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Poisoned Love: Guns And Roses

Poisoned Love: Guns And Roses



What are the odds...? Fuck that! Georgina's life turns upside down because of him. "Are you forcing me to marry you, Mr. Sajavedra?!" "Who told you that running away will save you, hmm? You can't, sweetheart..." Forced to marry a strange man, she found herself trembling because of his irresistible charm. Will she be able to resist him or become his sweetest sin? "Stop insisting on your ideals. You are mine. I know sooner or later you'll love me. I will make sure of that, Georgina." What kind of secrets did Alexandro was hiding? What kind of past Georgina has? Shadows lurking around them will soon fall underneath their feet. Will they ever survive between this turmoil? You want to know more? Check out the story of Georgina and Alexandro Livius.

Chapter 1 What are the odds

Georgina's POV

I look at my reflection in the mirror. I have to look presentable for my business presentation.

I heard that the owner was domineering and scary. At age 25, I tried my best to build a company.

I didn't graduate from any courses after high school because I couldn't afford expenses even if there was a student loan that the government.

I decided to read books until I tried to build a company that focuses on construction waste aggregation. At first, it was hard for me, especially when my son came into my life.

I have no idea what I'm doing, so I do research, read books and self-study. I made it after two years. I'm glad I pushed it through! My business had finally taken off.

My eyes landed on my ring finger in my left palm. I don't understand the meaning of these two letters.

I don't know why I didn't feel the pain when they put this tattoo on my finger. The initials are AL, and each side has a star on it. I tap my face and look at myself in the mirror again.

"Focus! Don't think of anything else. You have to gain his trust so that he invests in your business and builds your eighth and ninth restaurant branches," I mumbled.

I was startled when I saw my son's reflection in the mirror. I didn't hear his footsteps when he entered my room.

He came closer and embraced me. "Mommy!" he says.

I laugh and brush his head. "Mommy, you should stop talking to yourself always. It's not healthy for you," he jokes. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Where's my good luck kiss, hmm? Mommy needs a charm today," I mumbled.

I lower my head and he starts showering me with small kisses. I laughed and gently pinched his cheeks afterward.

"I love you, mom. Good luck! I know you can do it," Alejandro says.

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you, sweetheart. Mommy will do her best because I want my sweetheart to live a better life than I ever had," I said. He smiled and kissed me again.

I spoke with his nanny and told her to keep an eye on him while he's in the school. He's kind of a naughty kid. He loves to explore and play around.

"I'll see you guys later."

They wave at me, and I drive my car away from the school. I decided to enroll him in a public institution because I want him to experience the life of a normal person.

I want him to respect people no matter what status they have in life. I don't want him to be entitled and spoiled.

It took me half an hour to reach this huge building. The initials are SJD. It stands for the owner's surname.

The Sajavedra Group of companies was one of the multibillion-dollar companies that invest in different business ventures all over the world.

"Good morning, ma'am... Claire," I remarked. I added her name based on what I saw from her nameplate. She smiled.

"Good morning, ma'am. What can I do for you?" she asks.

"I'm here for my appointment with Mr. Sajavedra. It's a ten-am appointment. I know I'm early, but I speak with you for confirmation. I'm Georgina Louise, by the way," I remarked.

She starts typing on the computer and then uses their telephone. "Yes, Sir. Her name is Georgina Louise. Her appointment is at ten in the morning. I just want to confirm her time," she says. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, sir. Bye," she says. She looks at me after.

"Ms. Louise, your appointment is confirmed. You can go upstairs and wait for your call time. Mr. Sajavedra is currently in a meeting with the finance department."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Ma'am Claire," I said.

I left the reception area. I decided to drop by the canteen and have a snack before I went upstairs. I just had my coffee and a single toast.

I'm still hungry. I ordered pasta and orange juice. After I ate, I went upstairs. I look at my reflection in the elevator walls. I take a deep breath.

"This is it, Georgina. You have to work hard and close this deal!"

As soon as the door opened, I went out and waited in the waiting area. I take a deep breath.

My heart is popping out of my freaking chest! My gosh! Why am I this nervous? This isn't the first time that I will do this kind of thing.

"Are you, ma'am Georgina Louise?" a woman asks. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. She smiled too.

"This way, ma'am. Mr. Sajavedra had been waiting for you," she says.

I stood up and followed her. He's been waiting? It's still fifteen minutes before ten in the morning.

She opens the door and stays outside. I looked in front of me and saw a beautiful freaking man standing in front of me. He looks at the other man standing next to his desk.

"You can leave us, Vincent," he says.

That man bowed his head and left. I look at the door. I have become more nervous now!

"Ms. Louise, are you here for business or do you want to quit? Don't waste my time," he says. I turn around. That baritone raspy voice... it feels familiar!

I walk slowly and look at him. He has this jet black hearing, clean cut on the side, and there's a line on his upper ears, which is famous nowadays.

His thick medium arch brows have a cut on the left side. His gunmetal blue eyes became dreamy and sexy because of his long eyelashes.

His regal nose makes you think that his high status fits him. Those full lips-they're attractive even to me.

I thought Angelina Jolie was the only person who could pull such lips. I bow my head. I have to apologize.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm just a bit scared-I mean nervous."

He stood up and went to the couch. He frowns at me when he turns around and sees me standing still.

"Are you going to present there?" he arrogantly asks.

I blink. He's kind of arrogant and scary. I went to him and took a seat on the couch. I have to calm myself and present properly. I can do this. It's for my son's future!

"Good morning, sir. I'm Georgina Louise, the CEO of Louise Environmental Technology," I remarked.

I was hesitant, but I offered my hand. It's okay if he didn't hold it for a handshake. He held my hand. Oh boy!

I feel like a current flowed down to his palm and transferred it to me. "I'm Alexandro Livius Sajavedra, the chairman of Sajavedra Group," he says.

I placed my hand on my lap right away as soon as he let go of it. I opened my back and grabbed my laptop.

I also handed the folder for the hard copy of my business proposal. I hope I'll be able to close this deal!

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