The ruthless DuSang vampire siblings - Kristof, Tristan, Lyriq, and Adele - must adapt to a new reality in which supernaturals are forced to coexist with humans. For centuries, they've fed on humans to sustain their immortal lives. But with the enforcement of the "Supernatural Harmony Act," they're forced to adjust. Seeking a fresh start, the DuSangs relocate to the quaint town of Windermere Cove. Their plan: blend in, find alternative sustenance, and maintain their family's power. However, their plan seemed impossible when they hired a shy Daisy Flynn who is timid and a human maid who couldn't be compelled-a rare phenomenon. Unbeknownst to them, Daisy is nature's way of punishing them: she's the fated mate not to one but to three of the DuSang siblings. What will this fate bring to all of them?
"We are bad vampires. There's no way we can be good again!" Lyriq whined as the black sedan pulled up in the winding driveway.
The DuSang siblings caught the first glimpse of their new mansion. It was a grand, Victorian-style mansion that would hopefully help with their fresh start.
Of all the four siblings, Lyriq, who was the youngest, whistled as his eyes scanned the grandeur.
"It's Insane, you know-hiring just one maid for this entire estate," he said, shaking his head. "We'll be lucky if she doesn't lose her mind."
Adele, the eldest sibling, rolled her eyes, her raven black hair glistening in the sunlight. "Lyriq, please. We need to learn to adapt to living with humans without feeding on their blood. We are still working on our control, so I'm sure you can see how living in a house full of humans is not a good idea. Let's see how well we perform with living with one for now. This is a new beginning."
"And I don't suppose hiring a vampire or supernatural being to work for us isn't an option, little brother. That is a role ONLY humans play." Tristan, the third and second to the youngest chimed in sarcastically.
The sarcasm wasn't lost on Lyriq. "Yeah, well, Albert Einstein, how about you tell me how we are supposed to live with food without eating it? It's like asking us to ignore our nature. Humans work for us, and we snack on them from time to time. That's how it should be!"
"Well, not anymore." Adele patted Lyriq before stepping out of the car.
Kristof, who was already getting bored by his sibling's debate, stepped out of the car. He knew this new Act of Order would shake not only them, but the entire supernatural faction except for the witches, of course, since this was their doing.
Those self-absorbed do-gooders. He was not a fan!
His blue eyes surveyed their new home. The mansion's stone walls bore witness to centuries of history. This was just another one of their old properties.
He felt a thrill of anticipation. This stupid order wouldn't last for long anyway. What they needed to do was to endure until a resistance emerged and, perhaps, a war broke out.
The other supernaturals like them wouldn't let the witches do this to them without a fight. That much, he could bet on.
"I still don't see how we are to live with someone who is basically our three-course meal."'Lyriq hissed, adjusting his black bomber jacket.
"We're about to find out," Kristof sighed, speaking for the first time since the drive.
As he spoke, a strong and alluring scent wafted into his nose, drawing his attention to the mansion's entrance, and out came a rather petite figure.
This must be her... Daisy Flynn, their newly hired maid. Adele had bled their ears out all through the drive with information about the girl.
Now that he had finally set his eyes on her, every iota of control in Kristof dissipated. Why on earth did she smell so delicious?
She was a reasonable distance away from them, definitely not bleeding, and yet, her blood smelled stronger than that of a bleeding human nearby.
This little human, who the hell was she?
The oblivious Daisy Flynn curtsied and greeted them with a warm smile.
"Welcome to your new home, masters," she said in the softest and most melodious voice Kristof had ever heard in his entire three hundred-and-four years of existence. "I'm Daisy Flynn, your maid. I'm looking forward to working with you."
Kristof's gaze sealed onto Daisy, taking in her silky skin and innocent eyes. Something stirred within him, a spark he quickly extinguished.
Her flowing auburn hair was romanticizing the breeze and her emerald eyes glinted even from afar. She wore a simple white dress, her innocence and vulnerability evident in her demeanor.
The three vampire brothers felt it simultaneously – an inexplicable bond, like an electric spark. A tingling sensation... something calling onto them.
Lyriq's eyes widened.
"Did you hear that?" he whispered.
Tristan's gaze remained fixed on Daisy. "I do, brother. It's the sound of blood running through her veins."
Kristof's thoughts drifted to the rhythmic beat of Daisy's heart. The thump-thump sound was even louder than the melody the breeze seemed to carry at the presence of her.
No. He needed to show some restraint. He couldn't lose control at the mere sight of one human. They had just passed through hundreds of humans on their way, and yet, none made him lose control.
He pushed the thought aside.
Adele frowned. "Boys, behave."
"Don't you feel it too, sister?" Tristan turned a curious eyebrow at Adele.
"Feel what?" She blurted out in wonder.
What? Adele didn't feel it too? From the looks of it, it seemed Lyriq and Tristan were affected by Daisy just as much as he was, Kristof thought to himself.
However, for some reason, Adele didn't share in this experience.
"That. The strong aroma of her blood or how inviting her entire presence is, sister. Cut the act. You're a vampire, and you're allowed to crave a human," Tristan scoffed.
