Anna the only child from kin Ronald's first marriage was cherished and loved until the death of her mother and the arrival of the new queen she is drugged into sleeping with a palace guest she never met;and sent on her way the next week as bride to the devil himself king of Ares in place of her younger sister. COULD MATTERS GET ANY WORSE??!! OH YES!!they could.what happens when king Lucas her huband finds out she keeps vomiting and refuses to eat anyting greasy.....coould it way...right? king Lucas is a king without origin he has been in existance since as the rumours say.What if their live are connected more than they know...?
It's been three hours walking about the palace gardens in this muderous name is Anaa navida de vosca.. ridiculous right? I was as named after my mother and our kingdom as the first born child to the throne. life used to be a blessing to me before my mother's sudden death. she was quickly replaced by reason for which i have been standing in this frosty garden in this cold.
my father was never the type to care because he was forced in to marriage with my mother and simply sees me as a responsibility.
The king my father will recieve guests from from Ares kingdom; the reason i do not know and honestly do not care about.To the main point, the queen has ask me to walk throught this cold and send her a compiled list of blooming flowers in snow this drenched garden.and has givien a number of specifed flowers. All the flowers she chose knows very wel are not blooming.
"Anaa" i hear someone yell my name. oh i forgot to the add, no one thinks of me princess as i have been reduced to a common maid by the queen ofcourse
"here i am" i repond with a strained voice for standing in the cod for a while.
"the queen has asked that you report to her chambers right away" after delivering here message she saunts out of the garden shoulders high and so much airs for a maid.I do not blame her at all, the queen s the one fanng that ego of her's.
i rush to the queen's chambers to avod trouble.
"knock, knock"
"knock ,knock" still got reply. I dare ot enter the queen's room without her her permision. I made a fist to round another knock when the door opened leaving me stutled alittle.
"come in"cynthya the queen's lady in waiting instructed
Anaa bows her head in respect to the queen.
" I bow to the queen of vosca" she greated
" on your knees"was her first instruction. Knowing the deadly concequences of disobeying the queen she got on her knes without a word.
"since you failed to finish your task i hope you are ready for whatever punshent there is"she queried with those hawklike eyes she stared Anna down.
"yes my Queen"she replied nervously because she this can not be anything good. she either gets whipped,kneels half a day or spend the whole day doing the royal family's request of her.she was sure today will not be an exception.
"the guest you father will be expecting shall arrive tomorrow and i want you to make all necessary arrangements,any mistake and i'm going tomake you regret being born" who says she doesn't regret it already.Oh if only her mother was alive she woud not to suffer all this.
"I shall take my leave now" she said with head her heard bowed
"one more thing,i want to see you well dressed for tomorrow make sure Elizabeth's cloths for tomorrow and everything is taken care of"
"yes my Queen"she bowed
"now get yourself out my room"came her voice dripping with with evil.
(I personally don't know what her issue is with me though but i latter realized i caused this because i was born first between Elizabeth and me)