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Billionaire's Touch

Billionaire's Touch



.." Miss Davis, how long have you and Mr Ashton known each other?" Someone asked from the crowd and Elisa's eyes widened in shock. " How long have you been dating?" Another reporter asked. " Was it your idea to keep your relationship a secret from the public?" Relationship? " How is Mr Ashton treating you as his lover? Is he as romantic as many of the ladies think he is?" Elisa, was a young girl whose passion was acting and dreaming for a bigger platform even though her dreams seemed impossible something happened, a scandal that bound her fate to that of the richest billionaire in the city, a scandal that changed her life and made her dreams reachable. Love and passion, power struggle, betrayal, secrets and truths. Will Elisa have a happy ending, especially with a man like Noah Ashton who doesn't believe in love?

Chapter 1 0001

When Elisa discovered the secret affair between her sister and boyfriend she felt her world shattered into a million pieces as everything felt like a dream.

She felt her world moving to an end and the whole world had forsaken her when her family disowned her in favor of her younger sister.

" For once, be happy for your sister, Elisa. She has suffered more than anyone can take" her mother said, not caring for her happiness. It was like everyone only cared and supported her younger sister, Betty even when the man in the picture was her boyfriend.

Was it because Betty had been sick since young?

Hurt, devastated, and broken, Elisa agrees on a trip to one of the most expensive resorts in the country with her best friend to free herself and her mind from the stress and pain of breaking up with both her boyfriend and family.

But the fate that took away her life drew her path closer to that of Noah Ashton, the billionaire uncle of her ex!


The quiet environment made it possible to hear the sound of the water as well as the trees. Acqua Safari was one of the most natural places in the country. A first-class resort that offers first-class treatment to customers.

The peaceful nature of the place helped Elisa relax a bit as she walked down the beach with her slippers in her hands. She was still waiting on her best friend to whom she owed the idea.

As she walked up from the bench towards the bar, the heavy smell of alcohol that lingered in the air didn't skip her. Suddenly, her phone started ringing in her pocket. " Hey," she said, halting in her tracks. It was her best friend, Mia." I'm so sorry Elisa, I can't make it to the resort because I have an emergency to run" her regretful voice rang from the other side and Elisa bit her lips. Mia was her only friend and the person she could count on in this situation.

" It's okay, just don't worry about me and concentrate on your work," she assured her, even though her eyes looked sad she smiled to put her best friend at peace.

" You shouldn't worry because I have paid for everything, just enjoy yourself and don't mind my absence," she said and Elisa nodded weakly. She certainly wouldn't be able to move on that easily. " I will see you when I get back then"

" Okay, I will send you your room number. Have fun!" she heaved when the line went dead.

What could she do alone if not spend a little time in the bar?

She started towards the bar, the place was filled with people but Elisa immediately spotted an empty seat for herself at the corner of the room.

A waiter approached her after a few seconds and took her order which she found very amusing. The place was close to being perfect, especially with the arrangement and everything.

As her eyes scanned the place, she immediately caught sight of the young couple sitting at the other side of the room. Elisa was suddenly reminded her boyfriend Christian, the man that effortlessly won her heart and decided to break it into pieces. The man she loved with everything in her. He was the one person she thought understood her better but it seems she buried her hope in the wrong soil.

She believed he wanted her just like she did but it was one of her impossible dreams.

She poured herself a glass and with teary eyes, Elisa who wasn't a fan of alcohol drank half of it.

Elisa's life has not been as easy as it was supposed to be, maybe because she was just an adopted child.

It has been one choice to another and the fact that her parents cared more about Betty was something she had long come to terms with but thinking they supported her engagement with her boyfriend felt like a total betrayal.

She didn't have it smooth like her sister did because while her sister enjoyed a weekly allowance from her parents, she had to work two part-time jobs to put up with her school expenses.

As if that wasn't enough, she sacrificed her entire life for her sister by giving up on her scholarship to support her sister because her parents said so.

She even let her have her room when she complained hers wasn't as big enough.