Adele's eyes went round. "We just fed about four hours ago. I'm not a greedy vampire, Tristan and Daisy's blood sure as hell smells just as normal as any regular human's would."
Daisy, who was confused that her new masters hadn't returned her greeting stood there, scratching her arm sheepishly.
She looked so vulnerable, so clueless and so... delicious. Kristof gnashed his teeth together just to suppress his hunger.
He couldn't lose it. Not here. Not like this. This meant a lot to them and he couldn't ruin it for them. The fact that they were even willing to try and start afresh was a lot.
He couldn't destroy that before they even started. But, oh dear little Daisy, what is it about you?
Thankfully, the distance between them and her wouldn't permit a human to hear their conversation.
"If you are all going to be irresponsible and ruin our entire plan, then..."
Before Adele could finish her sentence, Lyriq sped toward Daisy, baring his fangs.
"I must have a taste," he growled, his eyes burning with hunger.
Oh, no. Kristof pressed his lips together. Lyriq was going to get them captured.
The sight of fangs, bloody eyes, and that unbelievable speed made Daisy shriek, stumbling backward.
"Ahhhh!" She screamed, extremely panic-stricken.
Adele, who took on the maternal role in their parentless family, intervened. She sped towards the duo, grasping Lyriq's arm before he could dip his fangs into Daisy's neck.
"Lyriq, stop!" she commanded. "You can't hurt her."
Daisy's eyes remained fixed on Lyriq's vampire form, her face pale. "Please, don't hurt me!" She sobbed.
"No one is going to hurt you, honey." Adele took her shaky hands and looked deep into her eyes.
"You will forget what you have just seen. You came out to welcome us, and we received you very nicely as any good master will."
Adele's attempt to compel Daisy to forget what she had witnessed had no effect. Daisy remained petrified, her eyes wide with fear.
"Please, don't hurt me," she pleaded. "Let me go."
What's going on? Kristof's mouth fell open. Compulsion never failed.
"No way..." Lyriq breathed.
Adele tried again, and again, and again, all to no avail. Daisy's entire body was covered in sweat now as she continued to beg for mercy.
Tristan, the smartest of them all announced. "She can't be compelled."
For the first time in a long time, Adele seemed to be taken off guard and not 'in control of the situation'.
"B-but that's not possible." She stammered. "What human can resist compulsion?"
Tristan's eyes narrowed. "What do we do now? She knows about us."
"Kill her, of course." Lyriq grinned, smacking his lips.
Daisy's pleas turned desperate at the sound of her potential death. "Please, don't hurt me! I'll keep your secrets, I swear! Just let me go!"
The siblings exchanged uneasy glances. Kristof's expression turned calculating.
This changes everything. For some reason, he didn't want her dead. She was definitely unusual and if there was one thing he loved, it was piecing the pieces of puzzle together.
Without a word, he sped toward Daisy, his movements faster than a blur. He struck her at the back of her head, and she slumped into his arms, unconscious.
The others gasped, shocked.
"What are you doing, Kristof?!" Adele demanded, enraged.
"I just knocked her out," Kristof replied calmly. "When she wakes, we'll tell her she had a bad dream."
Tristan raised an eyebrow. "And then?"
Kristof's gaze trailed on Daisy's peaceful face.
"We'll figure it out."
As he held Daisy, Kristof felt an unfamiliar pang – as though every breath she took was awakening a deep-rooted, but formerly slumbering longing within him.
Who was this human? Why was she so alluring and why couldn't they compel her?
Their complicated life had just definitely gotten a lot more complicated.
Chapter 1 Meeting The innocent Daisy Flynn
Chapter 2 The Unexpected Kiss
Chapter 3 Drawn To Her
Chapter 4 Meeting The Brothers
Chapter 5 They are Charming
Chapter 6 The Haunting Voice
Chapter 7 The Cursed Mansion
Chapter 8 Is She Safe
Chapter 9 My Maia
Chapter 10 Possessed
Chapter 11 The Possessed Daisy
Chapter 12 She Would Win
Chapter 13 Flirting Away
Chapter 14 A Crack in The Armor
Chapter 15 Sabina Aldergrove
Chapter 16 The Missing Harbinger Blade
Chapter 17 Need a Locator Spell
Chapter 18 A Warlock
Chapter 19 What if Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 20 Is She Our Mate
Chapter 21 Old Friend
Chapter 22 The DuSangs Vs. The Warlock
Chapter 23 You Are Outnumbered.
Chapter 24 Bite Me, Lyriq
Chapter 25 Mated To Him
Chapter 26 Run, Girl, Run
Chapter 27 Leave Me Alone!
Chapter 28 He Drained Her Blood
Chapter 29 Don't Pull Away
Chapter 30 Playing The Cards Right
Chapter 31 Something is Terribly Wrong
Chapter 32 We Need a Witch
Chapter 33 Trapped and Tortured
Chapter 34 Don't Kill Him
Chapter 35 Food Found Us
Chapter 36 Time To Be a Vampire Again
Chapter 37 Will The Witch Help
Chapter 38 The Scorned Witch
Chapter 39 Saving Our Siblings
Chapter 40 He Can't Be Compelled
Other books by Heesha_TA