"Sweetheart, last night you must have been more tipsy than you realized because you came into my room last night. Not Luke's. I was asleep when I felt you rubbing those curves against me, and soon, you were taking me fully, like a mare in heat.""Holy shit!" Chloe said Chloe and her boyfriend, Luke had a fight and broke up. She decided to go for a drink and planned on going back to him and making up over sex like they usually do, but ended up in her boyfriend's dad's room and they had a mind-blowing sex. What will happen when she finds out that she had sex with her boyfriend's dad and not her boyfriend, Luke? Find out in this capitivating story!!!
"What movie should we watch?" Luke asks Chloe with a disinterested yawn. With his black hair and blue eyes, he is undoubtedly attractive, although he has the pale skin and soft limbs of a professional video game player.
Chloe opens her mouth to answer, but Luke just keeps going while fidgeting with the remote control. "I was thinking about the first movie in that car franchise that's been around for a few years. You know how much I love the explosions."
Chloe's lips purse.
Chloe and her boyfriend, Luke, spend almost all of their time at Luke's house. Chloe felt it makes no sense because she lives in an apartment with one roommate who's almost never home, so they would have a lot of privacy. On the other hand, Luke lives with his father who is always home, so they could be interrupted at any moment. Not that Chloe hates her boyfriend's dad, but still. What if he walks in while things are getting hot and heavy between her and Luke? That would be so embarrassing. At least she wants thought.
Yet tonight, they were at his dad's house
"I thought maybe we could watch something different tonight. Maybe something with more dialogue?" Chloe finally speaks.
Luke shrugs.
"Come on, babe, I've had a long week. I just want to unwind with some crazy stunts. I don't want to actually have to and you know the dialogue in these types of movies is bad anyways."
Chloe rolls her eyes. This is the reason they mostly argue. Luke lives asking for her opinion but ends up waving it aside. She feels that he only asks her as a courtesy, and not because her opinion really matters. She angrily crosses her arms over her chest and tries to keep a smile on her face because she doesn't want to get into it tonight.
"Why has it been a long week?" she asks in a placating tone. "Have you been competing a lot?"
Luke shakes his head.
"Nope, not this week. I did beat that game I've been playing, but I didn't do it live, and you know that doing it live is what counts. But practice makes perfect! I need to keep building up my skills so I can take the world by storm. It's all about finger strength and hand-eye coordination, you know?" he asks, flexing his digits to show her.
Chloe tried so hard to hide her sigh. She considers her boyfriend's job strange, but at least he has a job. Although he is yet to make any actual money playing video games, Chloe keeps encouraging him to branch out because maybe he could get some endorsements or even earn some ad revenue from starting a website, but Luke's adamant. He considers himself a "pure professional" and doing anything other than playing video games would be "selling out" and "untrue to his gift." To her, it's just called being stubborn.
"I'm sure your finger strength is pretty fine," she says a bit grudgingly. Chloe is trying to be supportive of Luke's passion, but it's really hard when she has to pay for almost all their dates. It's tough because she doesn't do that much waitressing at a diner, and she has a lot more bills than Luke, seeing that he still lives at home with his father.
Chloe keeps quiet as Luke flips on the car movie. As the opening scene begins, her heart sinks. She felt it was going to be really bad, seeing that the opening credits are obviously very cheap and could have been put together by a fifteen year-old nerd. Ugh.
Plus, she generally dislike these types of films because the plot is non-existent. But to her surprise, the movie improves as it goes along. Come to think of it, it's not that bad actually. She likes the sassy girlfriend, and certainly hope she gets her own car instead of always having to ride shotgun. But then Luke yawns and slings an arm about her shoulders.
"I'm hungry," Luke announces.
Chloe looks at the empty pizza box on the table. "Yes, but we just ate."
Saying 'we' was an overstatement because Luke practically devoured almost the entire pie by himself, citing his stress from work. Meanwhile, Chloe was lucky to grab two slices before the pizza was gone.
"Yeah, but I'm hungry again," Luke whines.
Chloe felt her temper rise. It was a long day at the diner, and she really did not wish to cater to one more demanding customer.
"Well, then, maybe you should go to the kitchen and get a snack. Your dad keeps the shelves well-stocked, and I swear I saw some chocolates from Switzerland in the back the last time I was here." Chloe replies.
After all, the Holts are rich. Julian is an attorney with a very successful practice, and as a result, he and his son eat well. In fact, they have a maid who does most of the grocery shopping, so they definitely have a full pantry. Meanwhile, Chloe mostly eats the free food from Harry's, which is pretty greasy and unhealthy, but beggars can't be choosers. She saves a lot by eating for free at the diner, and she was not about to overlook that gift.
Luke shoots her a harsh look. "You know how much I love this movie, Chloe. I don't know why you want me to get up to get a snack when I know you're not into this movie at all."
Chloe stares at him coldly.
"You can pause the movie. It's not like you're going to miss out on any crucial plot twists." she replies, getting angry already.
Luke scoffs. "Come on, Chloe. Let me watch my movie!" he demands. "How about you go into the kitchen and make us some popcorn? You're so good at it, being a waitress and all."
Chloe stares at him. Harry's doesn't serve popcorn, and she is a waitress, not a chef.
"Yeah, but I worked all week. I just got off a long shift, in fact." she replies, still glued to the chair.
"Yeah, but that's not really anything," Luke pouts. "I know that job is easy for you and you could do it with your eyes closed."
Chloe blows out a breath. Being a waitress comes easily to her because she is a good fit for the position. She likes interacting with customers, and she is good at taking orders and making sure people get their food on time. But still, that doesn't justify classifying her as a popcorn popper! She tries one last time to reason with her boyfriend, gritting her teeth.
"I'm a waitress, which means I'm on my feet all day when I'm at work. I don't just sit on the couch, and I'm tired today."
Luke merely shrugs, his eyes glued to the screen.
"If you stand all day, then you're used to it. You can stand by the microwave and make me some popcorn. Or better yet, I think we just got one of those Air-O-Matic Poppers. You know, that fancy machine where you pour whole kernels inside? Look around the cupboards," he instructs. "I know Maria hid it in there somewhere." he turns to face the screen.
Giving up, Chloe throws her hands up in the air. She is so tired of fighting, so she decided to make popcorn. She storms into the kitchen and yanks open the pantry door, but the Holts' pantry is like a Costco, it's so big. It's stocked to the ceiling with any type of food stuff you might need, and after a few minutes, she gave up trying to look for the Air-O-Matic, and decided to use the microwave.
Chapter 1 The Movie
Chapter 2 Just another fight
Chapter 3 Supposed make up sex I
Chapter 4 Supposed make up sex II
Chapter 5 The truth
Chapter 6 Sneaky link
Chapter 7 Luke's deception
Chapter 8 Intimate moment I
Chapter 9 Intimate moment II
Chapter 10 Luke's habit
Chapter 11 Shadows in the secret
Chapter 12 Between two worlds
Chapter 13 The breaking point
Other books by Tobi.