her life is trash, so she thought
"Eve, I know you're excited" Evelyn's mum says climbing up the stairs.
" But why don't you come downstairs for breakfast, I made........." she turns the door knob, the door creaks as the room comes into view. she steps into the room
"honey, where are you" she walks to the bathroom and peeps in, she's not there
"Ahh" she sighs.
"where in th... ahh!" she scream's when she turns to see a girl with pitch black hair and dark brown eyes on a graduation gown, staring at her with a smile on her face.
"oh my word, Evelyn Wallis. how dare you scare your mother like that" she says with her hand to her chest.
Evelyn bust's out laughing. "mum i..i didn't m..ean to b..u..t you sh..oul..d have s..e..en your face" she laughs.
" this is the thanks I get for raising children" she says and shakes her head.
"Honey is everything ok up there" dad asks from down the stairs
" just your daughter, being her usual self"Evelyn's mum yells back
Evelyn walks to her mother and locks her arm with hers.
" But come on mum that was funny" she says as they walk out of her room.Evelyn mother stays silence.
" I'm sorry mum ,mummy" she says sweetly, rubbing her hair against her neck like a baby cub seeking attention.
"ok, ok. your hairs starting to get into my mouth" Evelyn mum says and laughs.
Evelyn turn's her gaze from the redhead to the Ford's, pick up truck's and Toyota's that filled the entrance of Austin high.
Students in graduation gowns stood around taking photo with family, fake boyfriend's, forever boyfriend, roomes, fake beastie/ friends. A smile curved up her lips as she looked at them, she sure as heck isn't going to miss this school or it's people.
"valedictorian" the redhead says waving her hand in her face.
"huh?" Evelyn voices
" eyes forward, mum what's to take a picture of you" she says and steps back
"Hazel why don't you stand in for the picture with her" Evelyn's mum asks
" i will for the next one"she says and smiles
"ok" she turns to Evelyn
"dear, more teeth" Evelyn's mum says with one of her eye in the digital camera lens. Evelyn puts on a soft smile with her lips together. The little boy besides Evelyn's mother raises his fingers to the edge of his lips and pulls them up brightly showing his teeths. Evelyn does the same
"Now that's not so bad" Evelyn's mother says and takes the picture.
"hey, Mrs Wallis don't forget about us" a couple of girls yell, running towards Evelyn.
"I can't believe you didn't ask us to take picture with you" one of the girls says with her hand on Evelyn's shoulder
"I can't believe am out of breath every time i run"the other girl says panting with her hand on her knees.
"sorry Carole and Grace I couldn't seem to find you guys"Evelyn says
"ok girls enough chit chat , smile for the camera" Evelyn's mother says. The girls position them selfs, placing their hands behind the others back, with their faces pressed together, they move it forward and smiles.
"we haven't even gotten to the party Carole and your already wasted" grace says as they walk side by side down the grass.
"co.m it no.. th..at bad"Carole says smiling as she misses one out of each step she takes.
"plus y.. gils.. a..re a ... drunk!"Carole yells pointing her wobbly finger at them. they burst out laughing.
"Carole yo..ur hilarious" Evelyn and Grace chorus laughing as Evelyn brings down Carol's finger.
" what you just did remind me of th...." grace voice seems to trail as Evelyn notices a particular redhead walking into the forest.
"Hazel" Evelyn whispers.
" wh.. did yo.. s .. ay" Carol asks
"oh nothing really, I want to check something out"Evelyn says
"what's that?, can't we just leave it for now. we are almost their" grace says looking to the glowing house a few blocks from them.
"don't worry, take care of Carole I'll meet you girls at the part..."her voice trails as she runs down the part they came. she turns to see them walking toward the party and veered into the forest.
Evelyn stands in the forest panting heavily, running on a stomach filled with alcohol wasn't that good of an idea. Evelyn looks around the forest but she can't seem to find the red head
" I was sure I was following her"she whispers to herself.
"why are u following me" a voice whispers in her ear. she quickly turns in fear to face the voice but trip's on the dirt and falls butt flat on the ground
"hazel. you scared me"Evelyn says in relief, she stretch's her palm out and hazel grabs it pulling her up to her feets.
"why did you follow me out here in the night" Hazel ask's as she watches Evelyn dusting the tiny leaves and dirt off her jean.
"just curious, why your still in town and not on your way to visit aunt Mary in France." Evelyn says staring at her suspiciously while she dusts off her palms
"and why are you drunk, you know how impulsive you get when that happens" hazel scolds with her hands on her hip
"no worries am fi... wait your try to change the topic" Evelyn says as she stares at her even more suspiciously with head arched forward and her hands on her hip.
Evelyn gets jumpy at the sound of an howl that echoes through the forest.
" ahh, that scared me" Evelyn says with her hand on her chest. " but I didn't think we had wolf's in this forest"
"you know you easily get scared when your drunk. why not just head home"hazel says hastily and grabs her arm.
