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Boyfriend for Sale

Boyfriend for Sale

Bride Asimov


My girlfriend's name is Tricia. She has fair skin, beautiful features, and long legs, standing at about 170 cm tall. She has long, wavy hair that reaches her waist and wears different styles of white shirts and gray suit skirts throughout the year, giving her a very unique vibe. She works in real estate sales. Three years ago, during a sales event at her company, I was somewhat confusedly dragged along by a colleague who was looking to buy a house. My colleague was interested in buying from her, but I found myself drawn to her instead. Eventually, after my persistent efforts, it naturally led to us starting a relationship.

Chapter 1

My girlfriend's name was Tricia Robinson. She was fair-skinned, beautiful, with long legs, and stood at 170 cm tall.

Her waist-length wavy hair and her year-round style of white blouses paired with charcoal gray skirts gave her a unique charm.

Tricia worked in real estate sales. Three years ago, her company held a sales event, and a colleague somehow got me to go as they were looking to buy a house.

While my colleague was interested in the property, I was captivated by her.

Under my persistent pursuit, we naturally started dating.

Tricia was the top saleswoman in her company, often outperformed the entire team combined and earning significantly more than me.

However, she never flaunted her success at home. Instead, she took great care of me, cooking up various nutritious soups daily, truly a rare gem who was as competent in the boardroom as she was in the kitchen.

Though Tricia and I had been in a stable relationship for three years and have shared intimate moments, she never stayed overnight at my place, always returning to her rented apartment.

She maintained her integrity wherever she goes, except for one thing.

This was our little secret, she liked to record our intimate moments, claiming it was to preserve our sweetest memories.

Her reliant expression made me feel happy, adding to her innocent charm.

Tricia was not only beautiful but also kind-hearted, attracting many admirers.

However, she maintained her integrity, and her close friends were all women.

To reassure me, she even introduced her female friends to me.

Through them, I witnessed the fragile nature of female friendships.

Some of these women, even at their age, insisted on adding me on Whatsapp after meeting me, openly making suggestive comments without considering Tricia's feelings.

To protect her innocence, I decisively blocked them and gently advised her to distance herself from them.

Tricia listened to me, and those women never appeared again.

Her obedience greatly satisfied my vanity, making me love her even more.

Strangely, despite earning so much, Tricia didn't own property in the city and frequently moves. In three years, she was moved six or seven times, citing various reasons like noise, ghosts, or harassment.

Since she was always been good to me, I never questioned her reasons.

As a writer who rarely concerned himself with worldly matters, having such an exceptional girlfriend made my friends and family said that I hit the jackpot.

I believed it too, until a recent incident made me question her.

That night, after dinner and some sex, it was already 11 PM. It was raining heavily outside. I was drenched in sweat, lazily lying in bed.

Tricia took a shower and came out wearing only my white shirt, her hair still wet.

"I need to go back," she said, calmly drying her hair with a towel.

"It's pouring outside. Why not stay the night?"

I pulled her into my arms.

She pushed me away coldly, "Did you forget our agreement?"

One of our rules was that she would never stay overnight at my place. I used to think it was because of her self-discipline, but after three years, why did she still insist on leaving?

Was she hiding something from me?

Sensing my displeasure, Tricia softly explained, "My family is conservative. My parents video call every night to check if I'm home, so I must go back. Darling, since I've decided to marry you, I need to be a virtuous girl. Otherwise, your family might not accept me, right?"

I thought about it and agreed with her reasoning.

Knowing her for so long, she truly was a virtuous girl.

So, I stretched and said, "I'll drive you back. It's late and raining, it's not safe for you to walk alone."

Tricia hesitated, wanting to say something but swallowed her words, nodding obediently.

I drove her to her apartment, and she insisted I not accompany her up.

I had a deadline to meet, so I didn't insist.

But on the way back, I noticed her work badge left in the car.

Knowing she would need it for work, I decided to return it.

As I parked near her building, I saw a familiar figure emerge from the hallway.

The woman wore a revealing black mini-skirt, fishnet stockings, heavy makeup, and had a cigarette in her hand, with a provocative aura.

This woman, with her seductive aura, was none other than my girlfriend, Tricia.

I thought I was seeing things, rubbed my eyes, but the woman before me, apart from looking exactly like Tricia, had nothing else in common.

If I hadn't known her so well over the past three years, I might have thought she had a twin sister.

I considered driving over to ask her why she was dressed like that so late.

But then, a sleek black car pulled up in front of her.

The car had tinted windows, hiding the occupants.

Yet, Tricia clearly recognized it, swaying her hips as she happily got in.

