Mariah Rowland a strong -willed girl who works as a secretary at the Kairos Empire,. Her encounter with the CEO gave her life a new turn as she discovers about her real family and the mystery behind their misfortune .
What a hectic day it was" Mariah sighed falling herself on the couch, immediately she got to her mother's three bedroom apartment, she's been out the whole day in search of a job, Mariah has been so unlucky in her search for a job in a reputable company since she left college Coming from a very poor background, her mother had single handedly raised her and her siblings.
Mariah is a Light skinned 23 year old graduate of accountancy and computer from the prestigious city university of New York, her dark brown eyes, slender curves figure and long blonde hair will make any man fall in love with her at first sight , While growing up she has learnt to do all menial jobs to assist her mother in the family upkeep. Mariah's mother who is a single mum works in the household of the Johnsons as the housekeeper and with her little earning was able to afford Mariahs education Mariah woke up earlier than usual she had been invited for an interview for a job She had seen on the internet that a certain enterprise was in need of a secretary and the application was via email opened at 10:pm two nights ago, she had submitted her CV and other vital documents via Email, she had been hopeful that shed get lucky, 7:pm yesterday she had received another mail inviting her for interview " what a beautiful morning it is" she said full of hope She hurriedly took her bath, skipping breakfast she dashed out of the door "I'm surely gonna get lucky" she said assuring herself The Kairos Enterprise located at 570 fourth avenue, Manhattan, New York city, Known for investment banking, asset management, corporate banking and insurance, the Kairos enterprise ranked highest in the labour market with over in the city of Manhattan as the most industrious private enterprise with over five thousand employees and offices in various countries with a strong presence in North America, Europe and Asia Mariah stood at the entrance of the Kairos Enterprise feeling quite nervous she said some prayers and made her way to the reception "Good morning miss" she said to the receptionist "Oh Good morning miss, welcome to the Kairos" she said with a smile "Thanks, Mariah returned her smile "How can we be of help to you miss" " I'm here for an interview, I don't know my way around "Oh welcome,.please fill this form" she said handing her a questionaire, Mariah quicky filled the questionnaire and handed it back to the receptionist "Oh good, hold on a minute "Umm" Mariah nodded scanning the through the faces of the people waking in and out, all were corporately dressed and held files "Here miss Sign" the receptionist handed her a file recalling her attention " Yes thanks" " Go straight theres an office by the left, He will send you to the HR " Right away, thanks" Mariah walked away down to the rear side of the company, she looked around in awe of the beautiful interiors, the Kairos had the best interiors, sculptures and lots of art work enough to feed ones eyes "Good morning Mr, I was sent here by the receptionist "Good morning, you're here for the interview? " Yes please" Mariah said rearranging herself " Just a minute" he said dialing a number on the telephone " okay, Room 011, the first elevator, the HR is in already, you're lucky he's less busy "Alright thanks " Mariah said as she watched the man dressed in a security wear dial some code in the elevator In less than two minutes Mariah found herself in another floor filled with busy men and women, she admired the way they took their jobs serious and wished in her heart to appointed, she scanned the doors one after the door "015, no, 022, 012, no.. yes 011" she exclaimed with all the smiles and with a "knock knock" she opened the door "May i come in Sir"she asked beaming with smiles "You may come In" He responded, Mariah walked in to meet a thick skinned white man of about Thirty two year old, whom eve though was stitted one could tell he was short, he's stylish smile as though he was up to some mischief, mariah scanned the entire office and could was satisfied with the interiors "Good morning Sir, I am Mariah Roland and Im here for the interview" she said noticing him piercing deeply into her eyes "Sit"He responded smiling at her " what position did you apply for my dear "The post of a secretary sir" " Oh .. so can you tell me about yourself "Yes I'm Mariah Rowland, I'm twenty three years old, I read accountancy and computer in the city university of New York "Oh wow, city university i too schooled there, what great thing" he said giving her a look that made her quite uncomfortable "Thank you sir" Mariah responded avoiding his eyes "You know.. I think I like you already, and yes you shouldnt have any doubt in your heart at all, umm" he said raising his eyebrow in a lustful manner "I'd appreciate that sir "So ... Infact congratulations" he said stretching out his arm for a shake "Thank you sir" "Hey, don't be so formal" he winked and smile awkwardly still holding unto her hand " you should address me by my name JEROME.. "Alright sir "Here" he brought out some files "sign here my dear " Mariah took out her pen after reading through the document seeing it was declaration of good conduct she signed "You should resume on Monday, I'll take your profile to the boss, since you'll be working directly under him, okay? "Alright sir, I do appreciate "Anytime my dear, do feel free to come here whenever and yes Jerome' I'm most grateful sir" I beg to take my leave now sir, thank you so much" "Anytime dear Mariah left the office happy "yes I got a job, Mariah got a great job, she's gonna paint the town red" Mariah sang happily and pressed the button on the lift she was so excited that she didn't pay attention while dialing the buttons
Chapter 1 Job hunt
Chapter 2 The encounter
Chapter 3 Resuming of work
Chapter 4 Who is this thing trying to stop me
Chapter 5 I am not married
Chapter 6 Is he really engaged
Chapter 7 I am the daughter of the CEO
Chapter 8 Low life employee
Chapter 9 I beg to take my leave
Chapter 10 She must have felt like tearing you apart
Chapter 11 What's wrong with you