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Alpha Adonis

Alpha Adonis



At twenty-one, Iris is a mateless virgin-a dangerous taboo in her world. Desperate to escape humiliation, she flees and enters a fierce competition for the hand of Adonis, the Lycan King who the loss of his first wife had shattered. But Iris doesn't know that her father is responsible for Adonis' tragedy and that behind the Adonis charm lurks a man consumed by a dark, smoldering fire-one that could either spark a burning passion or burn her to ashes. Will this contest be her salvation or her downfall? "What we share isn't love," his voice purred against my ear, "It's madness-an addiction that will ruin us both. In life or death, you're forever mine."

Chapter 1 One

The hushed whispers and over a hundred pairs of eyes watching me made me tremble in fear. I avoided everyone's gaze and stepped forward to meet my wolf for the first time.

As the alpha's only child, my only purpose in the pack was to breed and produce an heir, and the pack's future rested in my hands. I didn't want to fail my dad and packmates, even though they'd failed me countless times.

But my stepmother was convinced I wasn't an alpha wolf. She was making mocking faces at me, while Dad wore a bored frown, and my step-sisters, who were always treated better than me, waited to laugh scornfully at me.

"Come closer, Iris. Don't be afraid."

The elders waited patiently for me to approach them, but my legs didn't feel like mine. They were so heavy. After meeting my wolf, I would marry Ethan, my boyfriend, have our first son, and hand him over to my dad. Then, Ethan and I could have other kids for ourselves. I wasn't bothered because we clicked instantly when our parents introduced us.

"Iris! Wait!"

I was momentarily distracted by Ethan waving and running towards me. He held a bunch of roses and my favorite brand of chocolates. His thoughtfulness made me break into a tearful smile.

Ethan, nineteen, had met his wolf the previous year. He took my sweaty palm in his.

"I believe in you, Iris."

I nodded weakly. An elder, so old that all his children and some of his grandchildren had passed away, stepped forward. His scaly hands rubbed an ointment on my forehead and chanted in a low, trembling voice.

"Shift into your wolf. Embrace it and feel its strength flow into you."

I lifted my chin and closed my eyes. As werewolves, our first shift was always a big deal, so important that most families threw parties to celebrate. Expecting a party from my dad was overly optimistic, but at least a pat on the back and a simple "congratulations" would make me smile.

I felt the transformation taking hold in my body. It was so painful that I screamed out. Strange things began to happen: my bones snapped, my nails turned into claws, and thick, brown fur sprouted all over me.

The crowd gasped in horror. My subconscious knew something was wrong. My dad's eyes glowed red like a demon. Alpha wolves were always large and majestic. Why was my wolf the size of a puppy?

"Shift back, you loser!" my dad bellowed with a voice full of shame. Ethan was nowhere to be found, and stepmother's mocking laughter filled the air.

I collapsed to the ground, and a woman hastily covered me with a white cloth. The crowd whispered the word " omega, " a label that stung like a thousand needles. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I locked gazes with my disappointed, disgusted dad.

"I have always suspected that your filthy mother cheated on me with an omega slave," he exclaimed, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Now, this proves that you're a bastard. I hope she rots in hell!"

Right before me, my worst fears were manifesting: Ethan couldn't face my dad's wrath, and my stepmother beckoned the wardens from the prison where omega women spent the rest of their lives to whisk me away.

I tried to fight the wardens, but they grabbed my arms, dragged me along with them, and led me to a van.

As soon as they opened the door, I began screaming, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Where are you taking me? Dad! Ethan! Please, don't abandon me with them. Help me!"

My dad turned around, and the hatred in his eyes told me all I needed to know. I stopped struggling and got into the van.


Three years later

Returning home every year for my birthday was a painful reminder of my worthlessness. I wasn't looking forward to my dad constantly putting me down.

The Omega Sisters' Sanctuary was a terrible place, filled with depressed Omega girls who made no effort to socialize. Still, I'd rather remain in my little corner than face my family.

The matron tapped on my bunk. "It's time to head home. Happy twenty-first birthday. Enjoy the evening with your family."

Like a lamb, I was bundled home. I looked in the van's mirror and saw sad eyes looking back at me.

Sighing, I tied a scrunchie around my unusual chocolate and burgundy hair, a unique trait that unfortunately wouldn't be inherited by any children.

Ethan hadn't written or visited in weeks, but I held on tightly to his love and hoped to see him tonight. Minutes later, we arrived at my dad's four-story townhouse. The muffled sounds and cars parked outside signaled a celebration inside.

When I entered the foyer, I saw my step-sister Bianca cradling her young son. Our eyes met, and her head jerked up.

"Of all days, you had to show up today? That's just rotten luck. You should leave right now with your dignity intact."

I shot her a confused frown. "What are you talking about?"

"For your good, don't go into the house."

I pushed past her attempts to stop me and entered the large hall, where my dad held pack activities.

My feet wobbled when I saw Ethan, looking sharp in a tux and standing opposite a gorgeous bride.

Raw pain squeezed my heart. This explained his prolonged silence. My presence was immediately noticed, and my stepmother, whose eyes were bright with amusement, grabbed my hand and dragged me away. Ethan's face paled. He looked like a child caught stealing.

"Who brought you home?" I heard my dad's deep bass voice bellow behind me when we got to the foyer.

"It's my birthday," I choked out and turned to face Ethan, who also rushed out. "I didn't want to come, but-"

"How dare you think you can ruin Ethan's wedding? Go upstairs to your room this second!"

"I'd rather return to the sanctuary. I never wanted to come in the first place."

Without warning, Dad struck me across my face. My cheeks stung, and tears threatened to spill.

"You bastard spinster. You make my skin crawl. I wish you'd die!"

"Dad!" Bianca, my step-sister, cried out. "That's too much."

I hid my face and wiped my tears. Ethan's rejection crushed me to my core. I had hoped his silence resulted from his being busy, but coming home on his wedding day was the most betraying feeling I'd ever experienced.

He looked guilty and refused to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry you found out this way, Iris. But I can't marry an omega. You're weak and destined to spend your life in that sanctuary."

Those words hurt me more than a gunshot. He walked away without sparing me another glance, and Dad ordered a guard to seize me.

"Return her to the sanctuary."

The drive back was depressingly quiet. The sky darkened in minutes, and it began raining. When we got to the sanctuary, my dad's guard drove away, leaving me in the rain.

I rushed to the gate and knocked hard. The old man who manned the gate was deaf in one ear. While drenched in the rain and waiting, an idea struck me like lightning.

Freedom was right at my fingertips.

The older man must have heard the bell because he stepped out with an umbrella. While he was struggling with the padlock, I turned around and began running.

"Hey! Stop right there!" he cried from behind me. "Get down here."

"Sorry, but I want a better life," I dared and fled, ensuring he could never catch me.

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