A forbidden love story. Theirs is a love fated but forbidden. Forbidden by a promise and a curse. A love that kills and a curse that binds. When Freya is captured by the powerful and cruel alpha of Wulfgar, she is depressed but with this comes a determination for revenge. Revenge on the wolves for making her life miserable. The Alpha of Wulfgar on the other hand is determined to make her life even more miserable but fate has something more in store for them.
He pulls at the rope and she tries not to follow the pull but he is as strong as the rumors said. She is not strong enough to resist his pull so she follows it till she is in very close proximity to him, her eyes meet his dark ones and all she sees is the darkness within.
"You should know that you are in Wulfgar now and you are nothing but a dog here," he says coldly and she gives him a hateful stare. A ball of spittle forms in her mouth and she doesn't hesitate to throw it on his face.
There are gasps of surprise in the room and the soldiers catch a hold of her again, beating her up till she does not feel her skin anymore.
"Stop! She'll need her strength for what she'll see outside" The alpha says after cleaning his face with a handkerchief provided by Dominic, his right-hand man.
"Let's go," the Alpha says and she is dragged to the large doors of the mansion. It's swung open and they step outside to see a large crowd of werewolves. Much larger than the crowd she had seen when she was first captured a week ago.
The crowd's chants become louder and almost maddening as they walk through the gates. The soldiers clear the way and they walk in-between the thick crowd. She is dragged like a dog and to the center of the crowd where there is a raised platform. The sight that meets her as she gets closer almost cripples her.
There, kneeling on the dirty earth, their body battered and bruised were two figures she would recognize anywhere. Behind them was an executionist. He was dressed in black pants, wore a black mask, and carried a large knife.
Lucas and Lola, wolf hunters, her companions, friends, and the only family she could boast of having. They had been with her when she was captured but she had managed to make them escape.
How did the werewolves find them?
This question plagues her mind as they get to the platform. The Alpha raises his hands and the crowd goes quiet. The only sound she hears is her heart pounding in her ears. Her eyes widen and she is frightened. She felt raw fear for the first time since she was captured.
She gives her teammates probing looks and when they look back at her. She recognizes the fire in their eyes. She had been like that when she was first captured mere minutes ago. At that point, she knew the end had come. The werewolves were going to kill them.
The Alpha starts speaking. His voice was bland but loud.
"When I was made Alpha of Wulfgar, I promised that I would make the best decisions for us and protect the interest of this great territory and I have been doing that. This is a message that werewolves should never be messed with. " He finishes and signals to the executionist to go ahead.
The cries and shouts of ululation from the crowd are almost deafening.
"Please! Please" she begs and falls on her knees in front of the alpha.
"Spare them, I pulled the trigger. I'm the leader of the group. They didn't do anything."
"Please, my lord. I will do anything you want. Don't, please" she begs, falling on her knees and crying. They can have her but not Lucas and Lola.
The Alpha gives her a blank look and nods. She hears the sound first and turns to see Lucas' head, detached from his body rolling down the platform and to the feet of the werewolves.
She turns to look at his fallen body and see the executionist raise his knife again. She closes her eyes before she hears the sickening thud of head on earth.
Her breath is gone. She chokes on her shock. She watches in terror as the crowd takes the detached heads and raises them in triumph. Her senses are dull. she can't feel anything but pain, her auditory sense stops functioning, her legs give way and she falls to the ground, watching.
It's all she can do. For the first time, she accepts that she's helpless and useless. The will to live slowly evaporates. There was nothing to live for anymore.
She can't help but wonder maybe if she didn't hate the werewolves so much, Lucas and Lola would still be alive. She can't help but blame herself for their death.
She doesn't feel it when she's carried and taken back to her prison cell.