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A Paranormal World

A Paranormal World



An African American woman with a tradition that has been passed down from generations. Arranged marriages only happened in the 1700's, right? Fire Nala, this a faith that she was subjected to since birth. Arranged marriages have been going on for centuries in her family. So it was no surprise when in her 20th birthday, her grandmother sat get down and delivered the news that would change her life forever and uncover deep rooted family secrets

Chapter 1 A Rude Awakening

Nala stood in front of the mirror, her fingers dancing through the curls of her voluminous afro, humming a soft tune. The morning sun streamed through her bedroom window, casting golden rays that illuminated the scattered clothes and books strewn across the floor. She had just turned twenty, a milestone that felt more like a noose tightening around her neck than a celebration.

"Just another year older, Nala," she muttered to her reflection, "and still no closer to escaping the clutches of family traditions."

With a final flick of her fingers, she shaped her hair into a fluff that framed her face, nodding in satisfaction. "There, now I'm ready to face the day."

As she turned to grab her phone, the sound of her grandmother's voice echoed from downstairs. "Nala! Breakfast is ready! And hurry up; I won't wait all day!"

"Coming!" she called back, rolling her eyes. Nellyda, her grandmother, was both a force of nature and a source of wisdom, but today she felt more like a warden.

Nala trudged down the hallway, the scent of pancakes wafting through the air, mixing with the robust aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She entered the dining room, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

"Whoa, what's this?" she exclaimed, spotting a tall, striking man sitting across from her grandmother. He had a blend of features that hinted at his biracial heritage-dark skin with striking emerald green eyes, curly brown hair, and a chiselled jaw that could cut glass.

"Ah, there you are, sweetheart," Nellyda said, her eyes twinkling as she motioned for Nala to sit. "I'd like you to meet Zion, your future husband."

Nala's heart dropped, and it felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured over her. "Excuse me, what?" she stammered, her voice rising an octave. "This can't be happening. You can't just-"

"Sit," Nellyda said firmly, her tone brooking no argument. "We have much to discuss."

Nala remained glued to the spot, her mind racing as Zion cleared his throat, his deep voice smooth as silk. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nala."

He stood at an impressive 6'5 and extended his hand toward her, the gesture both charming and unnerving. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you."

With a reluctant sigh, she reached for his hand, feeling the warmth radiating from him as he gently kissed the back of her palm. "Um, wow, well, this is a lot," she said, pulling her hand back as if it had been burned. She does a once-over at him, noticing his well-defined abs and muscles

"Please, sit down," Nellyda urged again, her eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and expectation.

Nala plopped down in her chair, crossing her arms defiantly. "So, Zion, what do you think of being thrust into an arranged marriage with someone you've never met?"

He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I think it's an adventure waiting to unfold."

"An adventure?" she scoffed. "You mean a disaster!"

Nellyda shot her a warning glance. "Nala, this is tradition. Our family has upheld it for generations. You will respect it."

"Tradition? What do you mean? It's the twenty-first century! Can't I just swipe left on this nonsense?"

Zion chuckled, the sound deep and rich, and Nala couldn't help but feel a flutter of irritation mixed with something else she couldn't quite place. "You'll find that some traditions are worth holding onto."

"Or worth breaking," she shot back, glaring at him.

"Come now, dear," Nellyda interjected, her voice soothing. "Just think of it as an opportunity to learn and grow."

"Learn how to be a prisoner? Great!" Nala groaned, pushing her plate aside.

"Your grandmother and I have already made arrangements for the wedding," Zion said, his tone shifting to something more serious. "It'll be a small ceremony, just family and close friends."

"Small? It sounds like you're planning a hostage situation," she muttered, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Enough, Nala," Nellyda said, her voice sharp. "You will not disrespect this union."

Nala pushed back from the table, her chair scraping against the floor with a loud screech. "I need air. I can't breathe in here."

"Where are you going?" Zion called after her, but she didn't look back.

She stormed out of the house, her heart pounding in her chest. Outside, the crisp morning air hit her like a splash of cold water, refreshing yet shocking. Coco, her energetic dog, bounded up to her, tail wagging furiously.