My mind went blank as I realized why she never stayed over. She had another man outside, and I was the fool all along!

Furious, I opened the car door, ready to confront her.

What did I do wrong?

But as I stepped out, the car sped off like lightning, vanishing into the night.

I clenched my teeth, took deep breaths, trying to control my emotions.

Even if I had been betrayed, I needed to know who I had lost to.

Even though the man was driving a luxury car and worth millions, my ego wouldn't let me back down. I wanted to see what else he had over me besides money.

Driven by this impulse, I slammed the car door shut and floored the gas pedal, racing madly in the direction the car had disappeared.

My old car was no match for the that car's performance, but it was swerving down the road as if the driver were drunk.

My temples throbbed, and I couldn't help but picture Tricia and the mysterious car owner getting cozy.

My emotions spiraled out of control, and I pressed the gas pedal harder, determined to catch up and confront those two cheaters, demanding an explanation from Tricia.

Suddenly, a car sped past me from the side, blaring its horn. It narrowly missed me, and if I hadn't braked in time, I would have crashed.

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead, and I snapped back to reality.

"What 's the fucking wrong with you?!"

The driver yelled as he drove off.

The luxury car, oblivious to my near accident, continued on with Tricia inside, gradually disappearing from view.

I wiped the sweat from my brow, feeling oddly calm after the scare.

I hadn't done anything wrong, it was Tricia who betrayed me and our three-year relationship.

I didn't need to risk my life for someone so fickle and unfaithful.

But I couldn't just let it go.

Tricia had been deceiving me for three years.

I needed to uncover who she really was before deciding my next move.

With this resolve, I followed the Bentley at a safe distance out of the city to a park.

During the day, the park was bustling with visitors, but at night it was eerily silent, except for the distant glow of the gatekeeper's light.

The car parked in a secluded spot. I parked my car discreetly and approached on foot, hiding behind a large tree.

The car door opened, and I saw Tricia step out with a middle-aged, bald man, flirting as they exited.

"I didn't know you owned this park too," Tricia said coyly.

What are we doing here in the middle of the night?"

"I have a three-story villa here," the bald man replied sleazily. "It's perfect for just the two of us."

"Oh, you're so naughty..."

Tricia giggled, playfully pushing him as they walked away, arms around each other.

I bit my lip hard, feeling humiliated. I wanted to rush out and confront them, make them beg for forgiveness.

But reason held me back. I needed to gather evidence and confront Tricia with the truth.

Quietly, I took out my phone and started recording Tricia's betrayal.

I hadn't seen the car's owner's face clearly, so I wanted to get more photos from another angle.

Focused on Tricia, I didn't notice the metal can at my feet until I accidentally kicked it, creating a loud clatter.

Startled, I quickly hid in the bushes, holding my breath.

Tricia, alarmed, said, "I think there's someone outside..."

"It's so late, not even a ghost would be out," the bald man joked. "If there is, it's a naughty one."

"You are the naughty boy...

But what if someone sees us and tells my boyfriend?" Tricia fretted.

"I don't get it," the man sneered.

"Your broke boyfriend, quiet as a mouse, always on his computer, earns less in a year than you do selling one house. Why do you like him that much, if you can get rid of him, I will buy you a house now."

"You think I'm with him because I like him?

Come on, his is totally a loser.

I just need him for something..." Tricia said coldly.

"What use could he possibly have?"

The man chuckled wickedly.

I was curious too. What use could someone like me be to Tricia?

But she just laughed and said, "That's my secret. I can't tell you..."

When I got home, it was already late at night. Despite my anger, I felt strangely calm.

I began to review the past few years with Tricia, noticing inconsistencies.

Her sales achievements seemed too high for someone her age.

And she frequently moved and changed phone numbers, as if hiding from someone.

The familiarity with the car's owner suggested they had known each other for some time.

That man offered her a house if she left me, a tempting offer for anyone.

But why didn't she accept?

I used to believe she refused because of her feelings for me.

But after witnessing everything, I no longer believed in love.

A woman's words was full of deceit, and I felt like the biggest fool in the world.

Determined not to be fooled again, I decided to investigate further, starting with the phone numbers Tricia had changed.

She had used my ID to register them, always asking me to handle it because she was too busy.

Each number lasted only a few months before she claimed that some annoying clients were bothering her. At that time, I didn't think much, just did as she said. And she had also required me to cancel those SM cards, but I was too busy at that time and forgot about it.

Then I found the old SIM cards and retrieved her call records from the past three years.

Her work-related calls were numerous and varied, but I focused on the numbers she frequently dialed. They were all women, nothing unusual. But I was determined to uncover the truth.

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