"How could you kill your own sister just to get married to her husband? What kind of heart do you have?" Lexie asked her older sister, Cassy, making no effort to clean the tears that rushed down her cheeks. "I don't care what you think of me. You have always tried to be better than me, at least this time I was better than you. I give myself some flowers. Your death was actually fun to plan." Cassy replied, laughing. "You'll pay for your sins in jail." Lexie replied. "Hopefully, jail would be more fun than being married to Alfred. I was losing my mind." She laughed the most. Lexie watched as her sister was being taken away and put in a trunk.
Lexie's POV - Biased events.
I opened my eyes seriously searching to know where I was. I felt a strange pain in my lower back as I tried to get up. I couldn't sit up. I was still nursing my pain when the nurse came into the room.
"No ma. Don't try to sit up. You'll feel pain in your lower back." She insisted and helped me back on the bed. "Why I'm I here?"
She smiled at me. "Let's wait for the doctor to come." Her smile was contagious and whatever it was, she couldn't contain it anymore.
I became relaxed when she said that with a smile on her face. No nurse would tell a patient to wait for a bad doctor's report while smiling right?
I waited patiently as I tried to remember why I was at the hospital in the first place. "What happened to me?" I wondered.
It took some minutes for the doctor to arrive but he did come with good news.
"You're pregnant." He smiled as he told me the good news. My heart gladdened when I heard him speak to me about my baby boy.
"You're having twins." He announced.
My face was all smiles when I was told I was having twins, two healthy boys. I had always wanted this. This was a dream come true and I was happy I was doing this with my husband, the love of my life. The one who makes me happy.
Our marriage was five years old but we still loved each other like we got married just yesterday. It was indeed the best time of my life.
"How did I get here?" I asked the doctor, still confused and blank as to how I got to the hospital in the first place.
"Your sister brought you here. Her suspicions were right. She said she was driving you home when you fainted and so she had to bring you to the hospital."
"So she knows about the news?" I asked the doctor and he nodded in affirmation. I just wondered why she had left knowing fully my condition. Well, knowing Cassy well, I believed she would be planning a surprise party for me, by now.
I knew she wouldn't break the news to Alfred because I wanted to be the one who would break such beautiful news to my lovely husband. It's been my dream for as long as we have been married to tell him that he would be a father. Finally, it was happening.
"Do you need anything?" The doctor brings me out of my thoughts, making me shudder.
"My phone?" I questioned the doctor.
"Oh right." He handed it right to me.
When he had left I quickly tried to dial Alfred's number but it wasn't connecting. I tried again but failed, it seemed the network was too bad.
"What am I doing? I need to go inform him myself, afterall he'll be so glad to hear the good news."
I called the nurse who attended to me before and asked her to get me discharged immediately since I wanted to go home.
"I can't discharge you, you're not fit to go home." She replied.
"But I want to see my husband, I can't sleep here tonight. Call the doctor for me." I was almost screaming.
The doctor came and seeing he couldn't control me, he decided to discharge me only on the condition that one of the hospital staff would drive me home safely.
"Mrs kings, Congratulations, once again." He saw me at the door. He was a kind hearted doctor and I appreciated his actions towards me.
I drove home, peacefully thinking of Alfred's facial countenance when I broke the news to him. It would be so priceless. The car drove slowly because the Doctor had warned the staff not to drive so quickly since it was also getting dark.
"We're here." He told me.
I didn't even realize that we were already at our destination with so much on my head. Should I break the news to Alfred today or maybe plan a surprise get together for him when he goes to work tomorrow.
As I entered the big mansion, I dialed his number again but still got no response. I then called Cassey but her phone was switched off, equally.
Why was no one's phone going through or was this all a plot. I smiled. My sister was quite predictable. She must have told everyone and they were gathered at my room waiting for me to enter so they could rain congratulations on me.
I climbed the stairs with the last energy I could muster, I was very exhausted even as I didn't do so much today if not going to the hospital. I heard silly sounds coming from our room as I climbed the stairs.
