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Authoress Fave


"Ming over here!! The last demon is over here!!". Jade screamed jumping over the barricade into the forest and Ming's eyes widened going after her. "Jade! Come back now, that's the forbidden forest!!". Ming screamed, staying in his lane, since he was too scared to go over the barricade like his friend. Meanwhile Jade was in a world of her own. All through the afternoon she and Ming had slayed only one demon now, it's remaining the last one and she must slay it so as to get paid and also get a power boost. The demon was behind a tree next to a huge rock. It was oblivious of her presence otherwise it would have come for her so she quietly tiptoed closer to it, hiding behind the mysterious rock next to the tree the demon was, she prepared to strike with her huge iron spear in her hand, but when she made to throw the spear and kill the demon it mistakenly fell to the ground which alerted the demon, and the demon instantly sighting her, charged towards her with it's long claws and teeth it was at the verge of ruthlessly tearing her up. When she swiftly and smartly removed a mysterious sword from the huge rock she had earlier hid behind, and slayed the demon with the sword making it disappear immediately shocking Jade herself as she stared at the mysterious sword in her hand. "If it was my spear the demon would only die but the body won't disappear". Jade muttered in puzzlement as she stared at the sword like a novice, then smiled cunningly. "I'm pretty sure it will cost a lot, gosh I'm so lucky!!". Jade jumped in excitement only for a loud thunder to boom followed by a huge lightning from the sky almost striking her and she screamed out rushing to hide behind a rock. "It seems you love daring me Damien!! I seized the sword from you cause you used it in slaying too many demons now you took it to slay another one?!! I'll surely make sure you perish now!!". A huge voice boomed from the sky followed by another lightening and Jade's eyes widened. She looked away giving in to death only for a powerful figure to appear right in front of her, his firm marvelous back facing her as he held the lightening with his own surprisingly massive powers his long hair and cloak flying behind him and Jade sighed in relief admiring his good back features, but didn't take long before standing to her feet and running for her life. After the whole catastrophe had been calmed, the Emperor turned to see who it was he had just saved, but a frown fell on his face when he saw no one. "Find her and bring her to me". The Emperor ordered coldly to his right hand man who bowed before disappearing..


The Kingdom of Yongxi is a Kingdom of people with special powers and super ageless beings.

Even their new born babies already have their own gift of their own from birth, be it controlling the fire, water or wind element or even mind reading and soothsaying

"Hurry! Get my other stuff too!!". Mina the eldest daughter said to her servants as she packed all her valuables.

She had her usual savage look as she watched with keen sight the activities of her servants. Her red flamboyant gament that made her look more like a princess than a minister's oldest daughter.

"Yes, young mistress". The servants said as they took more of her dresses and makeup tools than her swords and books.

"Mina! I can't find my crown and we'll be leaving for the palace soon! I can't let the Queen mother pick Hani over me in becoming the next Queen!". Bae the second daughter said barging into her oldest sister's chamber and Mina rolled eyes at her.

"You should be more worried about the contest and not the crown. If you fail any of the tests then you can never become the emperor's concubine not to talk of being his empress". Mina said and then a huge bell began to ring from outside.

"Father's calling for a meeting. Let's leave before he gets mad again". Mina said before walking out of the room.

"That advice is actually meant for the blind leach, not me". Bae sneered before leaving the chamber.


The prime minister stood right in front of his household from his only wife to his three concubines then down to 7 out of 8 of his children.

Jun- The first son

Mina-The second born

Bae- The third

Cherry- The fourth

Asa - The fifth

Sana- The sixth

Nazia- The seventh

His stern gaze roamed round them like he wanted to make sure if everyone was present and he frowned when he noticed the one person who always ignores his calls was absent as usual.

"Overlook it my lord. None of what you're going to say concerns her after all". Lady Suzy said from among the front row where she stood assembled also and Minister Wang nodded before clearing his throat.

"I've always treated you all as little children even though most of you now are in your mid and late two hundreds, but the moment i received the letter every noble household with female children in this kingdom receives, i realized that I've got only grownups in this small castle of mine". Minister Wang started and his daughters excluding his stoic looking son smiled proudly, same with their mothers and the minister frowned.

"You all must be less knowledgeable to think being summoned to the palace by the queen mother is a thing to be proud of!". Minister Wang suddenly snapped, his usual unpredictable temper and everyone flinched in fear.

"But father, it only means we'll be amongst the maidens the Queen mother will train to become the next empress...

