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The zander's empire sextuplets

The zander's empire sextuplets



When Aretha Ames, a young undergraduate of Zanders University, has a nightstand with Zanders Ares, she gets pregnant from their nightstand months later when she goes to tell him about it, from the fear of being sent out by the only family she has, she is met with the indifferent Zander who tells her it's impossible that she's pregnant for him because he's impotent. He sends her away with a billion dollars and tells her to never appear in from of him again. What happens when years later, Zanders sees the kids and sees the unexplainable resemblance to him? Does he claim them back and does Aretha agree to come back and let him take the kids as his?

Chapter 1 Impotent Mr Zanders

The Zanders empires sextuplet.

Chapter 1


Never in a billion years, would I have thought that I'd get to come to this kind of a place, but I was desperate, and desperate situations needed desperate actions.

"Good day, I said walking over to the gigantic gate that towered above me.

"This is a restricted area young lady, what do you want," an old lad asked." Obstructing my view of the house.

"I'm here to see Mr Zanders," I said to him.

"Do you have an appointment, he asked back looking at me suspiciously.

"Yes I do, I'm the scholarship student, the one who beat him in Chess, at the school board, he asked me to come over to meet him, I said gulping nervously.

The entirety of what I said was a lie, a partial lie, I wasn't invited, but I knew my words, and coming to meet a person like this without proper identification was by sheer hope.

I had to lie.

He scanned his eyes through me before letting me into the other side of the gate, the chauffeur will be here to take you, he said and retired back under the shade while I stood still unsure of what to do next.

The chauffeur arrived with probably the most beautiful car I'd ever seen, but I knew, this was probably the least of the fleet of cars he had. I got into the car not after the glares of the chauffeur swept over me repeatedly.

I said no words as he drove on, rubbing my palms together in fear of what I was about to face.

How do I even go about it, how do I tell the richest man in New York that I was pregnant for him?

It seemed incredible but I knew what it was, I'd never had sex with anyone until that night and the thought of it had me smacking myself in the head with regrets.

"I should have just left him to suffer on the floor," I muttered to myself.

After what seemed like an eternity, the car came to a halt in front of the House, on a normal day, I was supposed to stand in awe, mouth agape at how beautiful and intricate the designs were, not that wasn't what I was here for, I had other important things to chase.

"Impotent!" I heard a scream from outside the door to the room and I felt my feet regressing.

However, the chauffeur stared at me and motioned for me to go in first.

I gulped in once again and did as he said, ringing the doorbell until it opened automatically by itself.

I saw in his expressions the most beautifully devilish expressions I'd ever seen.

His eyes were fuming with disbelief and a sheet of paper was crumpled in his hands beyond recognition.

I was only hoping he'd recognize me, not from school but from the incident between us.

"Get out, she said and I grew my eyes in shock, the chauffeur walked to me, about to grab my hands when Mr Zanders said again.

"Everyone except for her, he said again and my hands were dropped immediately with everyone else leaving the large sitting room.

"You're the girl from the school right, the chess girl, he said, and I nodded tentatively, I'm also the girl from---," I kept mute unable or go anymore.

Shame crept into my inside and I felt myself repulsed at the thought of what had transpired.

"I'm the girl from the hotel, some weeks ago,' I said peeping from my bowed head, the expressions on his face.

"It was as though he had forgotten about my existence with the way he looked at me until he finally spoke.

"Ah, you're the nightstand girl," he said throwing my sanity into a bile of disgust.

"I'm not a nightstand girl," I refuted but he paid no further attention to my words.

"Name your price young Lady," he said bringing out the phone from his pocket.

"I'm not here for your money Mr Zanders, I'm here for another reason, I said watching him not take a single glance away from the screen of the phone in his hands.

"I'm a busy man young lady, name your price or I'll have my guards kick you out of this place this instant," he said and I felt the tension in the room begin to rise.

I kept quiet still waiting for him to look up from his phone and see the sincerity in my eyes before I told him the truth.

"Young lady," he growled with anger, shaking me to my core, my steps faltered and I almost landed on my butt.

"I'm pregnant...I'm pregnant for you Mr Zanders," I screamed into the walls of the house.

His gaze was torn off from the phone in his hands and for once he stared at me and began walking closer to me.

I felt impertinent danger closing in but it was too late, I needed his presence even if it was just once, or else I'd be an orphan by tomorrow, not that I already wasn't, but completely without any family.

The glare in his eyes was enough to send one to the pits of hell and I was afraid, afraid of what he'd do to me, afraid of the fact that if he did anything, I had no one to come looking for me, and I stepped backward until my back touched the wall.

There was nowhere else to move to, and a small devilish smirk formed on his face before his hands curled round my neck, in one grasp, he lifted me by my neck upwards.

I was beginning to choke but he wasn't letting go, my eyes were turning red and he seemed to derive joy in the way I looked with life slipping out of me.

"Please Mr Zanders," I cried from his firm hands around my neck.

My strength was failing me and I knew if he didn't let go anytime soon, I'd be dead, I tapped his hands as softly as I could to no avail, my eyes were closing and my breaths were getting shallower, I was pregnant and dying wasn't an option but with the Zanders man, I had no option but to succumb to death.

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