He bowed his head and willed his tears to not drop from his eyes. "I have absolutely nothing, Troy. I am nothing and I know that, but please, help me. She'll die if you don't." "Oh, really?" Troy asked in fake sympathy. "What do you need from me, Nelson?" Troy asked calmly this time and Nelson looked up in high expectations. "$ 700,000 is all I ask for, Troy. That's how much is needed to cover her surgery costs." "That is a lot of money, Nelson, and you know that money isn't one to come by easily," Troy said, drinking directly from his champagne bottle. The bottle's tag read the cost to be $ 1, 000,000. "I know, but I promise to be your servant till I am able to repay." Nelson was desperate and he knew that time was running out. ***** Nelson unfortunately lost his mother due to lack of money for her medical bills. He had taken every possible option to raise the money but was treated as trash. However, the saddened event resulted in his turnaround as he now inherited a trillion-dollar empire. The school's pauper has risen to surpass everyone.
A Mother's Love
Everyone craved riches and wealth, but for Nelson Baristan, all he craved was his mother's happiness. He knew he was her pride and joy, the reason behind her tireless efforts, and he had vowed never to take her sacrifices for granted. Life wasn't perfect, but as long as he had his mother, his girlfriend Elven, and his dreams, Nelson believed he could handle anything.
Getting into BrainWhite University, the most prestigious private university in New York, was a dream come true for someone from his humble background. Nelson had earned his spot through relentless hard work and a 50% scholarship. The day he shared the news with his mother, she hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face, and praised him.
His mother, Victoria Baristan, was a jack of all trades, working various odd jobs to make ends meet. Despite the hardships, she never complained or spoke ill of anyone. She often returned home exhausted but always found the strength to hold Nelson close and remind him of better days ahead.
When Nelson turned sixteen, he started working as a pizza delivery guy despite his mother's objections. Weekdays were for school and pizza deliveries, while weekends were spent helping his mother with her jobs. His diligence earned him generous customer tips and favors, easing some of their financial burdens.
On the first day of school after summer break, Victoria fussed over him as if he were still a little boy.
"Nelson, are you sure you've packed everything? Your books? Lunch?" she asked, hovering as he adjusted his bag straps.
"Mum," Nelson said, suppressing a grin. "I'm eighteen, not five. You don't have to worry so much."
"You'll always be my little boy," she replied, brushing imaginary dust off his shoulder.
He chuckled and gently held her hands. "I promise to be careful and do everything you've reminded me about-multiple times."
Victoria sighed dramatically, cupping his cheeks. "You're growing up so fast. My handsome young man."
Nelson kissed her palms affectionately. "And you're still treating me like a baby, Mum."
"Nonsense!" she scolded, her tone playful. "Now eat up before your breakfast gets cold."
Nelson groaned but obeyed, walking to the kitchen counter where a plate of omelette and a steaming cup of tea awaited him. Just as he took a sip, Victoria's voice rang out.
"Nelson Baristan! Do we drink tea standing like barbarians in this house?"
He rolled his eyes and gave her a mock bow. "My deepest apologies, Victoria Baristan. I shall now dine at the table like the fine gentleman you've raised me to be."
Victoria laughed, her stern expression softening. "That's more like it."
As he ate, she watched him fondly, a content smile on her lips.
"The food is delicious, Mum. Thank you," he said, finishing quickly but politely.
"Good. Now, don't forget to do the dishes before you leave," she replied, her tone light but firm.
Nelson groaned theatrically. "You wound me, Mother. After such a sumptuous breakfast, I must still do chores?"
"Always the drama," Victoria teased.
Once he finished the dishes, he grabbed his bag. "Am I free to leave now, Your Majesty?"
"Not until you give me a kiss goodbye," she said sassily, tilting her cheek toward him.
Nelson laughed, leaned in, and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Mum."
"I love you more, my darling," she replied, her voice warm. "I'll head out later to look for another job to help with your tuition."
"Mum, you don't have to," Nelson said, his brows knitting together. "I told you I'd handle it."
Victoria shook her head. "Not. You worked all summer without a break. I won't let you overwork yourself during the semester too."
"No buts!" she interjected. "You're my treasure, Nelson, and I'll do whatever it takes to ensure you get the best. You deserve it."
Knowing he couldn't win this argument, Nelson sighed. "Thank you, Mum. Bye!"
As he stepped out, he glanced back to see her standing in the doorway, waving with a proud smile.
Nelson quickened his pace. He was determined to make a strong first impression at BrainWhite University. His dreams were big, and the road ahead was long, but he had all the motivation he needed in the love of the woman who had given him everything.
Other books by Namuelshi