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Reborn: Escaping the Shackles

Reborn: Escaping the Shackles

Marmaduke Ryder


Here's the translation: "I poured my heart and soul into raising my daughter, only to be seen as controlling her. She accidentally pushed me down the stairs, leading to my death. When I got a second chance at life, I decided I no longer wanted to be a 'good mom.' My daughter took the opportunity to go to her 'good dad,' but after experiencing everything, she realized it wasn't the paradise she had imagined. She returned once again, but I knew her nature was hard to change. She was threatened by her dad to send me to an old man, but I was already prepared. In the end, I sent both her and her 'good dad' to prison."

Chapter 1

Raising my daughter through hardship and sacrifice, all I received in return were her complaints.

She said I constantly pressured her and that her father treated her better.

She wanted freedom and refused to be my puppet.

During an argument, she accidentally pushed me down the stairs.

She looked at me coldly, saying, "It'd be better if you died!

Then I could go find Dad!"

Living again, if she thinks her father is better, so be it.

"All you care about is studying!

What else can you do besides forcing me to study all day?"

"You're stuck in a rut, hoping I can become something great?"

"You're nothing like Dad!

Only he truly loves me!

He never forces me to do anything I don't want to!"

The room was a mess, chaos everywhere.

Even her beloved piano was smashed.

My head throbbed as I watched my child scream at me.

"No wonder Dad divorced you. You want to control your own child!

You're nothing compared to family friend Karlee!

She's gentle and caring, unlike you, always nagging!"

My own daughter hurled harsh words at me, each one piercing.

In my past life, I didn't want to give up on her.

I didn't want her father to spoil her or her stepmother to indulge her.

But all I got was enmity with my own child.

This time, I chose silence.

I once thought I neglected her too much.

When she was five, I divorced her father, and the agreed child support never arrived on time.

I juggled two jobs while caring for her education, not wanting her to struggle like I did.

Now I realize she's an ungrateful child.

Unlike before, I didn't try to persuade her.

After she vented, she destroyed the cherished bracelet from my mother.

"I'm going to find Dad!

It's all your fault for keeping me tied to you!

You said a stepmother isn't as good as a real mother, but you're worse than family friend Karlee!"

I was fed up. "Fine, go find your dad."

"Fine, I will!"

She stomped her foot and stormed out.

I crouched down, picking up the shattered bracelet.

"Why should I make myself suffer trying to be a good mom?"

The broken pieces cut my palm, and tears fell.

My mother was so gentle when she was alive.

Like me, she divorced when I was young and raised me alone.

I thought I could raise a child well without a man.

Now I see I was wrong.

No matter how much I gave, an ungrateful child remains ungrateful.

I gave up.

I didn't want to exhaust myself trying to be a good mother.

When my daughter ran out, I didn't chase her.

I cleaned up the house, threw out the mess, and went to rest.

I had work the next day and didn't want to keep torturing myself because of her.

"Give me money!"

When I got home from work, she was sitting on the sofa.

She didn't realize her mistake and demanded money from me.

I ignored her and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey, can't you hear me?

I told you to give me money!"

She blocked my way, full of malice, treating me like an enemy rather than a mother.

"What are you doing?"

She looked at me with hostility. "Are you deaf?

Can't you hear me talking to you?

Working tirelessly at that thankless job all day, have you gone stupid?

How am I supposed to find Dad if you don't give me money?"

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