Hell no! was the answer Don Antonio gave his friend when he begged him to come work with his daughter. Crazy enough, that was Alexa's answer too when she learned that she would be working with her godfather. They both knew exactly what they were running away from. Alexa, a beauty with a body most women would kill to have, and most men lust after, including her godfather. She had brains too. Except that her father thought she wasn't smart enough to handle the family business. He went ahead and took away the CEO position from her, which was the one thing Alexa wanted the most. Don Antonio knew quite well that he would be playing with fire when he was asked to come work with his goddaughter, whom he was very much attracted to. But her job was on the line, and he was the only one who could save it for her. How would both of them handle the brewing dangerous passion that was about to burn them? Knowing what was at stake, would they run away from the sensual heat? Or would they allow it to consume them?
Alexa's POV
Tears stung at the corners of my eyes as his words reverberated through the large office space, bouncing back to my ears. I couldn't bear the harshness, nor could I bear the man from whom those words were coming.
"You're a worthless piece of shit! Just take a look at what you have caused! We lost all those millions because of you!" he screamed.
"Dad..." I began.
"What is it, Alexa? Are you ready to explain how these documents were signed?" he demanded, flinging the papers at my face.
The tears that had stung at the corners of my eyes now clouded them, threatening to spill down my face. "I don't know anything about those papers, Dad. I wasn't the one who signed them."
He snorted at my words. "But those are your damn signatures! If you weren't the one who signed them, then who did? Who freaking did?"
His eyes burned with fury as he glared back at me. I had to bend my head when I could no longer stand the heat of his gaze.
Just then, the office doors opened, and the familiar sounds of heels clicking on the floor announced who had entered. I didn't bother raising my gaze from the floor, knowing it was none other than Elsie, my step sister.
Her confident steps told me she was more than excited about the issue I was having with our father. It's not that I was expecting her to be anything else but happy.
Elsie hated my guts with everything within her and hadn't hidden it even for one day.
"Here are the papers you asked for, Daddy," she said in an excited tone.
"Hand them over to your sister," Dad replied to her.
She came closer to where I was and gave me the papers. "Take, Alexa."
The amusement underlying her tone told me that whatever was in those papers wasn't good for me.
My eyes widened as I scanned through the words written on it, "you want me to resign from my position as the CEO?"
"That's right," Dad confirmed, "I've lost enough millions all because of you. I need you to sign those papers right now."
"But Dad..." I began.
"I said now, Alexa! I don't want to hear any more of your silly excuses," he stormed over to where I was and landed a thunderous slap on my cheek, "the damages you have done to the family business are enough!"
I held the side of my cheek where the slap had landed and signed the papers with shaky hands.
"Good," he scoffed, "This is the only good thing you have done in a long time."
I heard Elsie squealing excitedly behind me. I thought she was being the typical Elsie until Dad motioned for her to take a seat.
She rushed to my former chair with a speed faster than that of light and relaxed in the chair.
"Even though you are the younger one, I believe you are smarter than your sister and will take good care of our family business," Dad told her.
"Of course, Daddy! I am way better than my older sister. Don't worry, Daddy, Bavarish brand is in the best hands," she bragged and shot me a mischievous look.
I gasped on realizing what just happened. Then I burst into tears the next second, while Elsie burst into laughter hearing my cries.
"This is not fair, Dad!" I cried out.
"Life is not fair, Alexa," he replied, "Besides, I can't sit still and watch you run down my company to the ground. I put blood, sweat, and tears to get Bavarish to where it is now."
"And mind you, those aren't the kind of tears he is talking about," Elsie chimed in with a mocking tone.
"You're so smart, my baby," Dad told her. He went further to where she was and kissed her lovingly on the forehead.
"See, I told you," Elsie boasted as a reply, "And I am going to make you proud, Daddy."
The tears continued flowing. I couldn't control them, nor could I stand the betrayal I was witnessing. My dad seeing me as a dumb blonde, instead of the smart girl he raised me to be, was one of my worst nightmares. And I was seeing it come to pass.
The pain felt stronger with each passing second. Running the family business was so important to me. He just broke my heart into a million pieces by taking the one thing I loved doing. Never had I imagined that there would be a day when Dad would compare me to Elsie, my younger stepsister, who I gave a solid five-year gap. To think he just chose her over me.
What else would he do? Fire me from the family business and marry me off to some old grumpy billionaire? My broken heart shattered more at that thought.
And just when I thought I had had enough heartbreaks and embarrassment for one day, the universe sent another. The door opened while I was still sobbing uncontrollably, and the voice I heard next made me wish that the floor would open and swallow me up.
"Donald," he greeted my father.
"Don Antonio. You are here," my dad responded.
My godfather came into the office with his majestic steps and stood right next to me.
He cupped my face and raised my head to look at him. That single touch from him sent shivers running down my spine. When I stared up at him and into his gorgeous gray eyes, it felt like the world stopped rotating.
"From the looks of it, I believe you have broken the news to her," he said to my father without taking his eyes off me.
"And she isn't taking it well. She has been grumpy ever since," Dad responded to him.
"But there is no need to be sad, little Alexa. It's not as if you are leaving the company or anything. You are simply changing positions."
He must have noticed my confused frown because he continued, still not breaking eye contact, allowing me to remain mesmerized by them, "Instead of being above every other person, you will now be working under me."
My eyes widened at what he just said.
No! Hell no!
Chapter 1 1. A Worthless Piece
Chapter 2 Hell No
Chapter 3 A Recipe for Disaster
Chapter 4 Trapped in the Middle
Chapter 5 Punishment
Chapter 6 Enjoying the Pain
Chapter 7 No Promises Made
Chapter 8 Tempted to Touch
Chapter 9 Lost in Lust
Chapter 10 Beyond Betrayal
Chapter 11 How was your Night
Chapter 12 Misinterpretation
Chapter 13 My Life in a Flash
Chapter 14 So Reckless
Chapter 15 Messed Up
Chapter 16 Dangerous Desires
Chapter 17 A Consuming Rage
Chapter 18 For The Sake of Your Mental Health
Chapter 19 Bear All The Consequences Alone
Chapter 20 Playing With Fire
Chapter 21 Girls' Night Out
Chapter 22 What If I Say No
Chapter 23 You Only Live Once
Chapter 24 A Prickle of Unease
Chapter 25 The Ghost of the Past
Chapter 26 Please Prepare Accordingly
Chapter 27 End Game
Chapter 28 Threatening to Suffocate me
Chapter 29 Two Truths Can Co-exist
Chapter 30 The Most Precious Thing in my Life
Chapter 31 Outside My Comfort Zone
Chapter 32 If Our Love Blossoms
Chapter 33 A Not So Nice Day
Chapter 34 A Complicated Mess
Chapter 35 Some Skeletons in Her Cupboard
Chapter 36 What is Her Endgame
Chapter 37 A Battleground for my Heart
Chapter 38 Undercurrent of Tension
Chapter 39 Trying to Appear Nonchalant
Chapter 40 You are The Cause
Other books by Jessica Smith