First Born 🖤 MaZuma "Not when the person you going back to is the one responsible for the stab wounds in your body"
The kingdom of KwaBulawayo had a tradition that all men needed to follow so that they will make it in life, if they don't follow this their lives will have complications and will be filled with a curse. Every home had a son and girls in one family but something different happened in the Zungu household as the mother gave birth to 4 sons instead of 1 son and many girls. The husband tried to make the wife pregnant after giving birth to their last son and they failed so that left them with only sons as children.
The tradition is that the boys get married to the first girl they meet/see on their 25th birthday regardless of their condition or their situation at home. This has been kept for centuries and rumors are that one man tried to disregard this tradition and he felt sick at the end he died lonely with no one on their corner because he lost everyone in a year, their wife also died and their children died with them so everyone was afraid to make a mistake so they made sure that they follow the tradition.
This is the journey for the Zungu boys starting with the older son up until the last born I hope you enjoy this story.