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The CEO's reborn klepto wife

The CEO's reborn klepto wife

Amazing Amaka


"It is seems like you love stealing, why don't you steal my heart then" he whispered seductively into her ear. She snapped out of the daze she had been into and looked into his eye confused"But I don't want your heart, you don't even have one" "I do now, so you can steal it already. Henceforth, whatever you pick I will buy in bulk. If it is something edible, I will watch you eat it all up while I pay for it. If it is a book, you will read it. If it is a phone, I will buy you a dozen and make sure you carry it everywhere. So if you don't want me to go bankrupt you better don't pick up very expensive things." Davis warned before reminding her to pick up her 'gifts'. "What if I want to steal you brothers heart" she asked him "Two hearts it is then. -- Emily died at the hands of her husband and sister in her past life, only to be miraculously reborn into a chaotic, unfamiliar world. Now in a realm of werewolves, Emily discovers her sister and husband are living happily without her like she would let them. Struggling with her kleptomania and a psychotic new husband, Emily is further entangled by her attraction to his twin brother. To complicate matters, the body she inhabits is secretly involved with her husband's cousin. As she navigates this tumultuous new life, Emily must find a way to cope with the overlapping challenges and betrayals with the revenge she can't wait to have.

Chapter 1 The end of the beginning


"Why?" I gasped as Daniel shoved me to the cold floor. Pain shot through my body, but it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. I wiped the blood from my lips and looked up at him. He was smirking, as if this was all just a cruel joke.

"Why are you doing this? All I ever did was love you. What did I do wrong? We're married, Daniel. You promised to protect me. You said you would make me the happiest woman in the world." My words fell on deaf ears. He just laughed at me.

"I told you I loved you, and you believed me?" His voice was full of mockery. I watched as he got up from the sofa, walked to a drawer, and pulled out a shiny black gun. My heart pounded, but I didn't flinch. Somehow, I knew this was how it would end.

Daniel calmly prepared the gun, the click of the safety being turned off echoing in the large, silent room. It was just the two of us now, facing each other in this deadly standoff. As I stared at him, memories of our past flooded my mind. I was ten years old when I first met Daniel. He was just a quiet boy I found in a small park. Both of us were neglected by our families, left to fend for ourselves.

That shared loneliness drew us together, and we became best friends. From that moment, I knew he was the one for me. Even as we grew up and went our separate ways, I never forgot him. In my heart, he was the only one I could ever imagine spending my life with. Fate brought us together again. My grandfather arranged our engagement as way to make up for my parent cruelness and soon after, we married. I thought my life would finally be perfect, but I had no idea that a nightmare was about to begin.

"Was it all fake? Everything?" I asked, my voice trembling with emotion. Tears filled my eyes, but Daniel's gaze remained cold, unfeeling. After our marriage, I inherited my grandfather's company. I thought Daniel loved me and trusted him completely, giving him everything.

But I was wrong. He had always been planning something else. "Won't you at least tell me why?" I asked with a bitter smile.

"Isn't it ridiculous that I'll die without even knowing why you did all this?" Daniel knelt down in front of me, his hand roughly gripping my chin while the other held the gun. His eyes were so cold, so clear. It was the first time I truly saw the monster behind his mask.

When he didn't answer, I let out a hollow laugh. "If you're going to kill me, then do it. You've already killed my grandfather.

There's nothing left for me here anyway." For a brief moment, I thought I saw something flicker in his eyes, but it vanished just as quickly. His grip on my chin tightened painfully. He didn't want to kill me, I could tell.

But he couldn't let me live either. Frustrated, he shoved me away, and I fell back onto the cold floor. He stood up, running a hand through his hair, clearly unsure of what to do. Suddenly, the door burst open, and a woman with a swollen belly rushed in.

"You haven't killed her yet?" "Get out," Daniel snapped coldly. But she ignored him and ran to his side, clinging to his arm.

"You have to do it, Daniel. For our child. As long as she's alive, we can't be happy together." I looked up at her and laughed bitterly.

"Little sister, what are you trying to do? He knows that the baby isn't his. He's been playing you just like he's been playing me." Her eyes widened in shock, and she looked frantically at Daniel.

"Don't listen to her! She's just trying to save herself by making you doubt me. You love me, right?" Daniel pushed her away coldly. "Take her away." Turning back to me, his expression hardened.

"You want to know why I did this?" he asked darkly. "It's because of your mother..." Before he could finish, I heard three gunshots. I felt something pierce my chest, but there was no pain, just cold numbness. I stared at Daniel, and for the first time, I saw fear on his face. Fear, ha no way it was fear, after everything he put me through in return of my love there is no way in hell he felt fear losing me. My vision began to blur as memories of my childhood flashed before me.

I remembered my grandfather's gentle smile when he explained why my mother named me Emily. He said I was her light, her hope, the reason she kept going.

But I wasn't Daniel's light rather his biggest obstacle. I didn't know when I changed from my mother's light to her darkness maybe it all began when I was adopted and she had to raise Ruth as her daughter even though she was adopted, maybe she grew to hate me because she didn't raise me her self but nothing I could think of in my head will justify her cruelty. Those happy moments faded, and I felt darkness closing in around me.

If I ever get a chance to live again I will destroy them both, show no mercy like they did me.

Then everything went black.

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