He raises up my chin with his finger, his piercing blue eyes flickering between my lips and eyes. "Do you think I like her?". He starts leaning in. Everywhere starts getting hot. I know that the AC in my room is working perfectly well so what is this. His breath fans my face and heat immediately goes between my legs. "Maybe". I say in a breathy whisper. I can't let him kiss me. He is my boss. "Hmm. Yes or no?". He snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to himself. "No". My breath gets stuck in my throat. His hand goes to the back of my neck and he smashes his lips against mine. ********************* Mia Pierce is drowning in endless bills whilst struggling to pay her sick sister's bills when she takes the job of billionaire CEO Lucas Ross' daughter. Lucas, a widower of seven years, is emotionally closed off but finds himself feeling things he shouldn't when Mia enters his life. Is this another love story or will everything come crashing down?
Bills! Bills! Bills!
I'm done! What did I do to deserve this ? This wasn't the plan! I will run mad at this rate.
I hit my head against the table repeatedly while struggling with the tears that have started pricking my eyes. My only crime was trusting the man I loved. Well, look where love got me. With just $200 left in my account, I'm flat broke until my next paycheck. The electricity bill is due, the hospital has been calling for two days to ask for a deposit, there is no hot water running anymore, I had to even beg the landlady for the heater in this terrible winter, my exams are coming up soon and I have not paid a single dime out of my tuition.
It's safe to say that I'm screwed.
With no other solution in mind, tears start streaming down my eyes and I gladly welcome the taste of salty water in my mouth. I move to the floor and hug my knees to my chest.
I'm tired. I'm really tired. This is getting too much for me. All my hard work of five years gone like that.
I don't even remember anything regarding my course. God help me. I push my mini twists behind my ear. Okay, enough tears. I don't think I have anymore anyways. I need to get something big. Would bring a stripper be such a bad idea? Who am I kidding? My self consciousness would kill me before my bills.
I think I have done every menial job on earth in the past five years. What's left really? I really need to get out of this situation ASAP.
My alarm goes off reminding me of my shift that starts in less than 15 minutes. Shoot!
It's a good 20 minutes walk from my house and I don't have any spare money for a cab right now so running it will be. I quickly take my worn out bag and rush out the door. Thankfully, snow has not began yet so the the roads are still free just that the weather is freezing. I put on my jacket and sprint to Starbucks while puffing out cold air.
Fortunately, I make it just in time for my shift. Two minutes late anyways but who is counting?
I go to the back and change my t-shirt. I grab my pen and pad and walk over to the women who just occupied table 5.
"Good day. I am Mia and I'll be taking down your orders. What would you like to order?". I greet them with a smile on my face. Thankfully, they reciprocate and look at their menu almost at the same time. From their facial appearances, they should be middle aged.
"I'll have two baked apple croissants and an iced latte". One of the women with blonde hair and green eyes replies with a polite smile. I write down her order and face the others with a questioning look.
"I'll have the same as her".
"I'll have a vanilla latte".
"I'll have hot chocolate".
I take down their orders and tell them that their orders will be ready soon. I head back to the kitchen and relay the orders.
Ten minutes later, I carry their orders to their table.
"So girls, guess what?"
"Girl, just talk. What's the suspense for?". The dark skinned one replies the blonde woman.
"You are just a spoil sport. Anyways, my boss is looking to hire another nanny... again". They all chuckle.
"What happened to the last one?". One of the ladies asks.
"She stole his gold wristwatch and ran away. Heard he bought it for $10,000! Girls, he was livid". She drags out the last word to emphasize how angry her boss must have been.
"Oh my! At least she's better than her predecessor who brought in her boyfriend while his daughter was around". Laughter goes around the table.
This must happen a lot to her boss. Poor man. Well, not so poor if he can afford a $10,000 watch. He must definitely be paying his staff well right? Perhaps I can get more information from her.
"Oh! Thank you Mia. I didn't notice you there. We were so caught up with our gossip". I smile sweetly at her.
"It's no problem ma'am". I drop off their orders and wait at the counter for them so that I can approach her.
Thankfully, by the time they get up from their table, I don't have any table to attend to. I walk quickly towards the group before they can open the door.
"Excuse me ma'am. Can I speak to you for a moment?". They all stop in their tracks and turn to face me simultaneously. The blonde woman signals them to go ahead. She faces me as if to give me a go ahead.
"Sorry for stopping you like this. While I was serving you guys earlier, I couldn't help but hear about the nanny vacancy you spoke about. How can I apply for it?"
"First of all, call me Sheila. Secondly, you can apply but in the traditional way. All I need to do is to discuss with my boss first about you then it's up to him to have an interview with you". A wide smile spreads on my face at her response.
"Thank you very much ma.... Sheila. I need to give you my number right?". She nods affirmatively and hands her phone to me. I punch in my digits and give myself a call so that I can have her number too.
"So just send me a text message that includes your full name, age, educational level and experience with kids".
"Okay I will get them to you at the close of the day. When can I expect to hear from you?"
"Well Sunday but latest Monday morning". I try to resist the urge to hug her.
"Oh ok. Thank you so much, Sheila. This means a lot to me. I should let you go now. Your friends have been waiting for a while".
"Oh yes! Goodbye! Have a nice day". She leaves and rushes over to her friends who are by a car. They all get into what seems to be her car because she's driving.
I really hope I get this job.
Chapter 1 Way out
Chapter 2 Encounter
Chapter 3 Clara
Chapter 4 We meet again
Chapter 5 Countdown
Chapter 6 Stupid kids!
Chapter 7 Nose job 1
Chapter 8 Nose job 2
Chapter 9 Mr Ross
Chapter 10 Mr Ross
Chapter 11 Mr Ross
Chapter 12 Elvis
Chapter 13 Revenge 1
Chapter 14 Revenge 2
Chapter 15 Voicemail
Chapter 16 Nurse 1
Chapter 17 Nurse 2
Chapter 18 Bonding 1
Chapter 19 Bonding 2
Chapter 20 Movie Night
Chapter 21 Christmas Holidays
Chapter 22 Yearning
Chapter 23 Dramatic Christmas 1
Chapter 24 Dramatic Christmas 2
Chapter 25 Second chance
Chapter 26 Is it really an accident
Chapter 27 Who tried to kill her
Chapter 28 Last straw: Get out!!
Chapter 29 A new STEP-MUMMY
Chapter 30 Yearning
Chapter 31 Jealousy has an ugly color
Chapter 32 Jealousy has an ugly color
Chapter 33 She tried to kill me!!
Chapter 34 Arousing suspicion
Chapter 35 Mum leave my house!!!
Chapter 36 There's Gum in my hair!!
Chapter 37 Gum out
Chapter 38 Heartbreak
Chapter 39 Sinister plans
Chapter 40 Lily is missing
Other books by Diva_