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Secret Affection

Secret Affection

khairah's pen


Jade's life at Oxford college had been a never-ending nightmare.She was constantly bullied by the students,and her aunt's refusal to discuss her parents only added to her feelings of isolation. Jade had reached her breaking point,she was fed up with being pushed around and belittled,she vowed never to let anyone bully her again. Just as Jade was finding her inner strength,the two of the most popular guys in school,Hardin and Beck,began to notice her,Beck was charming and kind,Hardin on the other was cold,play boy,and also finds every means to get under her skin. With a history of bullying and manipulation can she truly open her self to love?

Chapter 1 Secret Affection

🥺Secret Affection🥺

Chapter 1

"Jade,wakeup!You're going to be late for school"Her aunt's voice pierced through the sleepy haze,accompanied by the harsh rustling of her curtains being yanked opened.

She groggily opened her eyes to find her aunt Rachel,standing over her.

Aunt Rachel,"do I really have to go to school today?"She whined,burrowing under her blankets.

Her aunt chuckled and shook her head."You're not a morning person,I get it.But you can't stay in bed all day.You'll miss your favorite chemistry teacher!"

She reluctantly threw off the covers and sat up rubbing her eyes.What time is it?

Almost 8:30AM,You need to get moving,kiddo.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed,Her aunt handed her a cup of steaming hot coffee."Thanks,Aunt Rachel",She said,taking a sip.

She stood up and began to get ready for school,a family question crept into her mind.Aunt Rachel,can I ask you something?

Sure thing,Jade.What's up?

She hesitated,"It's just...I was wondering about my parents again."

Her aunt's expression changed,"Jade,we've talked about this.Your parents are....gone.They can't be here for you,okay?"

Why did her aunt always evade her questions about her parents?

What was she hiding from her?

Nevertheless,She got up from the bed,had her bath and left for school.

°°°Oxford College 9AM°°°

Different cars of different sizes could be seen,driving into the prestigious building of Oxford College,It was the most influential school on the whole of England.

Only the rich has the privilege to send their kids to Oxford college.

Looking for spoilt brat,Bullies,Fashion Freaks,You will find them there.

Hardin pulled into the school parking lot in his sleek,black Aston Martin,the engine purring smoothly.The car was a gift from his dad,he has several cars,and does not wear the same cloth everyday,a symbol of his wealth and status.

He stepped out of the car,His eyes scanned the parking lot,He smirked.

•OMG it's Hardin,He's so hot.

•I know right,I've heard he's got a reputation for being a bad boy.

Tessa,the self proclaimed,School queen,stood out among them,he long blonde hair and perfect smile gleaming in the fluorescent lighting.

Tessa,Angelina,and Tori were known for their cliquey behavior and mean girl antics,often bullying those they deemed beneath them.

Tessa flaunted her beauty,as she gazed at Hardin,walked with Tessa and her friends.

He noticed Jade watching across the hallway,her eyes narrowed,He smirked.

"Hey Jade,He called out,Looking a bit...lost,aren't you?Maybe you need a map yo find your way back to reality?"He said.

Jade snapped angrily,Hardin i've had enough of your.....

But before she could finish,the bell rang,signally the end of the hallway conversation,He grinned.

Until next time,Jade,He said,winking at her,When I'll no doubt have to rescue you from your clumsiness.

Tessa approached Jade,a sly smile spreading across her face."Look who we have here",She sneered.

Jade scoffed and turned to walk away,but Tori grabbed her arm,holding her in place."When we're talking,don't even dare snub us,Tori yelled",Tessa whispered."Don't even dare."

Tessa's hand flushed out,slapping Jade's eyes widened,her cheek burning from the impact.She held her face,her eyes welling up with tears,but she couldn't speak.For some reason,she was frozen with fear,unable to retaliate or defend herself.

They walked away,Tears streamed down her eyes.

The students taunt grew louder as she made her way towards the locker.

"She's so disgusting", A girl brewled.

"She stinks", Another added and immediately a set of hands pulled her hair and dragged her to the latrine, Her heart raced with fear, knowing the exact fate that was about to befall her.

Her head was shoved into the closet accompanied with a powerful kick and she fell to the floor in pain. Their laughter and jeers echoed, a bittersweet symphony of mockery. Her head hung low in shame, unable to look up, Her heart rippled with unshed tears and She couldn't stop the waterworks from rolling down her cheeks.

Why was fate cruel to her?

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