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The Billionaire's Obsession with his Baby mama

The Billionaire's Obsession with his Baby mama

Oma Writes


Liz Fred comes from a middle-class family, she's a third-rate novelist who works really hard so people can read her books one day and love them. She's being loved by all except her sister who hates her cause Liz is an adopted child and not a real child of Fred's family. What happens when the Rich Billionaire CEO of the Hewlett company comes for Liz and requests that Liz give him the child that she had three years ago after a one-night stand between them? But Liz can't remember ever meeting with Otto Hewlett. Now the question is, who's telling the truth between Liz and Otto? Was there a child? Or is someone actually hiding something?

Chapter 1 Where's my Baby

Unconsciously, she mumbled some words as if she was asleep but her words couldn't be heard. She thought she was having a nightmare.

While she mumbled, a bucket of water landed on her body which jolted her back to the conscious world.

She was trying to picture where she was, but she couldn't because she felt dizzy. Her head spun due to the way she jerked up when she woke up. She looked around the place and her eyes landed on some men wearing suits.

"What the..." She said, trying to figure out who they were.

"What's going on?" Liz said, holding her head because of the dizziness. She was wincing in pain when all of a sudden, her eyes landed on one of the men. He was sitting on a chair just staring at her.

"He must be their leader but gosh he is so damn handsome," she pondered.

She looked at him from hair to toe and admired him, he was breathtaking. He had all the qualities a girl would want in a man. He had this round face and perfect blonde hair to match the face. He had a cat eye that could captivate you if you look into them, those eyes that would make you paralyzed when you look into it.

Talking about his stature he was a sight to behold. He had a perfect muscular body and she knew that behind the suit he wore.

"Back to earth, Liz," she said to herself. Everything around her seemed like it was a dream. So she had to ask them who they were and what they were doing in her dream.

"Who are you guys and what am I doing here?" She asked but didn't get any response.

"I said who the hell are you guys?" She questioned and raised her voice.

Trying to get up, she couldn't and realized that she was tied both hands and legs. She tried to struggle out of the rope but she couldn't.

"Who are you guys?" She asked, getting really mad.

Fed up with Liz's ranting, Otto stood up from his chair, went towards Liz and poured another bucket of water on her.

And at that moment she realized it was not a dream, it was real. The men in suits, the handsome guy in front of her, everything was real.

Realizing that it wasn't a dream, Liz felt a shock pass through her body as she realized that she had been held captive.

But Nope Liz wasn't expecting that, how can he just get up, pick up a bucket of water and pour it on her?

"How dare you pour water on me, you fucking bastard how dare you? Who the hell are you?" Liz


"Are you gonna cry?" Otto teased and touched her jaw.

"Get your hands off me" She said, her look stern.

"What're you gonna do, cutie?" Otto said and touched her again. Liz flinched at his touch. It was warm but dangerous.

Remembering that in a movie she had watched, a girl was kidnapped by some men in suits, she looked closer at those men, they weren't smiling.

Liz decided to be apologetic. "Please I beg you, why would you take me?" She asked.

"I swear, I have no gold nor do I have diamonds. Please just let me go. My family must be worried sick about me. I really need to get to my mom, just let me go." She pleaded but her pleas to Otto and his men weren't working.


Otto was sternly staring at Liz wondering if she didn't know him or she just pretended.

"Don't you dare pretend like you don't know who I am?" He said with authority.

"I don't know who you are," Liz said, affirmatively.

Otto stared at her really hard this time that if staring was a sword, it would have pierced right through her.

The way he stared at her made her feel very uncomfortable, he freaked her out with the way he looked at her.

Liz in return gave him the most innocent look in the world that made Otto have second thoughts. She seemed not to know anything about him.

"No, she's got to be lying," Otto thought and snapped his fingers and one of his men gave him a file.

"Alright darling, you pretend like you don't know me and we haven't met before but this file in my hand contains every single detail about you. So I would like you to listen attentively as I read this... and you're gonna tell me what I missed, sweetheart." Otto said with the most evil grin on his face.

"Miss Liz Fred, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred. Lives at 52 vile city street, a writer and best friend to Lena Paul. A modest and caring woman. Studied at Oxford university. Relationship status - Single. Your favorite color is white, and you love Italian dishes. You are also an introvert."

Otto read out which made Liz stunned as he mentioned every single detail correctly. "How can he know so much about me? Has he been spying on me?" She thought.

Otto was about to read out more information when Liz stopped him.

"Just stop, what do you want from me?" She asked, beginning to feel scared. She didn't have any money as to why these men would kidnap her.

"Where is my baby?" Otto asked. Liz stared blankly, not because she didn't know what to say but she was shocked by the question. She could have just said, ''Which baby?'

"I'm not with any baby. I don't know what you're talking about." Liz said tearfully.

"She's got to be joking. How dare she try to lie in my face?" Otto thought as he clenched his fist. He looked at Liz and asked her if truly she didn't know him and Liz confirmed that she hadn't met him.

"Look at me properly and tell me that you don't know me." He asked.

"Frankly speaking, I don't know you, and besides if I had seen you before, how can I forget your face?" Liz said.

Otto looked at Liz and said to her, "Okay, that's it."

He brought out a gun and aimed it at Liz's forehead which left Liz shaking like an animal about to be slaughtered.

"So, are you gonna talk or I should fire this right on your forehead and trust me you won't like it." Otto said.

"I have no baby. Please don't shoot me." Liz said, stammering.

"I'm gonna fire this within the count of five. Where is my baby?" he screamed.

"I have no baby," Liz said, trying to sound bold.

"You've really got to be kidding me, I won't spare you." Otto said impatiently. "One..." he called gently.

"I don't have any baby"


"Just believe me"


"For goodness sake, I'm speaking the truth."


"Oh sweet Jesus please.."

"Five." Otto counted and shot the gun, Liz screamed so hard that she thought she was dead but realized that she wasn't when she heard the shattering sound of glasses behind her.

"I just gave you a last chance." Otto said. He squatted before her and caressed her cheek.

Liz wondered what was actually going on, she was still a virgin so she never had a baby.

Due to the way Otto patted her hair, she wailed within, different thoughts ran through her mind.

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