"Shut up Nazia! You think the training guarantees you becoming the Queen? About a hundred plus young ladies from noble families within and outside the tenth provinces were summoned also and only one can become the Queen. You think it's an easy task you're embarking on?!". Minister Wang sneered at his seventh daughter and her other sisters smirked.

"We have higher chances. My Lord , we've got seven of our girls going to be trained, unlike other households with one daughter, so we have higher odds....

The rest of the words got stuck in Mistress Gory's lips when a thud was heard from the last row of the assembled children and everyone turned to see who it was but immediately frowned with disgust.

Jade had actually come to the assembly and on the verge of lining up in twos like her elder siblings she fell woefully to the ground because of her blindness earning everyone's gaze.

She was in her usual white garment, her long silky hair gracing her back and her white flawless skin standing out from those of her sisters even when she never applied any artificial creams like them.

Her eyes were blindfolded because of how useless it was and her wooden stick well clutched in her pretty fingers, the only support she had in knowing her way around.

"I'm sorry for the interruption. Please continue father". Jade's sweet voice said and everyone except the minister and her brother Jun rolled eyes at her.

"We would have had greater odds if one of them wasn't blind and useless". Mistress Soni hissed and Jade gulped down nothing standing in line.

"As I was saying. Don't you dare think the training is about how graceful and elegant you are in character to be fit for the crown Queen position because it's far from it". The minister said and everyone began murmuring.

"If it isn't, then what is it about then?". Sana, the sixth daughter, asked.

"We're all getting trained based on our spiritual powers and that's why the weakling amongst us didn't get an invite". Mina said blankly she stood in the third row with Jun since the first and second row were occupied by their mothers and Jade bit her lip from where she stood.

"Keep her being powerless aside, would the Emperor actually marry a blind fool?". Cherry added and the other girls broke into laughter.

"She's going to stay here and be of help to the servants whether she likes it or not". Mistress Yeri said and everyone grinned mockingly again and Jade balled her fist tight to stick she couldn't see but she heard them.

"Oh my mother, I think you made her mad!!". Sana gasped dramatically and everyone broke into another round of giggle.

"If she's so mad, she can as well join her mother in the afterlife". Mistress Gory scoffed glaring at Jade.

"Silence!!". The minister ordered and everywhere became quiet once and he sighed before continuing.

"How many of us have heard about the sword of life and death?". Minister Wang asked and Asa raised up her hand to speak and her mother, Mistress Yeri smiled proudly at her.

"The sword of life and death was the emperor's sword formally called Storm when he was still the crown prince, but after the huge war that broke out five hundred years ago and the Emperor used it in slaying thousands of demons the heavens seized it and glued it to a rock in the middle of the forbidden forest right at the outskirt of this kingdom". Asa answered arrogantly and her father nodded.

"The heavens seized the sword because it had the blood of many demons and was capable of making the Emperor turn evil and for some reason the sword has to do with the Emperor's hiding when it's in sunlight. Now that's where you all training comes in, cause the only way you'll be crowned the new empress is if you're able to remove the sword from the rock and free the emperor from the shackles the heavens placed on him and no weak person can ever remove the sword cause even the former Emperor tried removing it and ended up being struck by lightning cause it was supposed to be a lady and not a man to remove it". Minister Wang said and both his women and children gasped in awe.

"The heaven's punished the emperor for protecting his people from demons? Isn't that too cruel?". Cherry mumbled sadly.

"Killing has always been a sin from the onset and the heavens preach purity so you can understand why he got punished for not just killing a few but thousands of demons". Minister Wang said and everyone rolled their eyes , obviously seeing the reason for cursing the emperor as not too valid.

"I have a lot to say but times are not on our side, and you all need to leave and get to the palace before sun down otherwise I'll face the wrath of the Queen Mother. All I'm just going to say is that practice more on your powers in the palace and don't focus on your beauty alone. If you get evicted from the contest come home, don't get embarrassed and refuse to come home cause seriously I don't wish for any of you to get betrothed to the emperor". Minister Wang said a moody look now on his face.

"But why father? Being an empress means having the same influence as the charming emperor". Asa asked the questions in her siblings' mind.

"I know what I'm talking about. I walk in the court same as other ministers and each year the queen enrolls trainees for the Queen selection contest, but all to no avail and today being the hundredth year we're sure no one will emerge as the queen just like the previous years". The Minister said and everyone rolled eyes.

"We're sure we'll be victorious in this contest. I didn't train for 280 years just to get rejected like a nobody". Mina uttered confidently and Jade rolled her covered eyes at her.