I smiled as I shook my head. Cassy was so predictable. I knew that they were people already waiting behind those closed doors. I quickly adjusted my dress and got ready to pretend to be surprised.
As I got closer, I didn't know if I heard whispers of people gathered or moans of two people continuously. I was pregnant and tired, not deaf and stupid. The sounds I heard were moans and it was my husband's voice, coming from our room.
Alfred? Was he having sex in our matrimonial home? On our matrimonial bed?"
I opened the door slightly, hoping the sound was fake and was coming from my head but it didn't stop. It increased.
"No, no. Your wife? Where is she?" A lady's voice asked.
"I don't care. None of my business." Alfred responded. It was his voice, I could have been mistaken about a lot of things but never my husband's voice.
Alfred was having sex on our matrimonial bed while I was so excited to come share the good news to him? I couldn't bear to see my husband with another woman so I closed the door slowly and ran out, quietly.
I wasn't watching where I was going. The only image I could see was the one of Alfred with another woman in our matrimonial home. It was a terrible and incredibly painful experience. Initially, as I ran I still couldn't get over the shock I felt, I still couldn't believe what I heard.
He said he didn't care what happened to me. Does that mean he had been cheating for a long time? I had never known what it meant to be betrayed until today. It led to a feeling of betrayal and blame on my side.
Was I not a good wife? Wasn't I good enough for him? Where did I go wrong? My mind was racing and my heart was pounding, sending resounding echoes through my body. As I ran along the road, I wasn't sure where I was running to, I only wanted to forget everything.
I wanted Alfred to call me and tell me how he loves me and that all that I heard was just a prank. I didn't know what I felt but I was propelled by the betrayal I discovered so I ran farther, having no destination in mind.
As I continued my forced sprint on the road, suddenly behind me I could hear the low growl of an engine car in pursuit of me. First, it was slow, then it increased its speed. Fear clutches me as I glanced back to see who it was but the headlight obstructed my view from seeing who it was at the driver's seat.
The car was closing in and I didn't know what to do. I doge widely weaving between several packed cars at a certain car pack but it still didn't stop whoever it was. My legs, hands and muscles were weak, so I tried to hold on for a little longer since a cop station was not very far away.
My strength failed me as I fell on my knees to the floor, I felt such a bad pain in my abdomen that I couldn't walk anymore. I stared at the car as it approached, turning my back at it. I stroke my stomach for the last time.
My body was in severe pain and I wondered if I was dead already. The impact of the hit was jarring and I felt a rush of fear and pain. I was worried for my unborn children. Were they also hurt in the process?
I just layed on the floor, weak and having no strength to stand. How could I go through with this? I tried to stand but my strength failed me. I was literally shaking and there were no words that could describe what I felt.
The driver who had hit me, came out of the car, walking towards me like he wasn't aware he hit a human. I was face front on the floor but I could see there was a birthmark on his ankle. I couldn't look up but soon I was bundled into the car.
He started the ignition and drove off with me at the back of his car. I had blood on my clothes but he didn't mind me staying in his car. He received a phone call and he picked it up.
"The job has been done." He dropped the phone again. We must have driven for an hour before he stopped the car. I didn't know where we were or who he was, I only pleaded for mercy.
"Please don't hurt me." I got no response, he only pushed me out of the car and before I could realize it, I was already flying out of a bridge. My body felt so light like a leaf floating on water as I flew in the air like a bird. Before I landed into the water, I closed my eyes to receive my last breath of life and so I wouldn't feel pain again..
When I entered the water, everything went silent and I felt at peace.
Chapter 2 THE CASSY
Chapter 3 The awakening
Chapter 4 My dashing world
Chapter 5 Pouring it all out
Chapter 6 The long wait
Chapter 7 I deserve happiness
Chapter 8 IN MY HEAD
Chapter 9 Reconnecting threads
Chapter 10 Confrontation and Confessions
Chapter 11 Shadows
Chapter 12 Shadows of the Past
Chapter 13 Facing the Future