Selene suffers a series of trauma, one of which is being an orphan and under the care of her cruel step father. "What are you peopleee?!!....please don't kill meee!!", Selene cried out loud as the thought of that moment being her last flashed before her eyes. Maximus opened his mouth so wide like he was as if he wants to suck in the whole forest like a vacuum, his fangs emerged out of his gum."GNASH!, Maximus teeth sank into Selene's arm with a crunch. "Ahhhhh!!!, Selene shouted so loud causing pigeons to fly out of their nest. Her life changes after being bitten by the ruthless Alpha of Cencades. With the help of her ancient wolf friend, she seeks revenge on the Alpha.
"He is an abomination, kill him!!!"
Cried the priest of St Augustine catholic
church, pointing at the prisoner. "Please, I
do not know what the afterlife looks like!!"
cried Octavius holding up his bleeding and
chained up hands as he's being whipped by
the guards.
"Silence!!, this world is habitat to
humans and not to half beasts, or should I
say...wolf", said the priest with a large smirk.
"Wolf?, what does he mean wolf?",
murmured one of the commoners.
"Use this!!", He cried, handing the
guard a Golden Dagger. "This you see here
is the Dagger of jakama. It grants a fate
worse than death". The guard collects the
dagger and looks into the eyes of the
"Please!! Please!! you do not have to
do this, Ahhhhh!!!" Octavius screamed.
"SLOKKK", The guard stabs Octavius in the
heart. "Put him in a coffin and throw him into
the oceans" said the priest with a huge smile
on his face.
Everyone watched as the dead
prisoner is being transported out of the
church in a carriage. "But he's...but he's only
eighteen", one of the commoners stammered
as she looses sight of the carriage.
It's another day in the town of cencades.
There's robbery in the junks store and no
one is calling nine one one. It looks pretty
normal around here. Then there's naive
Selene whoJust got home from school in her
father's old truck with one punctured tire.
"Good afternoon dad", Selene greets
her father who was napping on the couch.
"Hey can't you see I'm trying to get some
sleep here?", Mr Ragna said furiously. "I'm
sorry dad it wouldn't repeat itself", she said
while heading for her room.
Selene throws her bag on the floor
and sits on her bed covering her face and
starts sobbing. "Why does he gain pleasure
in shouting at me?", she said while crying.
Selene cried till sunset and slept off.
Mr Ragna walks up to Selene's room
"Hey!!...what'd you do to my tire?", Mr Ragna
yelled with a fierce looking face. Selene
wakes up looking so lost. "Yeah you heard
me answer me!!", Mr Ragna said
whilst squeezing the Daily gossip
"I....I....I don't know sir, it just got
flat. "Oh don't lie to me girl, I'm 4 times your
age", Ragna said. "Whatever", Selene said
as she rolls her eyes to side. Now filled with
rage Ragna points at Selene, "You will not
talk to your father this way!!", "you're my
step father!!", shouted Selene.
"Foolish girl", Ragna said as he exits
Selene's room. She wiped off her tears as
she walked towards her window and locked
eyes with Ethan, turns out he heard the
whole thing from across his window.
As the rays of the morning sun
penetrates through the eyelids of sleeping
Selene, she Jumps up from her bed, "oh my
God I'm late", she said as she dashed to the
"Bye dad, I'm late for school", she
said as she walks pass Ragna in the living
room. "Hey", Ragna cried, "give me the keys
to the truck....don't want any more
punctured tires".
"But...but I can't walk ten miles", said
selene with a frown. "No objections please!!,
Ragna shouts as he stretches his hands to
receive the keys. Selene throws the keys on
the floor and walks out on him.
On her way to school a truck
approaches her from behind and pulls
over beside her. "Get in", said Ethan staring
into her dilated pupils. "You know we need
more people like you in the neighborhood",
said Selene as she nods her head.
"Nah it's nothing", said Ethan as he
changed gears. "Hey....feel free to talk to me
anytime you feel like it", he said, maintaining
eye contact with Selene. "Umm ok", Selene
said with a smirk.
