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Remarried right after divorce

Remarried right after divorce



"Be my wife, my bride is two minutes late for our wedding and I have to get married today." said Leonard Evans to Valerie. "I just got divorced sir, look for someone else." replied Valérie. "You are the one I want. I see that you are crying for this idiot. You can refuse my offer if you are able to bear the insults of your ex-husband's future wife."Valérie looked at him and looked in the direction in which her ex-husband and his lover were heading. She turned around and said "I agree, but I want to keep it confidential." "As you wish."======================= ======Married for five years to Thierry Zach, Valérie finds herself unhappy because she was unable to give her husband the children. He decides to divorce her to remarry someone else before she tells him that she is finally pregnant by him. Will Leonard still accept her knowing that she is pregnant by her ex husband ? Will Valérie one day tell Thierry that she had a child with him?

Chapter 1 Useless woman

It's six in the morning, Valerie got up and went to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. She hoped this time would be positive because she was two weeks late.

"Let it be positive, let it be positive..." Said Valérie waiting for the pregnancy test in front of her.

"Relax sweetheart, there's nothing to worry about." Said Thierry who joined her.

"I'm tired of hoping for Thierry."

"Hope gives life. The children will come at the right time."

"And when is this opportune moment? I feel alone and I want to hold my own children in my hands."

"I want it too, check the test."

Valerie took the test and a feeling of disappointment showed on her face.

"Don't make that face, we'll try again." Thierry comforted. Valerie turned and headed into the bedroom.

"Go to work, I want to be alone please." She said.

"Stop moping my darling, it will come." Thierry followed her and took her in his arms

"I know, I just want us to be a complete and happy woman but I'm incapable of achieving it."

"I am happy and complete with you, having you by my side is enough for me. We are still young and in good health, we will try to find the solution, okay?"

Valerie nodded in agreement.

"I have to go, we'll see you in the evening." Said Thierry as he left the room.

Valérie also got ready and went to work. She worked in a communications company as an editor-in-chief. When she arrived, she was in a bad mood, her friend Samira noticed this and followed her into her office.

"You look bad today, is there a problem?"

"I wonder how long this will continue." Replied Valerie.

"I bet it's your fertility story, are you sure you don't have any problems?"

"We have no problem. Thierry always tells me that it will come at the right time but I'm afraid he will leave me over that."

"I sympathize with you my darling but you have a wonderful man who takes good care of you and who protects you from his family even if you make a lot of money than him."

"Nothing matters to me but my family and for that I will be forever grateful."

"Be strong, soon you will be pregnant with quadruplets." Samira joked.

"Stop your witchcraft and go to work before I fire you." Replied Valérie on the same.

"We're not kicking Aunty out of the quadruplets otherwise you'll have serious problems." joked Samira

"Crazy that you are, get out of my office now." She chased it away, laughing. When she was left alone, her original mood returned. She opened her computer and started working.

Thierry worked in a small mining company as a secretary. During the break he received a call.

"You look like you're a clock Elena." Replied Thierry.

"I have to be for you my love, I'm waiting for you at the restaurant across the street."

"I'll be there in five minutes."

He sorted out his files and left the company. He walked towards the restaurant across the street from the company and found Elena. She got up and threw herself into his arms; Thierry looked at her and captured her lips giving her a languorous kiss.

"Stop, we are in public my love and someone might see us." Elena said, breaking away.

"I can't stop doing it because you're like a drug, when I see you I want to take you."

"Then you'll make our relationship official quickly, come and sit down, I've already placed the order."

"I love my wife because it is thanks to her that I am a man today."

"Why are you looking outside if you loved him?"

"I need to be a dad and she can't make my dream come true."

"I'm here and I'm going to do it, I'm not asking you to divorce your wife, I can be your second wife if you want."

"Give me some time, I need to reassure myself that you will give me children before I make my decision."

"Without fail, I will take your pregnancy in no time and you will never regret choosing me." They talked again when their order arrived. After eating, they separated.

In the evening while Valérie and her husband were having dinner, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law burst in.

"It seems like people are having fun here while I'm going to die without having grandchildren." launched her mother-in-law Solange. Valerie stood up.

"Welcome mom, Alice come take a seat we were just starting to eat." approached Valérie.

"Besides that, what else can you do? My son will soon be old and childless."

"Please mom don't start with that story." Thierry got up and led his mother into the living room.

"You don't have many days left here, all my friends are already Aunties but I'm still hoping for a miracle; What a useless woman." Alice called out as she passed.

This has been Valérie's routine for five years now, she is still holding on because her husband defends and protects her.

"What you are doing is not at all right mom, you had to wait until we finished eating." growled Thierry.

"And then? She'll always be sterile, I bet it's her family's curse."

" Mom !!" shouted Thierry. "Can you please stop?"

"I won't stop until you get out of this witch's life." Valérie came closer and looked at her.

"Mom, forgive me if I fail to fulfill your wish, children will come in time but please don't involve my family in my problems."

"I don't care. My son does everything for you and you're just wasting his money, but what do you do for him in return? You're so useless."

Valerie couldn't stop her tears from falling. She looked at her husband and left for her room.

"Are you happy now?" asked Thierry furiously.

"If she's really mad she can just pack her bags and get out of here." said his mother.

"Big brother, there are plenty of beautiful, capable girls out there, why do you want to lock yourself in with this one? I already want to become Auntie." Alice said.

"You don't know what you're talking about, get out of my house now you've accomplished what you planned."

"We are leaving but we will come back until I have grandchildren." Solange and her daughter got up and left. Thierry collapsed onto the sofa. Although he defends his wife in front of his mother, he also needs children but he cannot leave her because it is Valérie who does everything in the house.

He wants to make sure he is stable before making his decision. He got up and joined Valérie in their room.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Thierry apologized.

"They are right, I am not worthy of being called a woman." cried Valérie.

"No, you are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me, don't calculate them anymore." He approached her and gave her a kiss. Valérie was tense but the feeling of her husband's lips on hers completely relaxed her and she momentarily forgot her sorrow. Thierry wanted to go further when she stopped him.

"I have to go clear the table." she said, whispering in his ear.

"Aren't you going to keep eating." asked Thierry.

"I'm not hungry anymore." she said, getting up.

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