" that will be later I have a party to attend" Evelyn says as she removes hazel's hand from her arm.
" then why don't you go to the party, Carol and Grace are probably waiting for you" hazel says and grabs her arm once again. she turns pulling her as she walks forward.
"what are you hiding" Evelyn asks, hazel stops walking.
"nothing of importance come on" she says and continue pulling Evelyn along as she walks
" why are u trying to get ride of me so quickly.Do you have a secret boyfriend you haven't told me about" Evelyn asks and raise her brow up and down when hazel turns to look at her. hazel turns her face forward without a single word as she continues to pull Evelyn along
"stop!" Evelyn yells as she stops walking.
"are you doing something dangerous, why are you trying to get ride of me so badly" Evelyn questions as she stares at hazel who looks worried
"just come on" hazel says pulling on her arm
"let me go" Evelyn says as she forcefully pulls her arm away, she stumbles but balances her self on her feets
"Hazel, there you are" a male voice says from behind Evelyn. she squeaks and quickly turns to see a group of guys a few feets from her.
"who's your little friend" the voice says again, the group parts to reveal a man in his late 40's
" no one of importance" hazel respond as she goes down one one knee. Evelyn just stands there looking back from the man to hazel, she moves a little bit close to hazel and whispers
"who's that man and what's with the gesture"she asks.
"you should leave, now" hazel respond.
"don't be in such a rush your little friend can stay" the man says as he walks forwards them, Evelyn looks to hazel who showed an expression of disgust but it fades as quickly as it came.
"I think I will just go" Evelyn says feeling a bit intimidated, she turns to leave but is grab by the arm, a cold shiver spreads through her whole body instantly.
" not so fast now" the man says as he turns her to face him.
"how about you come with me, you have a very pretty face" he says as he reaches his fingers out to her face, she slaps them away and quickly step back.
This man definitely gives Evelyn the creeps, and she didn't want to wait to find out how long, it's best she grabs hazel and runs. she turns to move toward hazel who was just a few feets in front of her but is blocked by a tall brown man who forcefully grabs her by the hand.
"let me go" she yells as tries to pull her arm out from his grip. she didn't notice anyone that close to her a second ago.
"m..."hazel trails as she is silenced by a look of rage from the man in his 40's, she clutches her palms into fit looking down. the man once again walks toward Evelyn.
"leave me alone you creep!" Evelyn yells as she stretch out her right leg to kick him
"Evelyn no!" hazel yell, as the man takes hold of her leg.
He raises his head to meet Evelyn's gaze. who stares frightfully at the two big sharply pointed teeth's that have sudden appeared in his mouth. The man smiles at her as he sinks his teeths into her leg.
"ahhh!" Evelyn screams as she jolts up with her hands on the fabric.
Her eyes wonder about fearfully and quickly. It's morning?, she's in her room and on her bed. she quickly removes the cover on her legs.
" my leg is fine?" she says touching her right leg.
she gazes to the door, by now her parents would have rushed into the room wondering why she screamed so loudly. But she most have slept into the late morning, so she's home alone. Evelyn stares at her leg intensely, it might have been a dream but it all felt too real.
"awh"Evelyn voices as she falls flat on the bed with her arms and legs stretched out.
"what do I do now" she says aloud to herself. "friends" she whispers and suddenly springs up on the bed.
she reaches for her phone but stops when she hears the door bell, she goes down the stair to the door and looks through the door hole.
"hey girls" Evelyn says when she opens the door.
"we where just about to ring the bell how did you know we where here"grace asks
"oh, I thought I heard the bell ring" Evelyn responds
" Any way, where did you go last night, you missed the best graduation party ever" Carole say as she walks into the house with grace behind her.
" the party was ok, but why didn't you come back last night." grace questions as she goes to seat on one of the wooden chairs
"party?" Evelyn asks looking confused.
"yah party, the one we got drunk on our way to, but you missed out cause you had to attend to"Carole says with her hand on the fridge, she opens it and takes out a drink.
"oh that, honestly speaking I don't really remember reaching home. I guess I was too drunk and forgot" Evelyn says
"o-ok" grace says as she looks to Carole who shrugs and sips her drink.
"let's go up to your room" grace says and stand up from the chair
"but seriously eve you should have been there, Tyler did this thing whe...."Carol's voice seem to draft off as Evelyn wonder if the night mare she had was really a nightmare but her leg is fine, so if that really was a nightmare was actually happen last night.
"Evelyn can you hear me" Carole asks with her hand on the door knob of her room
"yah of course"Evelyn says with a smile
"but your eyes looked like you weren't here"Carole say.
"eve, you're alright" grace asks with her hand on her shoulder
"am fine no worries, oh I almost forgot there's this book hazel got that you just have to see"Evelyn says and rushes down the stairs, on getting to the hallway she stops and places her hand on the wall
"my head" she says with her other hand to her head.
she slowly falls on her knees, why do I suddenly feel so dizzy she questions herself.with her hand on the wall she tries to stand up but falls loudly back down on the wooden floor board.
