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Mother the unconditional love

Mother the unconditional love

Buttercup Rose


Aisha was a senior heart surgeon of Sanjeevani hospital... she love her sister and her family a lot... things were good and they all were living a happy life... but suddenly the time changed... her bad time start... she lost her mother... and broke in million pieces... her sister Aasiya support her.. she told her to live for herself... in this world everyone have to leave one day so there is nothing to cry over Allah's decision... aisha understand the meaning of Aasiya's word's and start living her life again... things again start going easy... after a year when aisha was getting married she leave her wedding and head to hospital for an emergency operation to save two life... and her partner support her in that... she was happy that she is getting married to a person who understand her and support her... but she was not aware of what destiny have planned for her... by the time when aisha come out of the operation theatre she saw her own sister who was eight months pregnant lying on stretcher with pale face she was not breathing... she was dead... Aasiya was dead but the baby in her womb was alive... aisha operate Aasiya and give birth to aiza... here start her Aisha's journey as a mother... she give up on everything for this little life... but what about the baby's father? this book is based on real story... this is a full on emotions book... try it once and you will fall in love for it...

Chapter 1 Introduction

Hey everyone this is Rose back...

So i am here with my first novel on this platform "Mother - the unconditional love"

So basically this novel is about a singal mother who is not the real mother of this baby but she give her all her attention and unconditional love to her...

She raise her on her own for the three long years... And after that the father of baby returned...

Now what will happen?

What she will do if the father claim the baby?

Would she give baby to father?

Or she will claim to be her mother?

For that you guys have to read the novel...







Aisha haider - Main female lead...

Aasiya haider khan - first female lead...

Ibrahim khan - Main male lead...

★ Main female lead bio -

Name - Aisha haider.

Age - 27.

Profession - Doctor.

Family members - seven (including her)

Mother - sufiya haider.

Father - sufiyan haider.

Brother - alim haider.

Sister in law - azra haider.

Sister - aasiya haider khan.

Brother in law - Ibrahim khan.

Hobbies - Drawing, singing, dancing and cooking and etc..

★ First female lead bio -

Name - Aasiya haider.

Age - 30.

Profession - Manager in her husband's company.

Family members - seven (including her)

Mother - sufiya haider.

Father - sufiyan haider.

Brother - alim haider.

Sister in law - azra haider.

Sister - aisha haider.

Husband - Ibrahim khan.

Hobbies - singing, dancing, cooking and etc..

★ Main male lead bio -

Name - Ibrahim khan.

Age - 32.

Profession - business man.

Family members - five (including him)

Mother - shahin khan.

Father - shoeb khan.

Wife - aasiya khan.

Brother - aman khan.

Sister in law - amreen khan.

Hobbies - singing, swimming, racing and ect...


So the story is like this that aasiya and aisha is sisters and ibrahim is aasiya's husband...

Ibrahim and aasiya were classmates... Then they fall for one another... And after a long time when ibrahim got sattled in his business and aasiya in her job... Their family finally decided to let them get married...

Aisha was a medical student and live in USA for her studies... The time when her sister was getting married... It was her final exams so she was not able to attend the wedding...

In last aasiya got married without her sister beside her... Aisha was three years younger than aasiya... They both were connected with soul...

They both were deeply connected to each other so when aisha didn't attend aasiya's wedding she got angry on her... But ofcourse she knows that it was her exams due to that she couldn't make it up...

So she just pretend to be angry on her... When aisha returned home they through a benquet for the newly wedded couple as well as the celebration of Aisha being a senior heart surgeon...

Everything was smooth and fine... They all were happy... In benquet... Aman tried to get close to aisha... He had a crush on her from long time...

But aisha don't wanted any kind of relationship right now so she tell him clearly... Aman wanted to get close to her but he had respect for women's decision so he back off without creating any scene...

From the next day...

Aisha got busy in her job... She was senior heart surgeon because she had been able to save many heart patients life...

The hospital she was going to work was the biggest hospital of the city... It was a famous hospital named Sanjeevani... She was recommended by her University to this hospital...

She got to work and lost in work... At night she head to her home... The next day was a leave... So today she work in hospital till 11:30....

Around 12:10 she reached home... Everyone was up... Today aasiya and ibrahim was staying at haider's... Aisha was happy after such a long time she was going to have fun with her family...

When she reached home... Aasiya was waiting for her to have dinner with her... Ibrahim was as well waiting as his wife had not have dinner...

Aisha - sorry BJ appi i am late...

{ BJ - bhai jaan... Called sisters husband

Appi - called elder sister }

Ibrahim and aasiya look at her with helpless expressions... And shook their head as aasiya stood up....

Aasiya - okay you both wait ill heat up the food...

As she said they both nodded and she left the room... Aisha took seat in front of ibrahim...

She was sweating and panting... Ibrahim smiled as he asked...

Ibrahim - so.. how was the day Dr aisha haider?

She smiled as she answered...

Aisha - it was tiering BJ...

He smiled as they talk about some rendom topics...

Within 10 minutes aasiya walk out of kitchen with food... Aisha was about to help her when ibrahim stop her...

Ibrahim - you sit ill help her...

Aisha smiled and sit on chair... As she look at the couple helping each other....

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