BLURB Adam Vlad, a hitman is given an unusual task- to charm Jasmine Abadi, become close to her family, and destroy them, but while making her fall in love with him, the hardened killer discovers he has feelings for his target. Eventually, Jasmine discovers the truth about Adam, and Adam discovers an even more grave truth- the truth about his parents death.
"Phewww! Finally!" Jasmine exhaled as though she had gotten to the top of a mountain after a long and arduous climb.
"I would have chopped my ears off if he read one more sonnet!" Olivia, her best friend and course mate declared with her eyes squeezed shut and fists clenched. Jasmine let out a laugh while stretching.
"Girl, I would have gauged my eyes out if I had to read even another line!"
"You girls can be sooo dramatic!" Christopher said with a smile as he walked towards them. Olivia rolled her eyes while Jasmine smiled warmly at him.
"Hi Chris." Jasmine said courteously. "I guess the class wasn't too boring for you."
"Are you kidding? I love Shakespeare!" "Oh... that explains a lot." The two girls exchanged knowing glances.
"Hi, Olivia." Christopher turned his full attention to the pretty brunette with the meanest look on her face. He could either not take a hint, or was determined to completely ignore everything Olivia's expression was saying.
"Hi, Chris." She said his name as though it left a bad taste in her mouth.
"You haven't been taking my calls-" the noise of Jasmine standing up and taking her bag and books interrupted them. Olivia's eyes were a warning for her friend to not abandon her, but it soon turned into a plea. Unfortunately, for her, Jasmine said,
"Liv, I'll be at Brook's. See you around, Chris."
"Yeah so you haven't been picking my calls," he continued after saying goodbye to Jasmine, "you're ignoring my texts too... I- did I say something wrong?"
"No." "Uh... so you're just choosing to ignore me?" Olivia rolled her eyes again and sighed. I'm
"I'm not ignoring you, Chris. I'm just... busy."
"Busy with what?"
"With stuff... stuff that doesn't concern you." Christopher's sigh sounded defeated and that pleased Olivia.
"Please, Liv, just... give me a chance-"
"A chance to what?"
"To... to talk? I just- I just want to talk to you."
"Well we're talking now."
Olivia made sure he saw her check what time it was on her phone. She reached for the back of her head and packed her hair into a pony tail, using her phone camera as a mirror. He swallowed.
"You... you want us to talk now?"
She pulled out her lipstick to reapply some of the dark red substance on her lips. Chris felt invisible; it was like he wasn't there.
"I mean I would love to have a conversation now if you like. Sonnet 138 is such a-" He made to sit beside her when she finally spoke.
"How's my lipstick?" She smacked her lips while interrupting him casually, without looking away from her reflection, as though he was not saying anything. He swallowed again, this time loud enough for her to hear.
"It's good. It's-"
"Okay, great. Nice talk." She gathered her belongings and rose from her chair.
"You're going somewhere?"
"Mmhmm." Olivia nodded, looking at him for the first time. Christopher was taller than her, had messy brown hair, and wore a pair of thick lenses on his straight nose. He was decent looking, not particularly striking, but with some effort, he would be considered attractive. "Going to meet Jasmine at Brooke's to grab lunch."
"Oh, I don't eat at Brooke's." Christopher said. Olivia's look seemed to be saying 'Did I ask?' "Mmm." was all she could come up with as a response before she turned to walk away.
"Do you want me to walk you? We can talk some more on the way." Olivia let out a loud, exasperated groan.
"Okay, Christopher. If you want to walk me, feel free." She threw the words at him and turned to begin her journey without waiting for him.
Jasmine took a tray containing two milkshakes from Ms. Brooke, the owner of the dainty little cafe not too far from their faculty building that had become Jasmine and Olivia's favourite spot to eat and hang out. She balanced the tray in one hand, and texted her best friend with the other. 'What's taking so long? Is he reciting a poem for you?' She added a crying emoji and smiled mischievously as she hit the send button. Just before she raised her eyes from her phone, she felt her tray collide with something and start to tip over.
"What the fuck!" A deep voice thundered. Jasmine had crashed into this man's chest, spilling the drinks on him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Jasmine pleaded staring at the soiled, expensive looking suit he was wearing; his white shirt was ruined, and some of the milkshake even got onto his blazer. She noted subconsciously that he was considerably tall because she was staring at his chest without having to really look down, and she was not a short girl. Bringing her eyes up to his face to apologize properly, she locked eyes with the most daunting pair of male eyes she'd ever seen. Was it fear or attraction, or both, that made her knees buckle and her throat run dry? His furious blue eyes stared hard at her causing her to shrink a little.
"I'm really sorry... sir." He took deep, angry breaths while boring holes into her face with his eyes, then he said "Watch where you're fucking going." The spell Jasmine was under broke immediately those words left his mouth, and then she realized he bumped into her too.
"And so should you." She clapped back.
"What?" Mr Tall-and-blue-eyed was clearly surprised by the sudden change in her demeanor.
"You weren't watching were you were going either. You bumped into me and spilled my drinks."
"Are you crazy?" He moved menacingly towards her and she was immediately reminded of how much bigger he was than her. Ms. Brooke came running to them with a mop.
"Oh my dear, are you okay?" She asked Jasmine. She nodded.
"And you, sir?" He kept his gaze on her for what seemed like a long time before he grunted and walked out of the cafe.
Other books by Ezeugo