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Arranged to a secret mafia lover

Arranged to a secret mafia lover



In a world where power and tradition collide, eighteen-year-old Sofia Serrano's life takes an unexpected turn when her family arranges her marriage to the enigmatic and feared mafia boss, Lorenzo Moretti. With the weight of her a prophecy on her shoulders, Sofia steps into a world of fear and possibility of her own husband killing her, far removed from the confines of her previous existence. As she navigates the treacherous waters of complex loyalties, Sofia must confront accept her fate as the hated wife. Will she find a way to carve out a future of her own within this ruthless world, or will she be forever bound by the chains of her arranged fate? In this gripping tale of love, power, and resilience, Sofia discovers that sometimes the greatest battles are fought not with weapons, but with the strength of the heart.

Chapter 1 Blood


"I first met Lorenzo Moretti when I was 5 and he was 7. There was a game we used to play all the time. I would be his wife and he would be my husband. He would go to work and I would tend to the house. He would come back tired and I would massage his head. I would care for him deeply and he would protect me like a delicate rose. Little did I know our game would turn into a reality. It was a reality I always dreamed of being true but I still cared for him deeply, but for him I was just another stale rose which belonged in the garbage.

I was born in the Sorano family. They are wealthy industrialists. The Sorano and Moretti family ties run deep. I know how my family does business. But I never knew what is the business of Moretti. They were naturally wealthy that I knew. I knew they were more wealthy and powerful than our family. I knew it was in the best interest of us to be in their good books. But I never knew what they did to be in that power.

I am writing all this in my diary recollecting my life, because lately I have been lost. I don't know what will happen, I don't want to know either. I don't know if I am sad or depressed. I don't know whether I require a doctor or a priest. But this feeling has told me to write everything. Everything I have been through in a mere 20 years of my life because I don't think I will survive to see the 21st. I think Lorenzo will kill me before that."

Sophia, suddenly hears some footsteps approaching. She stops her writing and rushes to hide her diary in a small opening in her cupboard. Suddenly the door to her bedroom flings open. Lorenzo Moretti stands at the door, exuding a magnetic blend of charisma and danger. His appearance is striking: tall, with a well-toned physique that hints at both discipline and a life of action. His dark hair is messy, certainly not complementing his chiselled features strong jawline, high cheekbones, and deep, intense eyes that seem to hold a lifetime of secrets.

He is dressed impeccably, often in tailored suits that accentuate his athletic build, paired with a sleek, stylish tie and polished shoes. But they were all drenched in blood. A subtle but unmistakable aura of power surrounds him, making it clear that he commands respect without needing to raise his voice.

He walks over to Sophia. She is thin and frail, just like a rose. She is alarmed to see the blood on him. She wants to run towards him and see if he is hurt but she is scared to take a step towards him, she doesn't know what he might do to her. As he comes closer she looks at him carefully. The blood isn't his, he has just returned from work.

"Strip", he commands in a low voice. Sophia now knows better than to resist. Slowly shakily she starts removing her white dress. He suddenly grabs her by the waist, rips off her underwear, and slides into her. He never kisses her. He never touches her. He never wants her to be aroused to make it easy for her. He wants her dry and raw. She screams in pain, the blood now all over her.

When he is done, he gets up and goes for the shower. Sophia lies on the floor, covered in someone's blood while bleeding herself. She cries in pain, she feels disgusted and used. He never would even kiss her lightly or touch her softly or even touch her in any way. Like her body is untouchable and her soul unlovable.

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