Of Desire
Chapter 21 You're In Over Your Head
Chapter 22 Love Again, Need To Breath
Chapter 23 The Other Side Of The Door
Chapter 24 Camille, The Loving Wife
Chapter 25 Early Break-Up
Chapter 26 The Possibility Of Arson (i)
Chapter 27 Safety First
Chapter 28 The Raven
Chapter 29 Police Snitch
Chapter 30 Confidentiality And Danger
Chapter 31 Historical Echoes
Chapter 32 Tactical Clap Back
Chapter 33 Historical Shadows
Chapter 34 Deceptive Threads
Chapter 35 The Truth's Disentanglement
Chapter 36 Confrontation Of Two Billionaires
Chapter 37 Beneath The Surface
Chapter 38 A Throne In Disarray
Chapter 39 A Vulnerable Presence
Chapter 40 Vigilant Gaze Of The Raven
Other books by Beauty Lee