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The CEO's Forbidden Secret

The CEO's Forbidden Secret



WARNING: MATURE CONTENT heart beat crazily against my chest when he sent his hand around my waist and pulled me close. I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me. My eyes moved from his hazel eyes to his desirable lips. Bryan had this effect on me, and I'm not going to lie, this wasn't what I planned to do. I tried to get away from his grip, but his grip on my waist tightened, and he moved his hand from my waist down to my hip. "Br...yan," I froze when his lips met mine. I've always thought what it would feel like to kiss Bryan Finch, and immediately his lips met mine, I lost every single ability to think. *********************************** Laura Ben graduated last year and was lucky to find herself an assistant job at a big tech company. On Laura's best friend's birthday, her friend got them a ticket to the reputable and exclusive male strip club. The performance is so enticing and captivating, but Laura was attracted to a certain stripper with a different half mask on. As if possessed, she found herself waiting by the stage door and secretly stalked the stripper. But in the end, Laura managed to see his face. She stumbled because of shock, which in turn caught his attention. The captivating stripper is none other than her boss, the CEO of Premium Tech, Bryan Finch. Now that Laura gets hold of the most confidential secret of Bryan, she uses his current situation to blackmail him into promoting her? Will Bryan yield to her proposal??? What made Bryan choose to be a stripper by night (by choice or being forced)?

Chapter 1 CH 1

Laura's POV

"Hey, babe," I said as I answered the call on my phone.

"Please tell me you got the job?" Kora, my childhood best friend, asked.

I sighed and replied, "No."

"F*ck, what are you going to do now?" she asked, worried.

"I'll keep looking until I find something," I said, trying to sound hopeful, even though I felt completely defeated.

I walked away from the company that just rejected me, saying I wasn't good enough for the job.

As I took a taxi home, my mind was filled with thoughts of what would happen if I didn't find a job by the end of the month.

I've applied to so many companies, but I keep getting rejected. Even though it's tough, I know I can't give up. I have to believe something good will happen.

When I got home, I kicked off my shoes and tossed them into a corner. I was exhausted from the day's disappointments. I couldn't believe I had to go job hunting again tomorrow. This has been my routine ever since I graduated.

Life after graduation was supposed to be amazing, but instead, it's been the worst experience ever.

All my life, I've tried to be the perfect daughter. I never got into trouble, never went to clubs with a fake ID, never got drunk, and I've never had sex. Probably because I don't have a boyfriend.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes, trying to calm down, before heading to the bathroom to freshen up and find something to eat.

"Oh no," I groaned, realizing I hadn't stocked up the kitchen because I didn't have enough money.

I really need to get a job before I go crazy. I have no one to help pay my bills since my dad died after I graduated. All I have left is my stepsister and my mom.

But that's a story for another day.

The next morning, I woke up to an email from one of the biggest construction companies in the country. They invited me for an interview! I jumped out of bed, excited, humming my favorite song as I got ready.

When I arrived at the company, I couldn't contain my excitement. "If I get this job, the first thing I'm doing is moving out of my crappy apartment," I thought as I headed to the receptionist to ask for directions to the interview.

"What's your name?" the interviewer asked.

"Laura Ben," I replied nervously.

After a few more questions, she dismissed me. Before I even got home, I received an email on my phone.

"You have been offered the job as an office assistant at Premium Trust Company. We hope you can start tomorrow at 8:30 AM."

I screamed in excitement, causing people around me to stare. The position wasn't high up, but it was better than nothing. I quickly called Kora to share the good news, and we planned to celebrate.

The next day, I arrived at the office early. As I looked up at the huge building, the glass walls shining in the morning sun, I took a deep breath and walked inside.

I had done some research on the company before coming. Premium Trust is one of the most sought-after and largest companies in the country. They have completed big projects both here and abroad. The CEO, Mr. Bryan Finch, is a tall, handsome man in his late twenties who has achieved so much. He was even featured in Forbes as one of the youngest billionaires.

He's always in magazines, looking like a model with his piercing blue eyes and gorgeous face.

I haven't met him yet, but from what I've heard, he's one of the most mysterious men in the business world. The media is always trying to find out what he's up to.

Weeks passed, and I got used to working at Premium Trust. It's supposed to be a place where my dreams come true, but for me, it felt like a list of tasks.

I made my way to my tiny office. My desk is piled with papers, sticky notes, and an old coffee mug from yesterday's marathon of errands.

The phone rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Ms. Thompson, the executive assistant.

"Laura, could you please get Mr. Finch a latte? Make it a double shot with extra foam. Oh, and grab something for yourself too," Ms. Thompson said cheerfully.

"Sure thing, Ms. Thompson. I'm on it," I replied, trying not to sound pissed. I didn't really want to meet the CEO. I had heard that Mr. Finch is strict and never smiles. No one wants to get on his bad side, especially not me because it was hard to get this job.

After waiting in a long line at the coffee shop, I returned to the office and knocked on my boss's door. I heard a cold voice saying "Come in."

I opned the door, and entered the office, I gasped at how beautiful the office was. This was my first time inside Mr. Finch's office.

"Are you going to stand there until my coffee gets cold?" he asked, snapping me out of my daze. My hands shook, and I spilled some of the hot coffee on my skin.

"Ouch," I whimpered in pain as I quickly placed the coffee on his desk, forcing a smile.

"Who are you?" he asked coldly.

"I'm the new office assistant, sir," I answered, looking lost in his blue eyes. I felt a strange connection.

