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Midnight Love

Midnight Love



In the tale of Midnight Love, a man and a woman seek love in the shadows. Join them as they chase love beyond the darkness, where hearts collide in a world of mystery and desire.

Chapter 1 1

The vast living room may be accessed by a large doorway that resembles an archway, which is located in the entrance hall. David waited there, his back pressed against the chilly wall behind him. He stood there and waited.

All of the rooms that around him were silent.

Chloe was being cared after by Bryce and Remy, who were sleeping in a spare bedroom located on the second floor.

Seven exhausted boys were seen sitting and standing in the living room, which was located downstairs. There was no one who had slept. No one was making any talk. The air was beginning to smell tired.

Jarren stood opposite David in the room. Not only for Chloe, but for everyone else there as well, he appeared to be anxious. Jarren's attention was fixed on the younger child, while David's gaze could be seen hovering somewhere above the oldest child.

The youngster was examined by him. "You didn't sleep since I left, did you?"

"Is it obvious?"

In an attempt to find the appropriate words, he paused for a bit before saying, "You look pretty..." "dead."

David let out a chuckle, perhaps more amused by the fact that he talked in such a playful manner when no one else had the courage to speak at all. Leaning his head on the wall behind him, he lowered his head.

"You really know how to build people up, huh?"

Despite the fact that Jarren shrugged as if it were no great thing, his gesture, posture, and facial expression were all oozing with sarcasm. The moment he saw Hudson, his gaze immediately shifted to his.

Jarren drew attention to the fact that there was blood on his shirt.

David made a humming sound, gave it a cursory examination, and then went away. "It's not his."

The intention was for it to sound reassuring, but it didn't even come close. David let out a long, deep sigh; the air that filled his lungs felt heavy, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and empty.

Jarren continued, "I figured," and then he allowed his words to drift out into the quiet chamber, where they quickly faded down because of the silence.

There was, however, a barely audible sound of footsteps that could be heard emanating from within that state of serenity, silence, and wordless strain. Everyone looked to the entryway, as Bryce and Remy quickly entered the living room after passing David and Jarren. This caused everyone to stare at the entrance.

While he was looking at the boys for a moment, Bryce ran his fingers through his hair and momentarily considered them. He was aware of the concern and experienced the weight of it.

"You guys look like someone died," Bryce remarked with a gloomy expression on his face. After that, he let out a sigh, his expression becoming more relaxed. "She will be fine."

A little moment of silence, followed by a deep breath taken, here and there. Although the fear did not completely go, it was less noticeable in comparison to the relief that they experienced.

There is no question that she ought to take a little break. "Obviously," she said. She is suffering from a concussion and has lost a significant amount of blood. Some little bumps and bruises here and there," Bryce said. "If she takes it slow, she'll be better soon though."

The atmosphere in the room was filled with unyielding nodding and a few hums of acknowledgment. Then, for some reason, it continued to be silent.

Although they were relieved, the lads were nonetheless upset about what had occurred. Even though it wasn't their fault, it seemed as though it was their fault.

Bryce was able to comprehend the atmosphere in the room with only a single glance. It was clear to him what the lads were trying to convey with their expressions. With a serious expression on his face, he pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and then let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I have to admit though," Bryce stated with a little of amusement. As for the rest of you idiots, she is a good fit for the group. The idiots"

"Whom are you calling an idiot?" Quickly, AA's scratchy voice delivered a response. Following that, there was a sound of footfall that were quite quiet and made their way down the stairs rather slowly.

While Chloe gripped to the railing, her eyes narrowed slightly in response to the relatively harsh light that was present inside the chamber. Her head was in constant pain, and she observed that her legs were weak and shaky.

In addition, the skin is still very pale. Bryce let out a huff as soon as he spotted her. "What about me telling you to stay in bed?"

"You were practically talking behind my back; how could I not come?"

The physician wore a frown. When asked, "That is your defense?" defense? Chloe gave a slight nod. "You can go right back to bed then."

After taking one more step, she came to a stop next to David, who was standing with his eyes wide open in shock at her abrupt arrival. Without making physical contact with her, he extended his hand and let it to hover behind her back.

On the off chance.

"I don't want to be all alone upstairs."

Even though he rolled his eyes, Bryce refrained from engaging in a debate with her. He took another glance at her before simply shrugging his shoulders.

"How are you?" As Hudson coaxed her to come closer, he moved closer and closer until he was almost standing in front of her. Not only did Jonas stand up, but he also moved closer to her. All of the others observed in silence. While all was going on, Jarren and Bryce looked at each other.

"Alright," was her next response. "Sorry for causing trouble, by the way."

With a swift motion, Hudson shook his head. "It wasn't your fault."

This caused her to laugh in an embarrassing manner. "Well, a little maybe?" Nevertheless, it was just confusing to the boys. "You see, I don't react well when people are rude to me for no reason."

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