Philip son of marshal the richest man in the country, who ran away from his farther's riches just to be with the woman he loves. His father never approved of it when Philip mentioned it in conversation, and because of that Philip ran away. Neither his parents nor his siblings knew his whereabout . Vanessa his supposed wife mistreated and cheated on him which led their separation. He departed from Vanessa. One day a young lady met Vanessa at the pub and invited her to a party, and in that party she found out Philip was actually the richest boy in town and she went about begging and telling people to beg on her behalf.
Chapter 1
Philip's POV.
I was in so much hurry to see my wife, whom I have stayed days not beholding her beautiful face. I opened the door and right there was my wife Vanessa with another man on our matrimonial bed.
I called, looking completely stunned. My eye socket looked like they were going to pull out. Reluctantly she looked at me, as i stood at the entrance holding the doorknob.
She ignored me like I never existed and continued. I could not believe my eye, as cold went down my spine, my whole body seemed to be seized as they could not function anymore.
Gradually, I was able to pick up my shredded pieces and started walking away. While on my way to the living room, I thought about it. What in God's name was that? What did I just witness right under my nose? Could this be some form of dream or something? I thought I.
Soon she joined me in the living room, shortly after seeing her lover off. "What is this thing? Vanessa" I asked my voice low and shaky. "Have you been cheating on me, all this while.?"
She ignored me and sat quietly on the couch, looking so unbothered with my question. "What did you see huh?" She said, her voice filled with arrogance. "Did you see a ghost.?"
Her response threw me completely off, not even remorseful? I thought, as I watched her quietly picked up the television remote and changed the channel unapologetically.
"We are supposed to be married ain't we?" I continued, my voice lowering down in pain. "Husband and wife, or did you forget that part.?"
I was literally speaking to myself as she totally ignored me and focused her whole attention on the television.
"Could you explain to me the meaning of what I just witnessed an hour ago, Vanessa?" She maintained her silence still, making me look like the biggest fool of the century.
"Really?So you are actually going to snub me, and act like you did not hear me?" And Immediately, she dropped the remote on the table and turned around to look at my face, for the first time since she joined me.
"Now Listen up Philip" she said her voice loud and stern. "I'm going to say this once and please do not make me repeat myself on this, ever again."
I was not so sure she was the same Vanessa I got married to, but I had to listen to every rubbish to be sure I was not missing out on something. "Listen, what you witnessed back there is just a tip of an iceberg" she continued.
"A tip of an iceberg.?"
I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "Is this actually coming from the woman I fell in love and married years back? the woman that vowed to be with me for better for the worse, in troubles and in pains? Am I missing something, Vanessa.?"
She stood up and took a step forward, towards me. "Well, I am Vanessa. That same lady who pledged to love and respect a young vibrant young man, whom I fell in love with and not this poor wretched thing sitting next to me."
I got a multiple hit on my head, at the sound of that. "A poor wretched thing" I said, my eyes dimming in surprise.
"Vanessa I have always been this man right here and you know that, so why the sudden change.?"
She smiled as she continued shaking her head. "Well I accepted to marry you, and allowed you to come stay with my mother and I. Because I thought you would get better some day, but you've certainly grown contrary to what I thought and wished for, So I can't keep up."
She said and walked away. No she's definitely joking. Wait, was that real? I thought to myself as I watched her depart.
while at the balcony, my heart kept pondering on what just played. I could not shake it off, no matter how much I tried, suddenly I saw her coming out dressed.
"Hey I'm out, I will see you when I return" She said walking away in her red dazzling dinner gown, designed with sequence. I tried to stop her, as I reached my hand to pull her back.
"Don't you dare!" She said, her voice sounding very stern. I was engulfed with fear that I could not help but watch her walk away.
No this Is not happening, can some one wake me up already? I continued mumbling to myself as I walked straight into the shower. It was hard to believe? I had to quickly jump in the bathtub for a cold bath.
I spent hours inside the bathtub and finally I was ready to go have a long sleep, that would probably be of help. I thought then reached for my towel and headed to the room.
As cream was the last thing on my mind, I climbed bed and dozed off instantly. Was still sleeping when I heard the door making noise, I quietly opened my eyes and switched on the light. It's Vanessa ? I thought to myself, then checked the time.
It was 2:30 mid hour of the night. Then I looked at Vanessa again staggering while struggling to pull her shoes. While the alcohol smell on her body, gave her her desired cologne.
Her hair looking like someone who just came out from a fight. "Did you see the time Vanessa?" I asked, my voice low but firm. While looking at a different image from whom I vouch to love.
"so what am I suppose to do with the time?" She asked, still struggling to pull her shoes. "You are my wife for God's sake, or did you forget that part?" I continued. "if you weren't using contraceptives Vanessa, you would be a mother by now. Did you also forgot that part.?"
Tears suddenly rolled down my chin. "How did this marriage got to this point Vanessa? What did I do wrong that you never liked? what really changed Vanessa? Please I really have a lot of unanswered questions going on in my head right now, can you at least help me with answers.?"
She raised her head and looked at me, then sent out a very loud belch. "When you already know an answer to a question but still insist for answers. Philip, that's when you become the biggest fool of all time" she said in her drowsy eyes.
After a long struggle with her dress, she slumped on the bed. "Please the last thing i need right now, is waste my time with you" She said and sent out another loud belch.
"Good night Philip" She said, and dozed off.
Sleep became the last option in my head, as I stayed awake watching Vanessa sleep like she was dead. "Good morning" I greeted, the moment I saw her opening her eyes. "Ouch! my head aches" She screamed holding her head. "Can I get a glass of water?" She asked, her voice faint. I hurried up, not hesitating. Off course I still love Vanessa regardless, and was ready to make my marriage work. "Sure" I said, stepped out immediately, tick tack I was back.
Then handed the glass to her. She drank the water like her whole life depended on it and passed the glass back to me. "How do you feel now?" I asked as I tried sitting next to her.
"Not completely fine" She said looking at the door side, as if I was some object next to her. "It's fine just rest okay, you will be fine before you know it" I said, then adjusted her to rest her body well on the bed.
Few seconds later she was back to sleep and I rushed in to the bathroom to watch up, coming out I saw Vanessa's mum sitting right beside Vanessa on our bed, crossing her leg.