This book is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional. Any religious references made was done solely for the purpose of Bringing the story to reality and making it believable to the readers. No dis-respect to religious beliefs was intended.
William Blackwyll stood motionless on the roof of an old rundown building. A lone figure shrouded in the darkness of night waiting with infinite patience for his guest to arrive.
Months passed since he'd last spoken to Franchesca. It was the day she showed up in his New York building demanding his presence. He was pissed that she thought she could demand anything from him, obviously at first he refused. But Franchesca never deterred in the slightest. No, Draiken women were known for their persistence, and Franchesca proved her bloodline true when she stormed into his office in a state. And not the good kind, more the 'I'm in dire need of help' kind. So reluctantly he agreed to listen.
"Just look at her William, one look, a minute of your time, maximum five," she'd said, those months ago.
Staring at the night sky moonlight he thought back to his decision. There was no agreement reached as he walked her out of his office toward the elevator. Unlike his siblings he wasn't ruled by emotions, but he recalled the hair on his nape rise to attention when he considered her request.
The sensation passed, she left and all was forgotten.
Two weeks later an unexpected trip to London was the changing tide of his decision. He was in West Central London with hours to spare before his next meeting. He should've never tracked the girl, he should have walked away, but cowardice wasn't a suit William wore and that was what stayed on his mind right until he stopped across the park from where the girl stood.
There was no doubt in his mind of who she was or how she looked. The instant he set his sight on the young Lightwatcher, behold his virgin sister. She was jumping up, trying to reach a branch in the tree. William Blackwyll knew then, that this green eyed beauty across from him was the greatest treasure on earth.
And so it began, the path which led him to now, standing on a rooftop, waiting.
Gazing upon the stars, home crossed his mind. In the past an overwhelming sense of loss sired him because he missed his family, he yearned for his mother. Now, the pain he festered in leaving his birth place those many years ago no longer mattered, only his decision to stay did.
Frustrated with a sensory overload of emotions that were just too dangerous to accept he clenched his jaw, something he had done much too often over recent months.
His father will call his name and soon. So will the time come to pick a side.
The drum of footsteps snapped William out of his reverie. Turning, he faced the rapid click of heels on concrete approaching at a brisk pace,
"Franchesca, aveu," his voice echoed through the space of the thirty story roof top.
Franchesca walked closer to him, her black hair windblown, attire somewhat out of ordinary for a private meeting amongst their own kind, "Dressing as a deceptor, nice."
The woman smiled and bowed her head in respect. The 'old fashioned' formality held a touch of reverence. Because while he appeared to be in his mid twenties he was much older.
His long wool coat moved with the easterly wind as he took two steps toward her.
"William." Franchesca paused, her eyes twitching, "Sorry, Clare's difficult to avoid, I'm running out of reasons for leaving at odd hours, she believes..."
"Clare believes as she wants. Deception fuels inquisitors, Franchesca. Please, call me Liam."
The shortened name was something new he'd gained from his brother, Kole. The same night Kole started drinking himself into foolishness for which new woman, William never wanted to know. He'd grown accustomed to the nickname as Kole continued using it to goad him and it stuck.
"Liam," She corrected, "You needed to speak. Sending a Seeker, isn't that risky?"
"No, I trust Quintin, longer than I, you."
She flinched at the unvarnished truth which he ignored and continued, "There's more important matter's at hand."
A long time ago Liam faced facts regarding his involvement in people's affairs, he was terrible at meddling. It took three wars which he caused to figure that out. The plausible solution was simple, emotions of any kind needed to stay inviolate to those besides his siblings.
Chapter 1 Chapter1:Prologue
Chapter 2 Chapter2:Prologue
Chapter 3 Chapter3:One
Chapter 4 Chapter4:One
Chapter 5 Chapter5:Two
Chapter 6 Chapter6:Two
Chapter 7 Chapter7:Three
Chapter 8 Chapter8;Four
Chapter 9 Chapter9:Five
Chapter 10 Chapter10:Five
Chapter 11 Chapter11:Five
Chapter 12 Chapter12:Six
Chapter 13 Chapter13:Six
Chapter 14 Chapter14:Six
Chapter 15 Chapter15:Six
Chapter 16 Chapter16.1Six
Chapter 17 Chapter17:Seven
Chapter 18 Chapter18:Seven
Chapter 19 Chapter19:Seven
Chapter 20 Chapter20:Seven
Chapter 21 Chapter21:Eight
Chapter 22 Chapter22:Eight
Chapter 23 Chapter23:Eight
Chapter 24 Chapter24:Nine
Chapter 25 Chapter25:Nine
Chapter 26 Chapter26:Nine
Chapter 27 Chapter27:Nine
Chapter 28 Chapter28:Nine
Chapter 29 Chapter29:Nine
Chapter 30 Chapter30:Ten
Chapter 31 Chapter31:Ten
Chapter 32 Chapter32:Ten
Chapter 33 Chapter33:Ten
Chapter 34 Chapter34:Ten
Chapter 35 Chapter35:Eleven
Chapter 36 Chapter36:Eleven
Chapter 37 Chapter37:Eleven
Chapter 38 Chapter38:Eleven
Chapter 39 Chapter39:Twelve
Chapter 40 Chapter40:Twelve