Joyce pulled away, wrap her arms around his neck, undressing him with her eyes. She started unbuttoning his shirt one after the other. " Wait , what are you doing?" Smith asked surprised with her attitude. She moved to his ears and whisper silently. " Make Love to me" He quickly moved a little from her. " No no, you are under the influence of the alcohol you took, if we are going to have sex, definitely not when you're drunk" " That's for me to decide" " What if you wake up the next morning and then you start regretting it?" " I won't, I promise" The mood was quiet and intimate. Smith reached out to her. He begins gently to kiss her neck, slowly trailing his lips down her chest and stomach as he start to undress her.
... The atmosphere was chilly and given that cool smell of harmattan in early September. Life was at its peak that moment. If only Marcus knew he was in for trouble again this morning with his boss, he wouldn't have sat down with eyes closed enjoying the weather.
' and what the hell is all this?"
The loud voice jerked Marcus up from his REM sleep . He stood up hurriedly, shakily " Good morning sir "
" like you have no iota of self responsibility and discipline to be sleeping early this morning" He took a deep breath " on a Monday?" He shouted back.
Marcus knew that at this point, keeping quiet is the best option. He kept on looking down, counting his toes cos he dare not look up to see boss. He kept on thinking how can someone be this arrogant, perfectionist and yet handsome. Bad people shouldn't be this good looking.
" get the Mercedes ready"
Marcus ran hurriedly to the car as he opened the door for him to enter. He quickly took a quick glance through the Rear View Mirror to see his boss "Smith" who was dressed in a black suit , holding on to his white coat and a stethoscope on his neck at the back seat.
"Go- od mor-ning sir" Marcus greeted shakily
"Nothing is good about the morning and you know that, we are already late, so drive faster" Smith replied back not looking at him.
"Really?, Late?, Morning duty literally start 8am and this is just 4:30am and even if they start the journey by 6am ,they will still meet up with time, too much perfection so as not to be late" Marcus kept thinking about this while driving. As much as his salary keep getting paid as due, he can definitely continue with this egoistical attitude from his boss.
There was silence throughout the journey to the hospital. No music. No conversation. Everyone maintaining their lane. One could even hear a needle sound if it gets dropped.
An hour later.
" We are here already, sir" Marcus announced with an heavy breath as a means of breaking the silence.
"Hmmm" Smith mumbled. He came out of the car with his suitcase, facing the hospital. He was about to start moving before....
"Have a nice shift sir" Marcus called after him and he instantly regretted making that statement.
Smith nodded and left.
"Nonsense" Marcus cursed out. He tried to imitate Smith nodding and the way he walks. " Is that all?, How can someone be that so cold blooded or should I say no emotions or something?" He took a deep breath " as good looking as he is!" .
Marcus knew already that as long as he works with him that will definitely be their daily routine. He has gotten used to it but he wish a miracle can somehow happen. He entered the driver seat and zoomed off, knowing full well he must be ready an hour before his shift end.
" Doctor Smith is around" announced happily Nurse Ash.
Doctor Smith had always been everyone's favorite. What's in him that you won't even like?. His height. His good looking cute face. His baritone voice. Or should we talk about how neatly parked ,curly his hair is?. He had won the best doctor for the Year consecutively for three years since he got transferred to Babcock hospital. His god rapour with his patients didn't even go unnoticed. The apple on the nurses's eye. Everyone wants a share in the national cake . He might be unapproachable by the the other staff, a little bit stuffy but definitely one day, he was going to dance to their tune.
The nurses at their desk quickly check into their mirror to adjust their make ups and see if they're in good fit for the groom coming in. They don't want to make bad impression. It could be their lucky day.
"Good morning Doctor" they all echoed beaming with smile interpreting 'pick me'
He waved at them and left without a word.
Nurse Joyce hissed " I don't know what you guys see in him like so full of himself"
"We know you would talk , if you don't want him, then leave him for us who does" Nurse Ash snapped back.
" Well, well, I need to get these files to him while you"ll fight a battle you can't win" She laughed hysterically as she packed the files on the table.
That's Nurse Lisa. She believed she doesn't need to be in battle with other nurses as she is close to Smith ( they went to college together) and it by luck they work together. Others even thought they were dating as some point and she was never tired to make them think in that direction.
"Because you have him now, doesn't mean it's forever" Nurse Joyce snapped back at her
Lisa looked back with a middle finger expression" whatever".
Nurse Ash looked back at Joyce and laughed. She left the table as she can't afford to be Joyce's rant victim.
Daily routine at the Babcock hospital since Smith's transfer to the hospital three years ago. Smith comes in, nurses throwing advances to him, he snubbing them , Lisa acting as the winner, Joyce bringing them to order, Ash with her dreams and the other nurses hoping for a day to be with him. Every single day. Joyce just wished that one day, this guy will pick his girl from all these horny looking eyes nurses and she can be at peace. There are other doctors here, they should go for them. This is Babcock hospital not smith's. She always thought.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Something suspicious
Chapter 3 Suspense in motion
Chapter 4 Love Discovery intense in suspense.
Chapter 5 Rescue team; secret revealed
Chapter 6 Opening heart: opening eyes
Chapter 7 Survival; holder's fist.
Chapter 8 Solving puzzles; facing fears
Chapter 9 Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 10 Dice rolling; people moving.