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Reborn Luna: Blessed By The Moon Goddess

Reborn Luna: Blessed By The Moon Goddess

Zara Black


Blurb: "Damian you... How could you...?" I stuttered, unable to form a complete word. I was shocked, refusing to believe what was just happening. I wish it was a dream, but the sharp pain from my abdomen reminded me I wasn't dreaming." Sheila thought it was over for her until she was given a chance for a second chance. This time she wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her; she must have her revenge, but first, she had to survive.

Chapter 1 The seed of Romance

Sheila's POV

"Damian, how could you...? I stuttered, unable to form a complete word. I was shocked, refusing to believe what was just happening. I wished it was a dream, but the sharp pain from my abdomen reminded me I wasn't dreaming.

"How could I? You think I can keep something as cursed as you around me? Even the moon goddess will reject you. I no longer have any need for you, so you can go ahead and die," Damian said with a straight face. There was no emotion on his handsome face.

"After everything I did for you, Damian, I have been using my powers to aid your pack all this while. I have sacrificed a lot for your sake. How could you? I even used my life essence to bring you back from your half-dead state. What haven't I done for you?" I cried out in pain. My emotion was a mess; I couldn't tell what I was feeling now.

Damian looked at me with the same way he used to, his charming smile and his eyes filled with love. "I will tell you the truth since you are going to die anyway. I would have killed you long ago if you hadn't been useful to me. I do love you, Sheila, but the prophecy... you know about the prophecy."

"What do you mean? I thought you didn't believe in the prophecy?"

Damian looked at me mockingly. "Only a fool will dare not believe in the words of the old witch of Verdia, and I'm no fool. I needed your help in conquering the enemy pack; that was why you were left to live in the first place. Now you have no use; keeping you is no different from committing suicide."

He pulled out the dagger and released my shoulder, letting my body hit the ground with no support. He looked at me coldly, wiping his dagger with a rag.

"In your next life, try to be normal," he said coldly.

I lay there helpless and cold, my eyes blurring, and I could only see his backside getting farther and farther away.

The night was cold, I thought. I could feel the cold hand of death; my mind was blurring. I knew this is where my journey ends. If only I was given a second chance.


I woke up with a groggy headache, wondering what was happening. "Am I not dead?" I wondered while trying to sit up.

I tried to open my eyes then "pah!" I was slapped on my cheek, and I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. The force from the slap threw me on the floor.

My eyes were forced open this time, and I saw who slapped me. It was Stella. She was sneering at me and looked like she was about to attack again.

"Why does this scene look too familiar?" I questioned myself, unable to comprehend the answer. I remembered dying in the forest; I subconsciously touched my abdomen, and there was no wound.

"Impossible," I thought. I started getting my thoughts together, and it was then I realized why the scene was very familiar to me. If my theory is correct, I have reincarnated to the past before I met Damian. If I was correct, Damian will definitely appear now.

"What are you thinking, you bitch?" Stella grasped my hair and pulled it tightly. I winced in pain, trying to free myself from her. But she pulled so hard that I felt my brain was being pulled out.

"Stop it!"

I shuddered; that voice was too familiar, the voice of the man I once loved; it was so masculine and bold. This time, I was very sure that I had indeed reincarnated into the past. "Has the moon goddess taken pity on me and decided to give me a second chance?" I started crying, tears of joy.

A cold, masculine hand touched my face and slowly wiped the tears off it. I was too busy with my thoughts that I was oblivious to when Stella left, and now, just like in the past, he came to console me.

This was exactly when the seed of romance was planted in the past. This was when I fell so madly in love with him that I once sacrificed my life force to bring him back to the living, thus losing my ability to transform.

I dodged his hand and tried to get up; Stella was really vicious with the way she beat me. She was Damian's sister and found me an eyesore ever since I came to the park; I could easily beat her, but I couldn't because her brother was the pack alpha. I dare not raise my hands on her, or I will be punished.

"Wait, don't force yourself; let me help you." He held me by the waist to help me up. I struggled a little before completely giving up. He was too strong, and besides, I was heavily wounded.

"You're very stubborn; be a good girl and stay calm. I will help you up." With his help, I was able to get up.

"No need to continue holding me; I think I can walk on my own now," I said, feeling very uncomfortable with the way he was holding me.

"How can I? It's because of me that you got so much injured. It's because I didn't teach that sister of mine enough manners. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize; you are not your sister. Anyway, it's easy for people with her status to abuse their power. You don't need to feel sorry for me, and also, I can really walk on my own." I pulled away from him.

He looked at me steadily. I looked away immediately. He was so handsome that I almost felt like I was falling in love again. His handsome, well-chiseled face looked like it was carved from jade, and he had very distinctive features.

"Are you afraid of my status?" Damian looked like he had realized something. I sneered inside and just ignored him.

"I will get the healer wolf to come and heal you; where do you stay?" He asked. I had no choice but to tell him. He left after that. I headed to my quarters. I have a great healing ability and didn't necessarily need the healer wolf to heal my injuries.

I have a very special body constitution, and besides, I have a special healing power, which was why Damian valued me so much when it was revealed.

I was assigned to the same quarter with the omegas. I was no omega; instead, I used to be a rogue wolf until I found the Westvale park, and they accepted me. But since I wasn't trusted enough, I had to live with the omegas until I made enough contribution.

"Sheila, what's wrong? Why are you looking like this?" A girl came out to welcome me and looked taken aback when she saw my appearance.

I smiled weakly. "It's nothing, Arla; it's just some bruises," I assured her. She looked at me up and down.

"In what way is this small?" She said in displeasure and came forward to help me. I allowed her to help me to my room.

"Please, Arla, I need a favor from you."

"What's it? I can do anything for you," she said with a kind smile.

"If the healer wolf comes, tell her that I'm not around, please," I looked at her pleadingly. She hesitated For a while before helplessly agreeing, I smiled delightedly. I knew she would agree; Arla was a real friend and had treated me well since I came to the park. In the past, I made her my personal aide when I became the second most powerful werewolf in the pack.

Stella was really very vicious with her beating. If the healer came and saw that my injuries were mostly healed, he would surely report it to Damian, and it might arouse suspicion. I remembered that it was exactly what happened in the past, and Damian had to visit me. At that time, I had a huge crush on him and couldn't hold back from telling him everything.

This time I will make sure the incident doesn't repeat. I lay on the bed while thinking of the best way to escape the park. I want revenge, but I can only get revenge if I remain alive. If I continue staying in Westvale, my end will be the same as in the past.

"But where do I go?" I wondered. After thinking for a while, I decided to go anywhere, so long as I leave this place. I can't bear to see Damian's pretentious face again. I made up my mind to escape tomorrow when we are sent to pick herbs.

Early the next morning, I was awakened by a knock. "Who's there?" I called out.

"It's me, can I come in?" I was shocked. It was Damian; what was he doing here?

"No, please don't," I said hurriedly, not wanting him to see that I'm fully healed with no scratches. It was a normal thing for a werewolf to heal very fast, but my healing ability was very abnormal. This speed of healing can only be achieved using herbs and special crystals.

"Why can't I? Is anything wrong?" His voice sounded like he was a little bit angered.

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