"Same here father! I feel the throne calling me already!". Bae smiled confidently.

"Me too!!". The rest chorused.

'When will they understand that the world doesn't revolve around them?'. Jade scoffed in her mind.

"If that's what you all think I can't stop you. You may all leave for the palace now I've held you back enough". Minister Wang said and immediately his impatient daughters dispersed most of them hitting Jade in the process of her almost losing balance.

Then finally they and their witchy mothers were gone and she turned to leave with her stick leading her path.

"Stay. I have something to say to you". Minister Wang said authoritatively his hands behind him and Jade sighed in hidden annoyance before turning to face him with her innocence.

"Yes father. I'm all ears". Jade muttered and the Minister walked closer to her.

"You're fifty now and still yet to find yourself". Minister Wang said standing in front of her.

'This same talk again?'. Jade thought.

"Yes, I know that father". Jade replied.

"You know if you weren't blind you would have been killed right when you clocked twenty years. Cause our people believe if a person doesn't gain supernatural powers from birth, twenty years is the only deadline they have to gain such powers and if they don't, they will be accused of witchcraft and stoned to death, cause it's only a witch that develops her powers at eighty and you're almost getting there. But thank goodness your blindness came at the right time to make people pardon you a little". Minister Wang said.

"I'm not a witch father...

"Of course you're not. No witch is ever blind because they have to read before chanting spells. But then lots of people have been complaining about your inability and are greatly sure you're a witch". Minister Wang said and Jade's blind eyes widened in the blindfold.

"The issue has been taken to the minister of people's affairs and together with my pleadings you've been given two weeks to prove that you have a tiny atom of spiritual power in you or else you'll be accused of witchcraft and stoned to death". Minister Wang said and Jade staggered backwards almost losing her stance.

"I don't know how you'll practice elemental spells or sword manipulations since you can't see but then I've done my part by informing you". Minister Wang said before walking out and Jade sighed deeply in panic, but then someone suddenly touched her shoulder and she flinched feeling the touch.

"Don't be scared little sis. I know of a shaman that can borrow your powers to fool everyone in two weeks time". Mina smirked behind her and Jade instantly turned to her.

"Really?! Please tell me..

"Idiot! There's no shaman in this tenth province remember?! Shamanism is a huge ban in this kingdom just kill yourself and quit spoiling the air over here for us!". Mina spat hatefully pushing her to the floor and she fell then Mina grinned before walking away also and Jade balled her fist on the ground before standing up and leaving.

It's the smallest chamber in her father's whole castle, though it's the most beautifully kept because of its occupant even when everything in it was furnitured with fake things, as her step mother who was incharge of the castle's interior furnishing made sure she spent zero penny in her room.

Once questioned by the Minister about Jade's poorly furnished room, her step mother had given reasons like she was blind and can't even notice if she was told to sleep in the gutter, so no need wasting golds in her room.

Jade burst into her room shutting the door lock she threw her stick to the floor and removed her blindfold throwing it away also.

"Witch?! I'm a Witch?! Gosh, these people! If i hadn't lied to be blind few years back they would have really killed a young girl like me?! Oh my". Jade scoffed, running her hands through her long hair as she looked into her shattered mirror.

Then almost immediately someone burst into her room through the window and she flinched at first, but seeing it was Ming, her best friend, she sighed in relief as Ming quickly shut the window. Ming is the only son of a poor fisherman who lived near the kingdom's river.

"Did you find anything?". Jade asked him asked her friend, Ming.

"Nope! It seems you're completely empty because all the powerful people I went to for advice on your case, they said they've never heard of a powerless girl at fifty before, unless you're a witch and waiting to clock eighty to show your powers". Ming said walking round the room in search of food and Jade slumped to her tiny bed.

"What I'm I going to do now?". She asked herself.

"I heard fighting demons can awaken one's spiritual powers". Ming said munching on an apple he saw on the table and Jade scoffed, turning to the other side of the bed.

"Demons have been extinct for close to 500 years now thanks to the emperor". Jade sneered so much annoyance in her tone and Ming's eyes widened going to sit beside her on the bed.

"You haven't heard? There are demons attacking some parts of the kingdom now and demon slayers are in high demand". Ming said and Jade quickly sprang up from the bed.

"Seriously?! I get to slay a demon, acquire my spiritual power and also get paid?!". Jade asked energetically and when Ming nodded she stood up packing her long hair in a ponytail putting on a cape she picked up her stick and blindfold.

"Let's go, I'm ready to slay some evil beings". Jade said and Ming nodded.