He hummed and dismissed me, "You may leave."

I returned to my office, my mind racing with thoughts of what just happened in Mr. Finch's office. I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. As I tried to settle into my chair, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Kora.

"Hey, girl! Don't forget, tonight we're celebrating at 'Sin City.' Can't wait!" she texted.

"I didn't forget, birthday girl. But you know that's not really my thing," I texted back.

"Come on, Laura! I promise it'll be fun! Plus, I've heard the performers are amazing. Trust me, you need this. You haven't gone out since college," she replied.

"OK, fine. But if I don't like it, can I leave early?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. But I know you're going to love it. Kisses! Don't forget, I'm picking you up at 8:00 PM," she texted back.

I couldn't argue with her. You can never win against Kora. And maybe I did need a break, even if it meant stepping out of my comfort zone.

The day went on and on with me running errands, making copies, and organizing files. I'm the one who keeps everything running smoothly without any recognition.

At five o'clock, I quickly packed up and headed home. After a shower and a quick dinner, I headed over to Kora's place.

"I got us entry passes to one of the most luxurious and exclusive clubs in the city," she said excitedly.

"A club?" I asked, shocked.

"Sin City is worth it, babe. I've heard nothing but good things. Have you seen their strippers online? It's trending, and I managed to get us in. It's my birthday, you can't say no. Remember, you agreed to celebrate," she said, bouncing with excitement.

"You might even meet someone to finally pop your cherry," she teased.

"I'm not giving myself to a total stranger," I said defensively, and she laughed.

"Kora, I don't feel comfortable in places like that," I muttered, adjusting my glasses.

"Oh, come on. You'll have a great time, I promise," she urged me, giving me those puppy eyes no one could resist.

"Fine, but I'm not staying long," I said, and she got so excited I almost changed my mind.

Kora couldn't stop talking about the male strippers at the exclusive club.

"Sin City," even the name sounds mysterious and a bit scary.

We arrived at the club late. The loud music and flashing lights made me feel out of place.

I noticed couples making out and dancing close together. The place wasn't too crowded since it was an exclusive club. I even spotted a few famous faces. I almost asked Kora how she got the tickets, but I was too shocked by what I saw next.

The waiters and waitresses were practically naked, only wearing small pieces to cover the front. They had masks on their faces, and I couldn't hide my surprise.

On stage, a female stripper was dancing sensually on a pole as the crowd cheered.

"Welcome to Sin City!" Kora yelled excitedly, laughing. I was glued to the scene in front of me.

"I'll go get us drinks," she said, leaving me there.

After the female stripper, the lights turned red and everything went dark as sensual music began to play.

The ladies in the club screamed with excitement as a male performer walked on stage. He had a mask on and ripped off his shirt, letting water pour down on him from the ceiling as he moved seductively.

For some reason, I felt drawn to him. It was like I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn't figure out where.

Maybe in my dreams.

After the performance, I didn't know why, but I found myself heading backstage, hoping to get a glimpse of him.

He walked into one of the dressing rooms, and it seemed like he knew someone was following him. I hid behind a dressing table, holding my breath. He came out and went into another room.

I quietly followed and entered the room after him. He must have felt my presence because he turned around, but this time without his mask.

I stumbled and almost fell from who I was seeing in front of me.

It was none other than my boss, the CEO of Premium Trust "BRYAN FINCH."

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Other books by Lora2

Hidden Pleasure

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Learndo is a billionaire CEO, he promise himself not to have anything to do with a lady after he saw his finance fucking his stepbrother. Due to a lot of pressure from his mother to get married after setting up series of blind date for him, which of course won't always end well. He bumb into one of his worker in his company who he found suitable for his self as a fake girlfriend so his mother will stay off his neck. Will she accept his proposal to be his girlfriend? Who will fall in love first? Watch out as the love story between Learndo and Imani unfold with beautiful spark to inginte their love. (BLUB) " Sir ?" " What don't you understand miss lerato ? I want you to be my fake girlfriend just for few months " He said his Spanish accent dripping from each word . She stared at the tall handsome blue eyed Devil infront of her like he suddenly grew horns on his head. Was this a new tiktok trend or what ? Yeah this is definitely a tiktok trend, but his next words proved it was far from a tiktok trend . "I'm willing to pay any amount" he said and her jaws literally dropped. ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… I kissed her I fvcking kissed Imani immediately my lips met those soft lips I couldn't stop myself . They where just like I Imagined them to be . She froze on the spot as I nibbled on her bottom lip and my hand went over to her waist she sent her hand over my neck trying to meet my pace as she responded to the kiss. Her mouth tasted sweet probably from the wine she drank at party or something. We were just outside the Delgado mansion and I didn't look like I cared about anyone walking in or out at that point. I've been wanting to do this since I met this woman and it felt like a dream come true. I broke the kiss when we were out of breath and she looked at me in shock . "Imani " I tried to go close but she moved backwards. Sh!t "Mi Reina" "I have to go" she said and turned her back towards me immediately. "Imani wait ..." I said and held her hand but she took it off my grip as her eyes stung with tears . " I'm sorry this was not supposed to happen " she muttered under her breath and I stared at her in shock . " Wait what ? I asked in shock". " It was not supposed to happen Mr Delgado , I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of girl" she said and I stared at her. "Imani we are not doing anything wrong " I said trying to go close to her . "You are my Boss" she whispered softly and for some weird reason my heart hurt. I mean is that all she sees me as ? Her Boss and nothing more .

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