For a Demon Prince to come into their higher power, they must take the body and power of a Maiden Virgin. Maiden Virgins had holy powers, a pure gift from the Gods to balance power. But long ago a mighty Demon Lord fell in love with one such Maiden, and it was through that union that this high power was discovered. Thus began the practice. But Parthenia is no ordinary Virgin Maiden, and she would rather break the Celestial Stone that is her power and immortality than live without her heart. Can Parthenia ever really be freesol or will the Demon male she loves break her in more ways than one?
For a Demon Prince to come into their higher power, they must take the body and power of a Maiden Virgin. Maiden Virgins had holy powers, a pure gift from the Gods to balance power. But long ago a mighty Demon Lord fell in love with one such maiden, and it was through that union that this high power was discovered. Thus began the practice. Demons became stronger and Maidens fell into line among the Demon houses. To gain their markings, a Demon must fill the womb and impregnate a Maiden, and only then would they achieve their markings and be able to attract a Demoness for a mate.
Whether they kept the Maiden and halfling child was up to each Demon, but most threw them aside.
Lord Yasa was not one of them; he kept both his human bride and his halfling son. Lord Yasa was the greatest of demons. Unlike most, he was forgiven and understanding and for the most part, good. He didn't look past the age of thirty and while was heavier than other lords, it was a healthy heavy. Lord Yasa also had a beard, which was also unlike others of his kind. Lord Yasa was a Gray Wolf Demon.
Lord Yasa had two sons. They were both of age and the time had come. Their names were Lord Severin and Lord Meldon. Severin was the eldest and was born to a demonic mother. He was tall and robust, and his face was always set to stone, he showed no emotions. His eyes were gold, and when he got angry, you knew it. His hair was platinum and long, slightly past his chest. You could easily mistake him for an angel, but he nothing less than a devil to many.
Maldon was the half-blood. His hair was auburn, a sign that he was, in fact, a half-blood Prince. His hair was messy and fell around his cheekbones. He was a tad shorter than this older brother and bit thicker. Some called him a Red Wolf instead of a Gray Wolf. When he transformed his coat was red, it was a sign of his half-blood, and he stood out. Meldon did not transform often; it was just another reminder that he was an outcast.
Maldon was kinder and liked by many like his father before him.
"Come, my sons, it is time."
Both sons rose from their kneeling and followed their father to a village. Everyone they passed bowed to them. They were Demons among Demons.
"Are my chosen ready?" Lord Yasa asked.
"Yes My Lord," Nash bowed. Nash was the eldest son of the village. Tall with a stone jaw and short dark hair. His eyes were as blue as the sky. His father was a doctor his mother a matchmaker. Then there was Sora who stood by the doors guarding them, stopping anyone other than the chosen males from going in. Sora was a no-nonsense kind of girl with strong arms and a great tan, mostly from working out in the heat. She was tall at 5'6 with black hair and deep green eyes. Her face could match the coldness of the great Lord Severin himself.
Lord Yasa waved his hand, and Sora bowed and moved and opened the first door. Steam poured out. "For you Meldon, I have the sweet and powerful Parthenia." Lord Yasa spoke.
Severin slightly narrowed his eyes. Parthenia was far more potent than any other Maiden around, even if she had not fully tapped into her raw power, he hoped his father would pair him with her. Plus, that little woman looked like she needed a good breaking. Parthenia was small on the outside standing at only 5'3 and weighing about 110 wet. She had long brown hair that curled towards the bottom; it rested right below her plump but not overly large breasts. Her skin was light as were her eyes. She had wide green eyes that were as green as grass. She looked fragile. It was wise not to underestimate her.
"For you Severin, I have chosen the elder, colder yet strong, Oni."
Meldon looked at the second door that opened. He secretly loved her, and she him, but they could not speak out about it. After they impregnated them, if Severin didn't keep her, which he was sure his brother wouldn't, he would claim her; Meldon decided he didn't need a demonic lover. He was prepared for his brother's anger over it.
"Go and claim them." Their father said.
Meldon stripped and went into the warm water where Parthenia was standing with a sheer robe over her body. He had always cared about her, like a little sister. Meldon slipped a hand around her waist. "Don't fight it, okay?"
"Ok." She said weakly,
Severin also stripped his clothes and walked to the older sister, who looked nothing but ready to get it over with. Overpowering her would be easy.
"My Lord." Oni bowed her head.
"Oni," Severin spoke.
Meldon tilted Parthenia back, and her hair brushed the water. She made a noise when his mouth caught one of her breasts.
Severin looked over, and her eyes met his.
"Brother." She whispered she had always called him that. At first, it pissed him off to no end, but now it just made him slightly possessive as if she were his.
"You would rather have my sister," Oni spoke.
Severin looked back at Oni. "It matters not, prepare for me."
Meldon took Parthenia soft and sweet. She did not fight. Severin took Oni hard and quick. She did fight, and he quickly showed just how dominant he already was.
"I'm going to cum, Parthenia. Are you ready?" She lay on the floor of the bathhouse. "Yes." She said but closed her eyes.
Meldon spilled his seed into her and kissed her cheek. "Sorry, Parthenia ."
He knew she didn't want this, but it was her duty and had all but been bred for this since their births. He slipped out of her after stealing her purity and womb and quickly left. Severin came and quickly shoved the older girl away. She fell to the floor and glared at him. He washed, walking through the water to get the sex off him, then looked over at Parthenia, who was sitting up covering herself.
"You did not fight." He stated.
"There was no need." Her voice was shy.
"Then my bother will not earn his marks." As he spoke marks showed up on his wrist, two black bands.
"He told me not to."
"Stop calling me that." Then he left both women.
Tears fell from her eyes. Deep down she had hoped it would be him to take her and she knew Oni was hoping for Meldon.
"Sister?" Parthenia looked to her elder sister.
"Dry your tears and dress. Our Lords waits for us; we must return and stay within the walls of their home until they can confirm our pregnancies."
"Yes, "Parthenia stated rubbing her arm.
They left the village that night, leaving their family and friends, unknowing if they would see them again. Not knowing if they would make it through birth if they were even pregnant.
Oni knew one thing for sure; she didn't want to be a Maiden. She wanted to be an ordinary woman. She only held onto the hopes that Meldon would have been the one.
But fate didn't like either sister it seemed, and the brothers were cursed.
Chapter 1 The Virgins and The Demons
Chapter 2 The Switch
Chapter 3 Submit
Chapter 4 The Scent
Chapter 5 The Pain
Chapter 6 Too Soon
Chapter 7 A Festival of Friends
Chapter 8 Northern Lord
Chapter 9 Enter Kegan, Fox Prince!
Chapter 10 The Enemy
Chapter 11 Parthina's Stone
Chapter 12 Labor
Chapter 13 Freesol
Other books by Onlyaftermidnight85