They soon arrive Cencades High, a
home to bullies. "Hello!!",...let's keep it down
please", said Mr Schneider as he searches
for his favorite blue chalk in his chalk holder.
"WEREWOLVES!!...real or myth?...anyone?",
said Mr Schneider as he writes the topic of
the day on the chalkboard.
"New girl!", he said as he points at
Selene. "You mind answering the question?".
"Yeah of course", Selene said as she stands
up. "Yes they movies of course".
"Hahahaha", the whole class laughed as she
seats, feeling like the world best comedian
for a minute.
"I think that they live amongst us",
said Tristan as he folds his hands like he's
holding unto his belief. "You know what,
everyone...go make your research and don't
forget to attend the freshmen party this
evening...the class is ended", said Mr
"Yes!!!", Said Tristan as he squeezes
his fist so tight like he's about to throw a
punch. " girl...wait up", Tristan said
as he runs in the hallway trying to catch up
with Selene.
"You think werewolves are only real
in movies?", said Tristan as he halts Selene.
"First, I'm Selene...and I really don't believe
in fiction", said Selene feeling pity for poor
"You know I've made this my life's
work", said Tristan staring into the eyes of
Selene. "Made what?", Selene asked. "The
hunt for the supernatural...hey what're you
looking at", said Tristan looking perplexed as
Selene wasn't paying attention to him.
"Who's that?", Selene said as she
admired the six foot dude in a black jacket
standing close to his locker opposite hers.
"Oh that...that's Luis, the best basketball
player in Cencades high...I bet he believes in
the supernatural", Tristan said as he waves
at Luis.
"Oh stop waving", Selene said in a very
low tone. "Why?", Tristan asked as he
giggles. "I don't know....just stop", Selene
said as she closes her locker. "Someone's in
loveee", Tristan said as he giggles, "I'm
Tristan by the way I live downtown
Cencades....catch you later" Tristan said as
he exits her space.
As dawn drew nearer, It dawned on
Selene that it was time to go home. She took
her bags and starts searching for Ethan in
the freshmen party happening in the open
field of cencades high.
"Hey...finally...there you are", she says
as she approaches Ethan. "Uhhh...don't you
think we should wait a little?, I mean I'm
enjoying it out here", Ethan says as he hands
her a cup of liquor.
"I don't drink", selene said with a
chuckle. "First time for everything", Ethan
said as he spreads out his arms so wide like
he's about to fly. "Oh whatever...give it to
me", selene says as she collects the glass of
"Now you're talking", Ethan says as he
mocks the way she sips the content of the
glass like an infant taking her first ever
liquid. "I'll have that", Genevieve says as she
snatches Ethan's glass, joining the
conversation with her friend Liz.
"Hey!" Tristan says spreading his arms
out with a perplexed looking face. Genevieve
looks at Selene from head to toe like she's
some kind of suspect and goes, "Hey, I'm
Genevieve...this is Liz".
"Hi", Liz says as she waves at Selene.
"SAALENE", Selene burbs. "Hahahaha", the
threesome laughed. "My bad", Selene says.
"You guys got tequila?", Tristan says as he
appeared from nowhere.
"Aren't you underaged?, Genevieve
giggles. "Don't tell my mom", Tristan
whispers. "Aaaand the freshman of the
year goes to...Luisss!!", the Party host yells
as he welcome Luis to the stage and hands
him a gift.
Luis receives his prize, waves his hand
with a huge smile and enjoyed the moment
while it lasted. Selene looks at Luis as he
walks down from the stage and is now
heading towards her.
"Oh my God he's coming here", Genevieve
said, filled with excitement. "Hi, I'm Luis", he
said as he offers Selene his hand for a shake
with a smile on his face, "Selene", Selene
said as she holds his thick big hands.
"Hi guys", Luis said waving at the rest.
As the six teenagers became engrossed
with the party, a pair of glowing red eyes
watched them from the shadows.
Other books by Patrick Parker