"Hey, girl," Nala said, kneeling to scratch behind Coco's ears. "I need your help. Can you believe this mess?"

Coco tilted her head as if understanding every word.

"Let's go to work. A little caffeine therapy will do the trick."

Nala hurried to her car, Coco hopping in the passenger seat as they took off toward the coffee shop.


The familiar smell of roasted beans and baked goods greeted her as she entered the cafe. A few of her colleagues were gathered at the counter, animatedly discussing the latest gossip.

"Did you hear about the guy who just moved to town?" one of them whispered, her eyes wide with excitement. "He's supposed to be super mysterious and gorgeous!"

"Yeah, I heard he's biracial, like, half African and half Mexican," another added, leaning closer.

"Seriously? How do you even know this?"

Nala leaned against the counter, feigning nonchalance. "What's his name?"

"Zion, I think," the first girl said, her voice low as if she were sharing a secret. "He's been seen all over town. Everyone's talking about him. He's got this-"

"Dominant aura," another chimed in, swooning slightly. "Like he just walks into a room and commands attention."

Nala's heart raced. "Zion?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "What do you mean, 'commands attention'?"

"Oh, honey," the first girl sighed dreamily. "He's got this look. Like he could be in a movie or something. And those eyes! I swear they could see right through you."

Nala's stomach twisted. "And what else?"

"He's been hanging out at the park, too," the second girl added. "I heard he's into fitness. Runs every morning."

"Perfect," Nala said dryly, rolling her eyes. "Just what I need-a fitness guru with an ego the size of Texas."

"Are you kidding? You'd be lucky to snag a guy like that!" one of them squealed.

"Lucky? Right," she said, shaking her head. "I've got bigger problems. Like being married off to a stranger. And not just any stranger, but my future husband."

Coco, sensing her distress, nudged her leg, and Nala chuckled softly, petting her furry friend. "At least I have you, Coco. You're my only reliable companion in this circus."

"Hey, Nala!" Gary, the chef, called from the back, wiping his hands on a towel. "What's got you so riled up today?"

"Just the usual," she replied, waving a hand dismissively. "You know, being thrust into an arranged marriage. No big deal."

Gary raised an eyebrow, a grin spreading across his face. "What? You? A marriage? Please, you'd scare the poor guy away."

"Right? But it's not like I have a choice in the matter."

"Maybe you should just run away," he suggested, leaning against the counter. "Start a new life. Become a barista in a beach town. Live the dream."

"Ha! And leave my family behind? They'd hunt me down, pitchforks and all."

"Sounds like a movie plot," he chuckled. "But seriously, you could always just-"

A loud crash interrupted him as a young customer knocked over a stack of mugs.

"Oops!" the girl cried, her cheeks turning crimson.

"Here we go," Nala groaned, moving to help. "I guess I can save my existential crisis for later."

As she picked up the broken pieces, her mind wandered back to Zion. The way he had looked at her, the confidence he exuded-it unsettled her. What if he was everything the girls said? What if he was more than just a stranger?

"Hey, Nala!" one of her coworkers called, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Can you help with this order?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" she replied, forcing a smile. But in the back of her mind, the nagging thought remained: Zion was not just a mere footnote in her story; he was now a chapter waiting to unfold.

And she had no idea how to turn the page.

As the day wore on, Nala tried to shake off the chaos of the morning. But every time she thought of Zion, her pulse quickened, a mix of annoyance and intrigue swirling within her.

When her shift ended, she stepped outside into the twilight, Coco trotting happily beside her. The sky was painted in hues of orange and purple, and Nala took a deep breath, trying to find some peace.

"Alright, Coco," she sighed, "let's go home and deal with this mess. Maybe I'll find a way to escape before the wedding plans become too real."

Coco barked in agreement, and together they walked toward home, the shadows lengthening around them, hiding the secrets that were yet to be unveiled.

But one thing was certain: whether she liked it or not, the world of arranged marriages and traditions was about to collide with a reality she couldn't ignore. And Zion would be right in the middle of it.

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