This a story of multiple friendships revolving around the story, helping to overcome obstacle's
**Bro, you are so short that you need a ladder to reach the door handle**"Obi shouted to his short classmate; there was no teacher in class to teach them, so they decide to entertain themselves,
The naughty one's gathered around each other and were exchanging**funny yet insultive words** obi being the noisiest student in class, spearheaded the whole commotion,
their class captain "Cynthia" kept trying to get them to quiet down:
you guys should stop making noise, you are disrupting the whole school, very soon teachers are going to come in here and punish us,
Instead of listening to her, they continued with their jokes,
listen woman no teacher will dare step into my class, to discipline anyone, if they dare, I will sack them,
Obi joke, Causing the unserious one to roar in laughter,
He sat against the entrance of the door and didn't know when a teacher came in,
The whole class fell into a deep silence immediately, some were signaling him to turn but he thought, maybe his jokes weren't funny anymore,
The teacher in question "Mr. Okoye", he was feared for his strictness, he stood quietly behind him listening to the boy's nonsense, till his **** ran out and he smacked obi with his cane
The impact came as shock to obi, he screamed when it hit him, he sprang up and ran out of the class,
The teacher tried to chase him, out of anger but the kid was faster, he came back
and asked Cynthia (class captain) to point out the ones disturbing the class with him,
she did that immediately and they were flogged mercilessly.
He then instructed Cynthia to tell obi that whenever he is done running, he must meet him in his office or he will be suspended from school,
Just as he was about to leave the classroom a student step in with his back pack, indicating that he is just coming to school,
Mr.okoye stared at the boy for all most a minute before asking him,
"Jace why are you coming to school by this time"
"I over slept sir" he answered
"really, Mr, Okafor proclaimed in disbelief,
this is your third time coming late this week, keep it up and I will tell speak with your father, I can see your are turning into a bad boy,
Jace's eyes darken at the mention of his father's name,
The teacher surveyed the class for a few more second and left,
Jace's classmates was surprised that Mr.okoye knew his name, "heck" he knew his father,
they rushed to his seat as he sat down, seeking answers
how did he know your name?
is he really going to tell your dad?
They bombarded him with questions,
honestly I don't think he will, as far as I don't tardi again, he paused questioning his own words then I think "maybe" he won't tell,
Jace answered like he wasn't worried while he was obviously sweating,
hahahaha he might be on phone with your dad right now, one short student said and the whole class erupted with laughter,
Michael stop, are you trying to give him a heart attack , one of the girls said, nearly choking on laughter.
The class went on as usual, the smart kids were trying their best to impress the teachers while the backbenchers kept disturbing the class and then they were people like JACE,
whom was smart, but he was too nonchalant to be serious with his studies; he preferred daydreaming about doing things than actually doing it.
Soon the dismissal bell rang and everybody rushed to the assembly ground for dismissal prayer and announcement,
the school principal climbed up the auditorium with steeze
"Good day students" she started, I trust you all had a great day, remembered to remind your parents to pay your school fees, do your necessary assignment, stay safe, she look over to her staff to see if she miss anything or they wanted her to add something,
okay students, have a great weekend she concluded.
Students dashed out of the school compound to go to their respective homes,
Obi had sneaked out of school before dismissal, and were waiting for his friends when he got an idea "he was going to scare them" so he lay in wait behind the bushes
And jumped out when they got close,
the girls screamed running away with some boys, while cool ones stayed acting tough even though they all most ran away,
OBI!!! What level of insanity is this Micheal shouted clutching his chest,
haa look at this short man "OBI said smiling foolishly"
I could have stepped on you he added,
OMG bro I'm not that short Micheal responded and chased him around,
Mr.Okoye said that you are to meet him in his office or you would be suspended from coming to school, Cynthia told him, happy to have done her job was instructed,
"Oh, you're not even happy to see me! Anyway, I'm never stepping foot in his office." He replied,
"Okay I have done my path "don't say I didn't warn you," Cynthia said.
Why would she be happy to see you, are you guys a thing Jace teased Cynthita,
Yeah I have been seeing them together lately, but can you blame her thou "Obi is a whole package, "isn't she"
Anna joked typing away on her phone
why would I date an impudent troublemaker like him Cynthia said angrily
hey, I don't even know what that means, "hahahaha" obi laughed,
you see what am saying she shaking her head.
Obi then moved to his friends (Jace) hey you, when did you come to school, he asked smacking him on his back,
"Brother" I came late, Jace replied
and you didn't bother to ask about me or look for me, I was kinda hurt, Obi exclaimed
I was doing some important stuff, he answered
what could be more important than me, obi said while making a funny face,
"Gay!!! Michael has been listening to them and their relationship was weird,
"Shut up" Jace and obi chorused
They chatted till they got to a pathway that obi, Jace and Cynthia would follow to their homes, so they bide goodbye to their friends and went their separate ways.
You guys should walk faster or I will leaving you guys behind Cynthia said,
haa who cares "bone head" Jace responded
"Bone head" that's how you guys want to do it, "Cynthia said annoyed" and then increased her pace,
they laughed at the way she walks when she's is angry, she ignored them and continue walking
Until Jace zoomed pass her and obi followed suit, ohh you jerks have decided to catch up with me "she smirk"
Cynthia shut up and run now, Jace shouted
"why!! she ask turning around to see a man running straight to her with a stick with an incredible speed,
"WTF" she stumbled and began running but the man was already close and was about to hit her with the stick when Jace tackle him to the ground
and tried to run away but the man had gotten hold of him, waiting no time and began beating him,
Obi saw his friend getting beat and ran to their aid, he thought that, with three together they would be able to hold him off,
but unfortunately the man was way stronger than them, Cynthia on the other hand kept calling for help to no answered,
she tried reasoning with the man to let them go, but he didn't listen,
she picked up a stick and began whacking the man with it, she knew it was hopeless,
the man was surprised at her courage, then slapped her, pulled the stick out of her hand and proceeded to beat them all with it,
They were beaten to his satisfaction and dragged back to their school.
The principal was locking her office when they came in