"At least you're good with sword fight even though you know nothing about spiritual powers, so I think with my little power and your sword skills we're bond to kill at least two demons before tonight and earn five hundred gold coins and also boost a little of your hidden powers". Ming said and Jade smiled widely.

"I love the sound of that! Money!!". Jade screamed before jumping out of the window.

"It's your powers you should worry about, not money!!". Ming remembered going after her.

WEILANG CITY ( A city next to the forbidden forest )

The city was buzzing with lots of lights and activities as usual, as most rich Lords gathered in an open big motel celebrating the fact that their daughters got summoned to the palace for training.

"I'm pretty sure your daughter will be home by tomorrow morning. She's a daddy's pet and only knows the basics of sword manipulation". A minister shaded his colleague and the other frowned.

"Don't be angry Minister Zhuo once my daughter becomes the Queen I'll tell her to choose your daughter as her assistant which is the emperor's first concubine". Minister Ling said and the others scoffed knowing his daughter Hani and the powerful power she possessed.

"Do you want me to announce your presence, your majesty?". Kai the emperor's personal guard said to a figure in the dark corners of the same motel who sat poisedly drinking observantly, as his sharp ears peeped into his minister's conversations.

"What for?". The emperor's ferocious voice asked as he took another sip from his tiny cup and Kai silently bowed his head.

The emperor was putting on an all black, a black cloak and a black mask covering his handsome face, all screaming low key royalty after being adorned on his well chiseled body.

"Whose the minister with the proud voice?". The Emperor's voice came again.

"That's Minister Ling, his daughter's the most powerful young...

"Pour me another glass". Emperor Damien cut him off and Kai did as told it was obvious the Emperor himself was fed up with the whole selection thing because for a hundred years now no one has been able to remove the sword from its rock.


"Ming over here!! The last demon is over here!!". Jade screamed jumping over the barricade into the forest and Ming's eyes widened going after her.

"Jade! Come back now, that's the forbidden forest!!". Ming screamed, staying in his lane, since he was too scared to go over the barricade like his friend.

Meanwhile Jade was in a world of her own. All through the afternoon she and Ming had slayed only one demon now, it's remaining the last one and she must slay it so as to get paid and also get a power boost.

The demon was behind a tree next to a huge rock. It was oblivious of her presence otherwise it would have come for her so she quietly tiptoed closer to it, hiding behind the mysterious rock next to the tree the demon was, she prepared to strike with her huge iron spear in her hand, but when she made to throw the spear and kill the demon it mistakenly fell to the ground which alerted the demon, and the demon instantly sighting her, charged towards her with it's long claws and teeth it was at the verge of ruthlessly tearing her up.

When she swiftly and smartly removed a mysterious sword from the huge rock she had earlier hid behind, and slayed the demon with the sword making it disappear immediately shocking Jade herself as she stared at the mysterious sword in her hand.

"If it was my spear the demon would only die but the body won't disappear". Jade muttered in puzzlement as she stared at the sword like a novice, then smiled cunningly.

"I'm pretty sure it will cost a lot, gosh I'm so lucky!!". Jade jumped in excitement only for a loud thunder to boom followed by a huge lightning from the sky almost striking her and she screamed out rushing to hide behind a rock.

"It seems you love daring me Damien!! I seized the sword from you cause you used it in slaying too many demons now you took it to slay another one?!! I'll surely make sure you perish now!!". A huge voice boomed from the sky followed by another lightening and Jade's eyes widened as she dodged it going to hide behind another rock.

"Damien? Whose Damien?! I'm Jade not Damien please spare my life oh powerful sir!!". Jade pleaded, crying loudly as she rubbed her palms together.

But whoever it was in the sky was ruthless as he instantly sent another lightening her way almost hitting her and Jade looked away giving in to death only for a powerful figure to appear right in front of her, his firm marvelous back facing her as he held the lightening with his own surprisingly massive powers his long hair and cloak flying behind him and Jade sighed in relief admiring his good back features, but didn't take long before standing to her feet and running for her life.

Damien upon sensing her departing, his gaze darkened as he instantly got rid of the lightning and turned to see her almost gone. He sent his sword at her immediately but she dodged it.

Instead, the sword released her hair once packed in a ponytail, and cut a few pieces of it, and the piece of hair fell to the ground before she finally escaped and that was when Kai appeared before the Emperor, his eyes widened seeing the empty rock.

The Emperor then teleported to where her hair had fallen and picked it up from the ground feeling it in his palms. His eyes glistened with silent fury, he handed the hair to Kai who took it.

