He had always wondered what it would be like to meet a girl who was as crazy as he was, who would like the same things he liked, and wouldn't run screaming her head off once he suggested something new. In college, he had tried to connect with some girls he met, but he quickly got a reputation for being a deranged sex-maniac. One look of disgust was enough to swear him off intimacy during college, and graduating hadn't really changed his prospects. Looking like a homicidal maniac with a brain that persisted in seeing stuff it liked, didn't help either. Yes, women were more in touch with their needs and wants nowadays, but it seemed his specific brand of craziness was elusive. It took a trip to another continent to find her. Now he had all he ever wanted, but he was going to lose her because of a hidden truth and a blast from the past. From experience, he knew that good things never lasted. Not in his world at least. However, he would fight tooth and nail; burn the world down to keep his beautiful vixen. No matter the cost, he was going to save her, and damn anything that stood in his way.
Dayo was getting on my nerves. It's like he woke up with the singular purpose of continuing a conversation we had been having for months, one which I might add, I had no interest in. Looking outside the window, I wonder if I could chuck him out of the plane. Would that be classified as murder? Maybe I can claim extenuating circumstances when questioned by the police... Or I could just gag him for the rest of the flight. Or drown him in his soup. Ha! That seems like a fun way to go. Instant peace and quiet.
"Bro, thinking murderous thoughts won't stop this conversation. I'll just haunt you forever as a ghost. I'm sure I'll make a cute ghost, don't you think?"
The idiot I call my best friend blinks at me extra slowly, and I can't help but laugh.
"When have you ever heard the words cute and ghost together?"
Dayo laughs with me and stretches his legs better. At both six feet several inches tall, first class was the only way to travel. Earlier on in our career, we had slummed it up in economy but never again, thank God.
"So, how far are you on your presentation?"
Running a hand through my black hair, I smirk at my best friend and proudly announce that I'm all done.
"Just a few finishing touches and we are good to go."
He sees my raised eyebrows and hits me lightly on the shoulder "Bro, I swear, this won't be like Barbados." "It better not be. Now, I'm going to get some shut-eye. Wake me up when the plane lands, man."
I know Dayo can never sleep on planes, no matter how long the flight is. When you've been through the shit I've been though, a plane crash is nothing to worry about. So, I close my eyes, recline my seat, and get some rest.
I sit up once I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder.
"I still get freaked out when you wake up fully alert like that, K. Any ways, plane's about to land."
"Thanks, man."
Sitting up, I listen as the flight attendants welcome us to Germany. Having flown many times, I zone out of the obligatory announcements about local time, and the usual admonishments about safety. Instead, I start mentally running over the presentation we have tomorrow at the International cybersecurity conference we attend every year.
Immigration is a breeze and I appreciate the benefits of weather forecasts when we step out into significantly colder weather than the one we left at home. Luckily, we find a taxi pretty quickly, and we are on our way to our hotel. Dayo chats amiably with our elderly driver, while he navigates the roads leading to our hotel.
"Damn, our next conference had better be in the summer. Probably in the Maldives or something."
"Quit your complaining, K. Cologne is beautiful and I can't wait to explore the museums, and the Cologne Cathedral." Leaning forward, he asks the driver "Sir, I know it's only October, but would the Christmas markets be open?"
Our driver turned his head slightly and said "Nein, nein."
"I don't speak German, but even I know that's no. Dee, why would a Christmas market be open in October? That's how y'all play in your village?"
"Shut up Kay-den, the fact that you got your dad's hair does not mean we aren't from the same village."
Laughing, I turn and stare at the view outside the car. Without looking at Dayo, I reply "Emphasizing my name doesn't make me feel bad, Dayo." His scoff makes my smile grow wider.
The road winds a bit, and the River Rhine glitters beside it like a slumbering yet sentient serpent. The serpent undulates and I can barely make out wild, sea foam eyes looking at me while keeping pace with the car. Shaking my head at my thoughts, I focus and realize the driver is pulling into Hotel Ernst.
"Wow, Kaden. This place is nice! You always pick great hotels, so I am not surprised."
Shoving him a bit, I smirk and say, "You like everything, but you know I have certain specifications for anywhere I sleep." Our gazes meet, and we share a sober moment, which I lighten up by slinging my arm around his neck "Don't worry, Dayo. I'll let you pick your room first."
The hotel is truly something, I muse as we walk in through towering pillars into a modern, yet warm hall. Maybe it's the green plants strategically placed around the reception hall, or the comfortable looking couches placed in clusters for weary travelers.
"Welcome to Hotel Ernst. My name is Cynthia, and I will be your personal assistant throughout your stay." I smile at the blonde bombshell with big blue eyes and murmur a greeting to her. My best friend, on the other hand, is all smiles and glittering teeth as he takes her hand to press a chaste kiss on it.
"Oh wow, I'm sure my stay will be wonderful with you overseeing everything."
Cynthia looks slightly dazed but recovers admirably.
"I'll show you to your suites now. Please follow me"
Dayo flirts with Cynthia throughout the elevator ride to the third floor. Stepping out, the poor girl is red all over and I am quick to bid her and Dayo a good night. I set up my portable scanner to check the suite, then take a long, hot shower; Powering up my laptop to go over my presentation the next day, I idly muse about Sol Security, the company I co-own with Dayo. It's been five years of blood, sweat, and tears to grow a fledgling brand into a sought after name in Australia, but I am quite proud of our success. By 10pm, jetlag is kicking my butt, and I get ready to sleep. One good thing about being bone tired is the fact that my sleep will be deep and dreamless. My last thoughts as I drift off is to thank God for simple mercies.
Morning comes quickly and I run through my presentation again as I shower and eat breakfast with Dayo. He looks chipper in a collared shirt, sweater, and pants, despite the dark circles under his eyes.
"Sleep well?"
Taking a sip of his coffee, he smirks at me as he says, "You know damn well I didn't sleep well. Totally worth it though."
Shaking my head, I drain my cup and stand up.
"Let's go. We need to set up our booth."
The conference is being held on the ground floor and we quickly set up our booth in our assigned space. Leaving Dayo to man the booth for the first half of the conference, I make my way inside the hall and set up my presentation. Both presentations went well, and we were able to make some connections with some possible clients.
Back in the elevator that afternoon, Dayo is in great spirits. The man is literally bouncing on his toes with excitement, which is quite amusing to see. I'm happy too, but I've learnt to be less effusive with my feelings. Everything needs to be kept under control.
"Man, we are celebrating tonight, Kaden! Let's meet up for drinks after dinner, yeah? I need to take a quick nap."
Shoving him playfully, I mimic him using a baby voice "I need to take a quick nap. What are you, a child?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, see you later bro."
Chapter 1 How to murder your best friend
Chapter 2 Bad deeds in dark places (I)
Chapter 3 Bad deeds in dark places (2)
Chapter 4 Fire and spice and everything nice
Chapter 5 Sex so good your brain stops working
Chapter 6 When it rains it pours
Chapter 7 Kismet
Chapter 8 Stepping it up
Chapter 9 Houston, we have a problem!
Chapter 10 There's love, there's need, and there's whatever is happening here
Chapter 11 Ghost hunt (I)
Chapter 12 Ghost hunt (II)
Chapter 13 Ghost hunt (III)
Chapter 14 Punching through trauma (I)
Chapter 15 Punching through trauma (II)
Chapter 16 Bugs crawling out of the woodwork
Chapter 17 What's in a name
Chapter 18 The cat and the tiger