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Mobsters and Slutty Girls

Mobsters and Slutty Girls



Damian was known as a smart, ruthless, and merciless leader. Nothing could get in his way, or so he believed-until the meeting ended and Damian walked out of the building, heading for his car parked out front.

Chapter 1 There's no need to follow you

That night, the city was covered in a thin fog that gave a gloomy impression to every corner of the street. Streetlights flickered in the fog, as if spying on every movement below. In a tall building that stood proudly in the city center, a secret meeting was taking place. This building was the headquarters of a famous mafia organization, led by an authoritative man named Damian.

Damian sat at the head of a long table surrounded by his men. His gaze was sharp, scanning every face present in the room. They had just completed a major transaction, but there was something bothering his mind.

"Any new information about our rival group?" Damian asked in a deep, authoritative voice.

One of his men, a large man with scars on his face, nodded. "They seem to be moving in our territory. There are reports that they are trying to approach some of our partners."

Damian tapped his fingers on the table, a sign that he was in deep thought. "Tighten surveillance in the area. Don't let them set foot in our area without consequences."

His men nodded obediently. No one dared to challenge Damian, because they knew how cold he was when it came to making decisions. Damian was known as a smart, ruthless, and unforgiving leader. Nothing could get in his way, or at least that was what he believed-until the meeting ended and Damian walked out of the building, heading towards his car parked out front.

That was when fate brought him together with a girl who was completely different from the people he usually interacted with. The girl, who seemed oblivious to the world around her, was sitting on the hood of Damian's car, playing with her phone while chewing gum.

"Hey! What are you doing there?" Damian asked sharply, stopping in his tracks and looking at the girl with a look of disbelief.

The girl, whose name was Luna, looked up from her phone and stared at Damian with indifference. "Oh, is this your car? Sorry, I thought this was a public seat," she replied as she hopped off the hood of the car. She wiped the back of her pants with her hand, as if she had just sat in a dirty place.

Damian couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Don't you know who I am?"

Luna chuckled, flashing her confident smile. "Of course I know. You're someone who takes your life too seriously. Take it easy, Uncle. I'm just sitting for a while."

Damian frowned. No one had ever dared to talk to him like this. He stepped closer, taking a closer look at the girl. Luna looked ordinary in her casual clothes and worn leather jacket. But there was something in the way she spoke and acted that made Damian a little interested.

"You're not afraid of me?" Damian asked in a low tone, testing the girl's courage.

Luna just shrugged. "Why should I be afraid? You're a normal human being, aren't you? Just like me."

Damian brought his face closer to Luna's, staring deeply into her eyes, trying to find any signs of fear or lies. But all he found was genuine courage and a strange indifference.

"You don't know who I really am, do you?" Damian asked again, this time in a firmer tone.

Luna stared back at him without flinching. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But I don't care. The important thing is, I have to go now. I have business."

Damian was surprised, but at the same time impressed by the girl's calmness. "What business? At this hour?" he asked curiously.

Luna smiled mysteriously, as if keeping a secret that would not be revealed. "That's my business, not yours, Uncle. See you again, if we are destined to meet." With those words, she walked away, leaving Damian still rooted to the spot.

Damian stared at the girl's back that was getting farther away, feeling that there was something strange about this meeting. He was someone who was used to controlling every situation, but this girl made him feel like he was losing control, even if only for a moment.

"Do you want me to chase her, boss?" asked one of Damian's men who suddenly appeared beside him.

Damian shook his head, calming himself down. "No need. Let her go."

His men looked confused but did not dare question the decision. They returned to the car, and Damian took a deep breath as he entered his car. Thoughts of the strange girl kept spinning in his head throughout the journey home.


Meanwhile, Luna walked leisurely on the sidewalk, enjoying the cool night breeze. His encounter with the mysterious man had disturbed him a little, but he didn't think much of it. To him, the world was full of serious people who only thought about power and money. they were all the same, and she had no time for people like that.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated, a sign of an incoming message. Luna paused for a moment, opened the message and smiled slightly as she read its contents. The message came from her friend, Rio, asking if she was ready for tonight's mission.

Luna typed a short reply, "Ready. We'll meet at the usual place." After sending the message, she put her phone back in her pocket and continued her journey. She had more important things to do than think about the mysterious man.

The night grew deeper, and Luna finally arrived at an old warehouse located on the outskirts of the city. The warehouse looked deserted and unkempt, but for Luna and her friends, this place was their secret base. She opened the warehouse door with the key they had kept in a secret place, then went inside.

Inside, Luna found Rio and some of their friends preparing equipment for tonight's mission. Their mission was simple: infiltrate one of the mafia group's casinos and steal their money without being noticed.

"Luna, you came just in time," Rio greeted with a smile. He was a well-groomed young man with brown hair that was always neatly arranged. "We're almost ready."

Luna nodded and immediately joined them, helping to prepare the necessary equipment. "We have to move quickly. The place won't be empty for long."

Rio nodded in agreement. "Right. But with the plan we have, we can finish this without any problems."

They continued to prepare themselves, checking equipment and strategizing. For Luna, this was just another mission out of the many they had done. But there was something about tonight that made her feel a little nervous, although she couldn't explain why.

Once everything was ready, they finally moved towards their target. The casino in question was located in the middle of the city, hidden behind the facade of a luxury hotel. For the general public, it was just an ordinary entertainment venue. But for people like Luna and her group, it was a criminal den filled with dirty money.

Once there, they infiltrated through the back door that was no longer guarded. Luna led her group confidently, avoiding the surveillance cameras and guards patrolling the area. Everything went according to plan, until they arrived at the main room where the money was kept.

Luna opened the storage room door carefully, trying not to make any noise. However, when the door opened, they were surprised to see someone already inside the room-a man who was none other than Damian.

Damian stood there with a blank expression, as if he had been waiting for them. "It seems we meet again, little girl," he said in a low voice that made Luna's heart beat faster.

Luna fell silent, her brain spinning quickly to find a way out of this situation. "You followed me?" she asked in a tone that tried to remain calm.

Damian smiled faintly. "There's no need to follow you. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

Rio, who was standing beside Luna, immediately reached for the weapon at his waist, ready to act. However, Luna held him back with her hand. "Don't," she whispered, realizing how dangerous the man in front of her was.

Damian stepped forward, approaching Luna and the group.

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