"Find her and bring her to me". The Emperor ordered coldly and Kai bowed before disappearing..

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Other books by Authoress Fave





The TIGERS!! The same name that makes many, including lawmakers tremble or even pee on themselves each time they have even just the slightest contact with them and also makes both toxic women and teenagers wet by just a short glance. The biggest Mafia Clan in the whole world, with lots of members and connections in their disposal. They're even more feared than the devil himself, and the reason is not because they have well trained fighters under them, but mainly because of their leaders, THE TIGER BROTHERS. Respectively consisting of: Don Alanzo Tiger (The first under boss) Don Diego Tiger (The second under boss) Don Rodrigo Tiger (The third under boss) and Don Ronaldo Tiger (The fourth and last under boss) They're all quadruplets and 28 years olds, with striking handsome features and not too identical resemblance. Each of them are never mistaken for each other, because the only way one could tell them apart is based on their aura and temper. While Alanzo was the cold and mysterious type, the rest of his brothers were more loud and hot-tempered (But their temper had levels, and Diego topped the list). The only thing in their minds was the lowkey competition they had with each other and how to dethrone the other, but mostly their targets were dethroning Alanzo first. The brothers finally saw light in their thirst for more power when the Godfather (Their narcissist grandfather) summoned them to acquire a life prolonging boot, buried in the dept of the city and promised whoever acquired the boots first his next of kin not caring whether it was well deserved or not, which only made the dons more interested in the mission, including coded Alanzo himself who thought acquiring the boots would make his brothers knows who truly rules their world. But on that graceful night where the mission was to take place, someone unexpected from nowhere took it before their eyes and ever since they vowed to hunt down whoever it was and make them pay dearly with his\her life for double-crossing them. Who's this someone? The pretty girl vile and daring enough to tamper with the TIGERS??



Young Adult


Have you ever been in a worst case scenario, where your once wealthy family becomes suddenly poor and begins eating from hand to mouth, and how you have to take on so many part time jobs just to fend for both yourself and your entire family? Well that was the case of LALISA MANOBAN, popularly known and called Lisa. She is a pretty nineteen years old and the only child of her parents. She and her family are from Thailand, but they had to move to Australia, because of her father's job which he later lost. She is a white skinned girl, with beautiful brown eyes, long lashes and also long black hair, which she made the front into bangs as her signature look. She is tall and slim in figure, and still had the killer shapes to make any guy go crazy. But all this beauty was hidden behind baggy clothes and huge trousers why?? Because our adorable female lead is a tomboy and she even acts like one!! Lisa's father came home one day that he had lost his work in the oil company. He was the general manager of the company, in charge of overseeing the funds and finances of the company, but all of a sudden something went wrong and he was instantly fired. Not too long after, he became in debt and highly burdened by his once light weighted responsibility, and had to borrow money from a gangster loan shark who borrows people money willingly, adds a lot of interest so they won't pay back and sends his boys to harass and beat them up. He used his wife's mini bar, which was their family's only source of income, as a collateral for the money he borrowed. Lisa's Dad tried so hard to get another job but all that was available, he began working on a construction site, but quited when he was involved in an accident that claimed one of his legs, since then he became idly useless because no one wanted to hire a disabled man. When it was time to pay back the money he owed to the loan shark he had no choice than to handover his wife's shop as a collateral, little did he know that an interest has been added to it which is even more higher than the amount he borrowed. Because he couldn't pay up the interest, every night by 8pm the thugs would appear and beat him up for twenty minutes before going back to their base. He became saddened and his situation became worse when his now jobless wife became a chronic drunkard and also a gambler. She never seizes to oppress and terrorize him whenever she sees him, because his sight alone angers her. Lisa had to shoulder her dad's responsibility at the age of fifteen, so that she would be able to fund his hospital bills and also send herself back to school. Now she is nineteen and ready to go back to school, an agile crazy girl who doesn't let people take her for granted. No damn person could stomp on her and go scott free. Amidst that crazy personality stood a young girl of wild dreams, and the greatest of all her dreams was that she wanted to become a student in her dream school, a school meant for the rich and not the poor. Finally another scholarship session came and after applying for the second time that year she was accepted, but she still needed to gather more money for her textbooks and writing materials which was surprisingly very expensive, because it was to be purchased in the school and nowhere else. After striving to get into the school, she finds out that all she dreamt and thought about the school, was not really what she expected, and things even become worse when she finds herself entangled between the two most popular boys in the school, who are most likely arch enemies

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