"what the hell is happening"she says to her self.
"oh God Eve are you ok"Carole says as she grabs her arm and raise her up
"we heard the fall from your room"grace says worried.
"oh I jus.." she trails when her knee buckle.grace stretch out her hand to catch.
"don't worry I got her"Carole says with her hand on Evelyn's waist. "let's just take her upstairs"
Evelyn slowly moves her feet as she is lead from the hallway, up the stairs and onto her bed.
"you want me to cover you"Carole asks covering her with the dova.
"what of some water? or milk? you want any"grace asks halfway through the door.
"grace stop. girls am fine, really. once we left the hallway I started feeling better"Evelyn says removing the dova from her body
"you sure "grace asks
"yes I am" Evelyn says smiling
"oh, thank God"Carole says and lays her head on her leg.
The moon light reflects through the window and down onto Evelyn as she sleeps, tossing and turning about her bed.
"am so hungry"she say to herself as she feels her hunger heighten. she gets down from her bed, opens the door and walk to the stairs
" so hungry" Evelyn says staring down at her little brother from the top of the stairs.
"sister are you alright" he asks with his head cocked to the side
Evelyn leaps from the top of the stairs onto her brother , knocking him off his feets and onto the floor board. The light from the moon slips through the little gaps on the blinder and shines on Evelyn stands on both feets and claws with her little brother underneath her, Evelyn stares intensely with hunger at her prey as saliva drips down from her teeths onto his face.
"ahh "John screams loudly, Evelyn looks at him and quickly backs away as he scrabbles away from her. Evelyn raises her left hand off the floor board to see her fingers having grown long and thick with pointy tips.A sharp pain suddenly surge through her whole body and she slums to the floor, Evelyn's clothes tear apart as her body expands she digs her claws into the floor board shouting in pain.
"stay away from me" her little brother says as he throws a flower vase at her, it shatters all over the floor in front of her, Evelyn instantly feels the exact same dizzy she felt in the hallway as her body slowly reduces, she looks to the beautiful blue flowers scattered along the floor. Could this be why she fells this way, it was in the hallway earlier today.
"John, John, John where are you"Evelyn hears her mother say as she rush down the stairs, she sees water on the floor and narrows her eyes to see sharp long claws resting on the floor board she jolts and backs away
"mum" John says and rushed to hug her crying she moved to the wall away from the stair case and turns on the light
"honey , did you see why h..." Evelyn's dad trails as he see a person with long black hair on the floor board in tarted clothes from top of the stairs
"e.eve" Evelyn's dad says slowly as he goes down the stairs, she reaches down to touch her but stops upon seeing her claws and backs away towards his wife and son Evelyn slowly moves away from the flowers
"stop!. raise your head" he commands, not removing his eyes from her
Evelyn slowly raises up her head, she looks at her frighten family with her light golden eyes and tries to stand up
"don't come any closer"Evelyn's dad says standing in front of his wife and son.
"da.."Evelyn stands and tries to speak but his cut off by her father
"you look like my daughter but your nothing her. p..please leave my home"Evelyn dad says frightfully.
Evelyn's looks to her mother and brother stand behind her father's, they look to her as if she was some horrible beast who could tear them limb from limb, tears gather in her eyes. She turns to the door and grip the handle pulling the door of it's hinges, she runs into the streets.
Evelyn lays down on the grass with her hands on her stomach looking to the moon as it shine brightly on her face. So this will be her life how, she raises her hand up to the moon and looks at her nails which where just some minutes ago claws, she just continues to lie there fighting back tears from slipping down her cheeks from what seems to be hours. she hears foot steps approaching but she remains lying
"Evelyn we have to go, it's almost dawn" hazel says in a sad tone
"Go where, not home am a beast" she says coldly
"to the pack house, it's where you will be living now" hazel respond
"why didn't you tell me it wasn't a dream and I had turned into a beast" Evelyn asks
"A werewolf, the a.aplha commanded not to. Evelyn am sorry I di..."she tries to say but is cut off
"come on I don't want to have to drag you" a man harshly says, looking down at her.
She turns to him, it's the same man who held her that night when she got beaten. He turns and walks away, she gets up without a single and follows him to a car. He gets in the driver's seats, she opens the back and gets in, hazel comes and gets in the front, he starts the engine and drives off.
Evelyn sits with her knees to her chest and her hands warped around them in silence, just staring into oblivion, she suddenly turns her head to the window behind her. She sees the sun risen in the sky , she has lived in the town for as long as she could remember and now she leaving not for the reasons she hoped for. she turns her head back forward, she's probably never going to see her family ever again.They thought she was a monsters not that they where wrong, tears quickly cloud her vision.
"you will feel better when you let it out"hazel advice looking forward.
Evelyn let's the tears gently slip down her cheeks , she buried her head into her knees as she cries loudly, leaving behind the place she that once held her home
Chapter 1 Beginning
Other books by X.o59