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She was hidden behind a mask only known to her and got close to her target without being spotted, now the only thing left is to accomplish her evil mission before the mask falls off her face. Driven by jealousy and hatred, allowing those emotions be the mask covering their faces, they couldn't see their mistakes and only had one thing in mind 'revenge'.

Chapter 1 We wedded yesterday

"Uuuhm. . . Babe?"

"Y...yes Honey," Rose replied tiredly.

"I know you're tired after the lovemaking and all. Thanks for keeping yourself for me; I appreciate it, and I promise to love you more than I ever have. You know it's just the..."

"What is it you want to tell me? I know you more than you know yourself, enough with the long speech and all that. I mean, thanks for thanking me and the promise, but from the way you sound and your facial expression, something is up, so just get straight to the point." Rose said.


Should I talk about it now or should I just leave it till tomorrow morning?

She looks tired but how is she going to feel when I tell her that I'm not ready to be a Father yet? Urgh! This is really driving me crazy. I don't really want to hurt my wife on our wedding night, this is my fault, I should have listened to Nicklaus advice. I guess I just can't keep postponing it anymore. It's now or never. Calm down and act like a man.

"Uuuhm. . . Babe?" I called her, feeling really nervous.

"Y...yes Honey." She replied weakly.

OMG! She is really tired and damn it! This is her first night and now... Get a grip of yourself Vincent, would you?


Here we go.

"I know you're tired after the lovemaking and all. Thanks for keeping yourself for me; I appreciate it, and I promise to love you more than I ever have. You know it's just the..."

"What is it you want to tell me? I know you more than you know yourself, enough with the long speech and all that. I mean, thanks for thanking me and the promise, but from the way you sound and your facial expression, something is up, so just get straight to the point."

Oh! Wow, wow, wow and wow. This is just the exact opposite of your facial expression and I wasn't expecting that, my cute kitten.

"The fact is that I don't know how to say it, or should I say, I don't know how you're going to feel if I should tell you what I want to tell you. I had plans to tell you about it when we were still dating but then, I wasn't sure if you would..."

"Okay, okay, I'm tired of the long statement, boss; if only you would GO STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, aargh!" She interrupted me, rolled her eyes at me, and fell back to the bed, pretending to be unconcerned about whatever I was about to say.

I can do this!

"I would love you to take pills from now on while I put on a condom anytime we are about to have sex. The thing is that I'm afraid of it bursting during our intense lovemaking; that's why I'm suggesting that you take pills aft..."

"Wait a second, I don't understand what you're trying to say." She interrupted me, her eyes turning fierce immediately.

And getting to the climax of the whole issue. How will I explain this to her? This is what I'm afraid of. I've known her all my life, and I know I'm not getting out of this anytime soon. God, please help me; just let her understand me.


Why does he always find it difficult to voice out his thoughts anytime he's around me, without beating around the bush?

"Okay, okay, I'm tired of the long statement, boss; if only you would GO STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, aargh!" I told him.

"I would love you to take pills from now on while I put on a condom anytime we are about to have sex. The thing is that I'm afraid of it bursting during our intense lovemaking; that's why I'm suggesting that you take pills aft..."

OMG! Am I dreaming? What the hell is he trying to say? Me, a married woman, take pills from henceforth? Not to even talk of the part where we have to use protection, too? Maybe he has his reasons. Trash that, what kind of reasons would make him spew such nonsense?

"Wait a second, I don't understand what you're trying to say," I told him.

I need to make sure that my ears are not deceiving me, I need to make sure that I'm not hearing things, and he shouldn't arrive at the conclusion I think he's trying to arrive at.

"What... I'm ... trying..." He said slowly as if being threatened with a gun.

"OH WOULD YOU JUST SPEAK UP!" I shouted, not being myself anymore as I felt annoyed and agitated.

He sighed dejectedly and continued, trying to be brave. "Please babe, you have to understand me. It's not what you think I promise."

ARRGH! I just feel like pulling my hair already, just go straight to the point, man.

"Okay, I UNDERSTAND you perfectly well." I replied, stressing the word 'understand' to let him know that my patience is thinning out and I think he caught it, thank goodness.

And finally, this husband of mine dropped the bomb.

"I'm not ready to be a Father yet; that's why I've to take preventive measures for now, but trust me, I love you. I have my reasons for this decision and when it's time for us to have babies, I promise we'll have them. You know..."

And he kept on talking, while I just kept on gawking at him trying to make out the words coming out of his mouth. Honestly, my brain shut down immediately after he dropped the bomb; what was I even expecting when bombs destroy everything within the vicinity when they are dropped?

Did he just say he wasn't ready to be a father yet? So, why I'm I married to him? Why didn't we continue with our relationship till he was ready to father a child? We just had sex without any of those, or is it because he knows my cycle already? Was he not the one who told me he wanted three kids? Did he eat the wrong food at our wedding today?

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