Two worlds of no connections are brought together under distressing circumstances purely out of misunderstanding. When he can't let go of his past and when the future matters the most to her, the sea is always unsettling Find out what can actually bring this two people together, venture down the mood swinging lane with me. Don't forget to grab a popcorn when you're reading this!! P.S: This story is dedicated to every single reader out there, your opinion matters the most, just keep doing your good work, it is much appreciated. Still your lovely writer Nessybbe Follow Comment And like me on Instagram Instagram ID: ness-ybby
Author's note:
Hey dear reader, before you begin, I'd like you to know this
Am a new writer and absolutely don't know much about writing so I'd appreciate it very much if you bear with me when I make mistakes and do correct me
Please don't hesitate to correct me, I actually need it the most because it makes me a better writer just the way you would want me to be
But if you won't correct me nicely like every other human being, I would like it very much if you just silently leave this place and don't comment or read any further else I would roast you so much that you won't find a face to even breathe with.
Now you can begin the story :)
Author's Note
New York can be an absolutely beautiful place to be, it brings opportunities and even make dreams come true. It's an excellent city especially when you're the ambitious one
Here is the story of an ambitious twenty five years old lady, a fresh university graduate student of business, her name is Anastasia Daniels
Graduating from NYU can be termed the best experience for Stacy, the beautiful, brunette haired , brown eyed and elegant lady was a second class graduate and it was much celebrated by her family because it was better than not having any degree at all
It was a month after her graduation that the story began.....
Stacy's POV
This is a morning that I've always anticipated, it is my little sister's birthday today, Lucy can be very annoying but she was the most accurate little sister that I can ever ask for
Dressing up for the day, I checked my phone for a message which was expected expected to add more joy to my mood this morning but it turned out to be the complete opposite
There was a big "FIRED" written on my screen, this was shocking, I quickly went to the website to check what mistake I did that would warrant my dismissal
"My big sister can't work for you anymore, you should see the way she's always stressed out when she comes back home, the file you requested for won't be sent because you need to release her from this bondage you call a work"
This was the message I saw on my phone which was obviously my little sister's handwork, rage, disappointment and remorse engulfed me at once. She thinks am always stressed right, well she would see how stressed I am when am done with her
I dialled her number and she picked almost as if she was expecting my call
"Hey sis, where are you at now, I booked a hotel for us", my sister said
"You still have the guts to speak, you dispicable girl, you got me fired because of your recklessness", I screamed at her
"Oh please, is that why you're upset, those people aren't paying you well anyways, it's not as if the pay was enough to get you another dress or shoes, c'mon, forget about those people", Lucy said without remorse
"Luciana Daniels!!" I screamed at her
"Alright fine, am sorry, you don't have to blow up my ear, I know I shouldn't have done that but honestly speaking, you aren't paid enough for the kind of stress they put you under", Lucy said sounding very caring
"You don't know how hard it was to get that job, it was just a two months old job Lucy and besides I really need the salary been paid, I used part of it to pay your tuition fee last month", I said sadly to her
"Really!! I thought dad paid everything", Lucy said and I rolled my eyes
"Of course you thought, I can't let that old man suffer alone, he's our only parents who hasn't let us become orphans so am trying to support him but you careless fingerling has refused me that luxury", I said with a frown on my face
"I've a news to cheer you up, Andrew is at the hotel that I currently booked today", my sister said and my frown, in fact my anger all together vanished
"Are you serious?" I asked her
"Yup, he checked in some minutes ago at the VIP section, am a hacker so don't ask me how I got the informations, anyways do you remember that today is my birthday", Lucy asked but I was already bought
"Where is the place you're at, I'd like to come over now, even a glimpse of him would satisfy me enough", i said to her dropping my phone on the dresser after putting it on speaker then I proceeded to changing my clothes
"It's the hotel just three streets past our house", Lucy said
"Three streets past our house...well that should be...oh no Lucy, don't tell me it's the one am thinking about", I said in total dismay
"It is, Stacy, my boyfriend paid for it", she said and I rolled my eyes again as I did a touch up on my make-up
"I did tell you to stop that relationship of yours, Roland isn't a good guy", I said like every big caring sister would
"Stop sounding like dad, I like him, he loves me, I take his money, he gives me his attention, it's a fifty fifty business sis", Lucy said sounding very proud of herself
"That's what am talking about, you're only using him, he isn't a good guy which I said but that doesn't warrant you to do that to him, he's at least nice to you", i said brushing my hair for the fifteenth time this morning
"Oh please I don't want to know about how am treating him, he doesn't complain anyways, are you coming or not", Lucy said
"Of course am coming, dad is out to meet an old friend so we've got until evening", I said with a sweet smile on my face
"Freedom from work does do you good, I would be waiting for you", she said as I disconnected the call before taking a final look at myself at the mirror.
Elegance was written in every body movement of mine but I didn't have the money nor the connections to flaunt my beauty, everyone has told me that i was beautiful enough to go for miss ameriav but I don't want to because it would only burden my family the more
Sighing i took my handbag and left to go stay with my sister, securely closing the door, I went to stop a taxi.
Sitting down comfortably on his bed, was the fashion star and super designer, Andrew Wilson. He was the wealthiest and owned the largest trending designer company in the whole of New York.
The handsome, tall and dark haired billionaire was every lady's guy but he was set on not having affairs with any lady because he knew they all wanted money. Well to be very frank, his first love betrayed him and he's still recovering from that :)
Chapter 1 Andrew Wilson
Chapter 2 The Daniels
Chapter 3 He's still into her
Chapter 4 Helping is what I would do
Chapter 5 She saved the day
Chapter 6 You are on the news Stacy!!
Chapter 7 Now I need a translator
Chapter 8 She needs to be employed
Chapter 9 From an interview to a marriage proposal
Chapter 10 The Minister's son
Chapter 11 Meeting his mom
Chapter 12 A new acquaintance
Chapter 13 Too inlove to understand
Chapter 14 Am I ready for this
Chapter 15 A hot black guy
Chapter 16 We're heading to Italy
Chapter 17 Misunderstood the signs
Chapter 18 You are in cohort with Pascal
Chapter 19 The break up
Chapter 20 I want out
Chapter 21 Being hopeful is what blacks do
Chapter 22 A lady who plans to seduce me
Chapter 23 You aren't a virgin and I can prove it
Chapter 24 Pure racist!!
Chapter 25 You forced me into this
Chapter 26 You are wet
Chapter 27 I have a boyfriend now
Chapter 28 A proper discussion
Chapter 29 Spending sometimes together
Chapter 30 Get ready to be spoilt rotten
Other books by Faustina summer