Elisa had always wanted so much in life, she had always wanted to be a graduate and probably work as an actress. Her biggest dream was to go global and be on set with the big stars but that dream became uncertain the moment she gave up on her scholarship.

Even after she managed to secure a job as a supporting actress with one of the known companies in the country, she only thought about her family as every penny she made went straight into her mother's account.

Her kind intentions were taken for granted. Her beautiful heart blinded her from seeing the hate that existed around her.

Now that she has come to understand that nobody cared about her, she certainly didn't know how to handle it.

The pain that comes with the truth was too much to bear.

She gulped down the rest of her drink in pain. It was hard to accept her parents would think of disowning her because she refused to act okay with Betty's engagement with her boyfriend.

How could they expect such from her when they knew how much she loved Christ?

The pain in her heart drove her to the stage after two bottles of beer as she started singing and dancing to the music.

Her sad eyes looked wild and aggressive, something far from her calm and timid self.

Her left hand moved up into her long thick black hair as she ran her fingers through it seductively, letting the music swallow her completely and gaining all the attention effortlessly.

Meanwhile, in the huge conference room of the resort Noah who just finished his meeting with his private investors proceeded with his last and final meeting which ended a few minutes afterwards.

Feeling a little hot inside, Noah glared down at the glass in front of him coldly obviously aware of what was happening to him. " Boss I'm sorry" his assistant who was standing beside him panicked. " He asked you to drug me?" Noah asked calmly despite the anger burning within him and the poor man nodded in fear. He didn't have a choice, It was his grandfather's order to test his manhood. The old man has been trying to get his son married but all he did was ignore his effort including the beautiful women he presented before him.

His distance from the opposite sex has raised a lot of misconceptions and controversies, while others labeled him as gay, many doubted if he was a complete man.

At age thirty-one, Noah has not attempted to fulfill his duty as a man to his family especially to his grandfather. He was rich in fact, he was the richest billionaire in the city yet he never spent a second of his time with a woman. He was always seen with his assistant even on occasions that required a female partner. He was practically surrounded by men starting from his workplace to his lonely quiet penthouse.

" Boss, the old master has arranged a woman for you in the penthouse," his assistant informed him. He knew he needed to free himself from the pain and to do so he needed a woman to help him release himself.

He dropped his head immediately when Noah stared coldly at him, the heat of his gaze penetrating deep into his flesh making him panic more. No matter how much he regretted his action, he couldn't have disobeyed the old master's order.

Noah rushed out of his seat into the washroom and leaned his hands on the sink with his fist clenched, his head down. The drug was already affecting every fiber of his being and there was no way he would be able to hold it in for long. He raised his dark gaze to stare at his reflection in the mirror. Tiny balls of sweat showed on his forehead, his eyes looking a bit different from its usual coldness.

He could barely hold himself at this point. " How much did he pay you?" He asked as his assistant stepped inside the room. " How much did he fucking pay you?!" He growled. He knew his grandfather would go any length to get him tied to a woman but didn't think he would go this far, he would stop this low. How dare he!

Who the fuck gave him the right to go about bribing his assistant to do his dirty job?

Bruce, at this point, was sweating profusely. The hot sweat on his face extended all over his body as his suit started getting wet." Boss, I didn't mean to betray you" he said, his head down. Besides, the old master didn't pay him and that was because he refused the cheque he offered him. He didn't want it to seem like a betrayal but it was one.

He didn't want to do it at first but he threatened to get him fired which was going to happen anyway. He knew Noah wouldn't let it slide because he hated traitors more than he hated the devil.

" Get me a room" he ordered and Bruce's head snapped up.

" But boss..." he swallowed the rest of his words when he met his gaze in the mirror. His effort had gone to waste because the plan was to take him back to his penthouse where the old master had arranged everything. " And call the doctor" his deep voice demanded and Bruce's eyes widened as he stared down at his wrist watch " But boss, it's almost 9 pm"

" Drag him here if you have to," he said coldly and Bruce froze. How could he give out such orders when the Doctor in question was his best friend?

Just at that moment, Elisa, who was drunk and miserable, was mistakenly directed into one of the presidential suites in the resort.

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