She was the little human girl who kept disrupting his privacy ,always curios about what the college deep secret was all about ,why the vampires seem different than the outside world told about them. He on the other hand was the person who was intrigued by her courage and sweetness her resilient manner and her thirst to learn more ,it seem the more be saw her the more he wanted a small bite from that fair neck. His deep red eyes blinked stared at her his voice low as he questioned."should I bite."?
1568, English Countryside*
The warm sunlight streamed through the windows of the small cottage, illuminating the cozy living room. Freshly cut grass scented the air. Emily, a bright-eyed 18-year-old, burst through the creaky front door, a triumphant smile spreading across her face.
With a joyful whoop, Emily flung a crumpled piece of paper into the air, watching it float lazily downward. Her laughter echoed through the quiet afternoon.
"Mama! Papa!" Emily exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement.
Her parents, Elizabeth and Thomas, emerged from the kitchen, curiosity etched on their faces.
"What's all the commotion, dear?" Elizabeth asked, a warm smile on her face.
Emily's eyes sparkled. "I got in! I got accepted into Dreamweaver college on scholarship, I'm going to college."
Elizabeth's smile faltered, replaced by a concerned expression. "Dreamweaver College, you say?" Thomas's brow furrowed.
Emily nodded, confusion creeping onto her face. "Yes, Mama, Papa. It's a prestigious institution."
Elizabeth's voice dropped to a whisper. "The one where humans and vampires attend together?"
Thomas's eyes narrowed. "Emily, we've warned you about associating with...those creatures."
Emily's smile wilted. "But, Mama, Papa, it's an opportunity of a lifetime."
Their sudden disapproval left Emily perplexed and worried.
"You are our only child Emily we can't let you go to such a dangerous place." Her father said.
Emily's determination grew. "Mama, Papa, you don't understand. Dreamweaver College has strict rules. Vampires can't take blood from anyone unwilling. It's a place of learning, not danger."
Elizabeth's expression remained skeptical. "We've heard rumors, Emily. Rumors of mind control and manipulation."
Thomas's voice firm, "We won't let you risk your safety, Emily."
Emily's voice rose. "But what about my future? My dreams? You're afraid of what you don't understand."
A tense silence fell, the air thick with unspoken fears and hopes.
Emily's words struck a chord. Elizabeth's expression softened, and Thomas's grip on his chair loosened.
"Tell us more about these rules, Emily," Elizabeth said, her voice cautious.
Emily seized the opportunity. "The college has a strict code of conduct. Vampires are required to take a blood oath, swearing to respect human boundaries. They're also required to attend special classes to learn how to control their... thirst,and they were allowed to have blood servants too ,who serve them blood willingly and this prevent them from hurting people."
Thomas raised an eyebrow. "And what about the humans? Are they prepared to deal with... vampires?"
Emily nodded. "Yes, Papa. Humans are taught how to defend themselves and how to recognize the signs of vampire manipulation. It's a mutual understanding, built on respect and trust."
The room fell silent as Emily's parents digested this information. Finally, Elizabeth spoke up.
"We'll think about it, Emily. But promise us one thing: you'll be careful, and you'll come to us if you ever feel uncomfortable or threatened."
Emily's face lit up with hope. "I promise, Mama. Papa."
Thomas nodded, a small smile on his face. "We'll discuss this further, but for now... congratulations, Emily. You've worked hard for this."
Emily beamed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.
During dinner time Emily seemed very happy ,she was eating Every single thing that was put on her plate with a happy smile.
"Emily don't eat too much ,or your stomach night ache later."
Emily savored each bite, her happiness palpable. Thomas and Elizabeth exchanged knowing glances, their concerns easing.
As dinner concluded, Elizabeth poured Emily a cup of steaming tea. "We'll make a decision by tomorrow, dear. Get some rest."
Emily's eyes sparkled. "Thank you, Mama. Papa. I won't disappoint you."
That night, Emily retired to her small bedroom, her heart full of hope. She drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Dreamweaver College.
The next morning, Thomas and Elizabeth sat by the fireplace, discussing Emily's future.
Thomas spoke, "We must consider her safety above all else."
Elizabeth nodded. "But also her dreams. We can't deny her opportunity,her safety matters Thomas ,but we can't deny her this, if we do she may never forgive us ,she worked too hard to make it to this exact point ,we can't chatter her long years of studying."
Thomas closed his eyes feeling a little bit unsure.
Emily busied herself packing her belongings, her excitement growing. As she folded her neat clothes into her trunk, she hummed a happy tune.
Just as she finished, Elizabeth entered the room, a small box in her hand. "Emily, dear, I wanted to give you this."
Emily's eyes sparkled as Elizabeth presented her with a beautiful necklace featuring a delicate cross pendant.
"A symbol of love, protection, and strength," Elizabeth said, her voice filled with emotion. "Wear it always, dear."
Emily's eyes welled up with tears. "Thank you, Mama. It's gorgeous."
Thomas entered the room, his face softening. "We've made a decision, Emily. You'll attend Dreamweaver College, but we'll be closely monitoring your situation."
Emily walked to both parents and hugged them tightly"I'm still very grateful mama , papa." She said her voice light as she tried to hush her sad voice ,she wanted dro go to college ,but she knew she would miss her parents ,they were all she had in This world and she cherished them.
. "Don't cry dear ,this is what you want ,you are a lady now act like one." Elizabeth said in-between chuckles.
"I'm not crying , I'm happy mama." Emily said finally letting go,she kissed her parents cheeks.
"Just remember to be good , don't fall into the hands of any vampire , don't let them get even the slightest bite from you." Thomas said as he pats her hair.
"I would be sure to stay clear off vampires I would associate only with humans." Emily said with an ambient smile.
"I trust my little princess then,here this is for you " Thomas said handing her a small pouch filled with coins.
Thomas handed Emily a small pouch filled with coins. "A gift, dear. We were saving for a horse, but we think this will serve you better at Dreamweaver College."
Emily's eyes widened in surprise. "Thank you, Papa! This is generous of you both."
Elizabeth smiled. "We want you to have the best opportunity, dear. We trust you'll make the most of it."
Emily hugged her parents tightly, her heart overflowing with gratitude.
As Emily stepped outside, she heard the sound of a horse and carriage. The carriage's driver, a stern-looking man, nodded at her. "Ready to depart, miss?"
Emily's heart skipped a beat. She took a deep breath, shouldering her trunk. "Yes, I'm ready."
With one last glance at her parents, Emily climbed into the carriage. The driver closed the door, and they began their journey to Dreamweaver College.
As the countryside passed by, Emily's excitement grew. She thought about the opportunities ahead, the friends she'd make, and the knowledge she'd gain.
Chapter 1 I (one)
Chapter 2 II (TWO)
Chapter 3 III (THREE)
Chapter 4 IV (FOUR)
Chapter 5 V (FIVE)
Chapter 6 VI (SIX)
Chapter 7 VII (SEVEN)
Chapter 8 VII (EIGHT)
Chapter 9 IX (NINE)
Chapter 10 X (TEN)
Chapter 11 XI (ELEVEN)
Chapter 12 XII(Twelve)
Chapter 13 XIII
Other books by Cwinter369