Cupid designs the sharpest arrow for the most lethal man in existence and makes him a target when Freya is abducted and he lays his eyes on her. Now he must war with the America mafia for this one woman who makes his heart skip multiple beats and when he finally gets her he struggles to either love her right or lose her forever. "I am Alan Poza"
"We found another rat. He has been stealing information and selling to a group of rogues. They call themselves the 'outlaws'", Eben reported to Christian as they both walked the Halls of the gigantic mansion of the American mafia castle.
"Outlaws you say?", Christian stopped when they were both outside, waiting for a car to pull around. Eben noded his head.
"Let's make an example out of them then", Christian jumped into the car along with even and the car pulled out of the long circular driveway.
Christian Gerrard, a real devil that one. Contrary to his name, he makes hell look stupid and must have been a tyrannical maniac in his previous life, one could say that he is the main reason why the American mafia became the most feared mafia in the underworld since five years he became the Don.
One would think he waited patiently for his old man to breathe his last before ascending the mafia throne and they would be right, except that his old man was not the previous Don of the American mafia.
With techniques only the devil would teach, he started a coup and successfully overthrew his uncle, making his children unfit to precede him and took his uncle's only daughter as his sex slave but ninety nine percent of the mafia had no idea of his schemes and the only one percent that knew, had joined his uncle very much sooner than they would like.
Every mafia pride themselves on one thing, strength in unity which is why they frown at betrayal of any sort so when Christian Gerrard carefully planted doubts in the hearts of the members of the American mafia and engineered situations that could being out the worst in any man, he made his uncle look like the worst betrayer ever known and with a pitiful face and heavy heart he killed the man and his whole family except for his teenage girl whom to the other members of the mafia, she was dead but oh her young and succulent body graced his bed, albeit forcefully and how warm was her thighs after a days hardwork, as said earlier, techniques only the devil could teach.
"The goods?", He asked Eben.
"They are due for arrival tomorrow boss", even answered, secretly disgusted at the handsome smile that graced Christian's face at the thought of an underworld auction he had planned.
The biggest event in the underworld since Christian throws a mean party and the most enjoyable for men and women with an incurable sickness in their heads.
Two years ago Christian started an annual human auction event, which was held after he had carefully studied his victims, abducted them and trained them to please the wicked crowd they would force them to please.
This year was the third year and he was bringing in the best goods so far, everything had to go according to plan.
The car came to a stop in front of a shady warehouse. Of course it had to be shady, this was one of the warehouses the devil owned.
He stepped down and with his long strides, he had Eben running after him towards where the unfortunate human/rat was held against his will.
"Ah, Dominic...", Christian called, a face splitting grin on his face as he looked at the beaten man tied to a metal chair, that was uncomfortable.
"You didn't tell me it was Dominic", he whispered to Eben.
"A little surprise boss", Eben shrugged.
"I love surprises and this one, the best so far. Everything is coming together beautifully well, I am beyond pleased", Christian clapped the weak Dominic on his scalded back, causing the man to jerk forward when Christian's hand met an open wound.
"Oh. I'm sorry mate, didn't know they opened up your back. Harsh treatment really, which one of you beat a good man up like this?", Christian said with the most sincere expression on his face and turned to Eben with question.
"The boys spent a good time with him. We left the best part for you boss", Eben shrugged.
"Ah. Your grandma ever make the sweetest soup and you stick to the pot? Cause that's where the whole sweetness settles? Hmm Dominic?", Christian asked the weak man.
"Please man, I beg you, just kill me and get me out of this misery", Dominic sobbed, mucus freely flowing from his nose as if he was a three year old.
"I'm getting there Domdom. You see, my grandma used to make the best soups and you had the pot each time, perhaps it's my time to have at it", Christian asked, mindlessly using a hot soldering iron to burn off one of Dominic's fingers, eliciting horrifying screams from the dying man.
"Fuck!!! I curse you to hell! You will get what's coming for you!", Dominic screamed.
"Oooh what's that? A new game? Speaking of new games. Why don't I go hunting? With your siblings as the games here?", Christian whispered to Dominic whose eyes widened comically.
"Your sister, Dahlia calls out to me though. I've got lovely plans for her. Plans that involves her and my bed with my cock buried balls deep into her little cunt, sliding in and out of her wet goodness while she screams her lungs off. Now I've gotten a boner", Christian whispered, causing Dominic to gain a new fight in him as he charged at him, or tried to charge at him while restrained on the chair.
"Don't you dare touch my sister. She's only eighteen you sick bastard!", Dominic roared.
"The younger the better bro, but you wouldn't know that since you spent your time playing love with Rose", Christian shrugged.
"Please Christian I beg you in the name of all that you hold dear, kill me, kill my brothers, hell kill Dahlia but don't keep her as your sex slave please. Christian please she's a child, God!", Dominic sobbed uncontrollably.
"You lost the bargaining rights when you tried to sell me out Dominic. Why did you do it? Money, hmm? Or did you want to become the new Don?", Christian asked.
"I didn't have a choice alright. I didn't get a say man. You think you are crazy, eccentric and brutal? Christian whoever leads these people is unhinged, he could kill you and spoon-feed your child your brains", Dominic replied.
"Seems like we would make wonderful friends", Christian mused.
"Oh he's no friend. He wants you down"
"Does he have a name?"
"None that I know of but I know one thing, "the outlaws" is a fake name. They want you down, you think I'm the only one giving information out?", Dominic asked.
"Let me get one thing straight Dominic. The outlaws or whatever they are come for you to give them the gist about me and my mafia and you choose not to tell me? Knowing that either way, you're dead", Christian asked.
"Christian you are a bastard, a ruthless bastard. If I'd known you'd turn out like this I would have killed you all those days in boarding school. You think I didn't see the way you looked at my kid sister? The way you objectify and rape women? Rose? I was not quick enough to stop you from getting to Rose but I sure as hell was not going to allow you to stay alive and end up hurting my sister too so shoot me for taking the fairer option when I had it", Dominic spat out at Christian, dribbles of spit falling from his mouth.
The next thing that was heard was gunshot, ricocheting off the walls as Dominic's screens followed next.
"Jesus Christ!", Dominic looked down at his toe as blood squirted from his left big toe, where Christian shot him.
"Itchy trigger finger, I promise. And hey! You asked me to shoot you", Christian defended himself, almost too innocently.
"Now let's get back to it. I didn't think you'd be bold enough to stand up to me about Rose. Now either you have a dick even a child would be ashamed of or you didn't hit it often because boy she was tight", Christian taunted Dominic who tried his best to muffle his cries by biting his lips but to no avail, he was in so much pain.
"She killed herself", Dominic accused weakly.
"At least she can tell her wretched ancestors that she had a taste of Christian Gerrard", Christian boasted.
"Now what are the names of these outlaws?", Christian asked.
"Elijah Smith, Roman Witt", Dominic answered.
"Fake aliases too if I'm to guess"
"Boss. His siblings", Eben spoke up when the warehouse door opened and some thugs dragged three boys and a young girl in, kicking and screaming but their struggles subsided when they saw their brother.
"No! Please Christian. Think of the good old days", Dominic begged.
"Now the show got interesting", Christian mused.
"Brother! Dom! Christian what's the meaning of this?", The older looking one in the bunch that was dragged in asked.
"Rudolfo, really you are like a brother to me but business is business", Christian once again displayed that honest expression that could put the innocent to shame.
"Dahlia, darling, come here", Christian beamed at the young girl who sensed danger and hid between her brothers who immediately stood in front of her protectively.
"You are not laying a finger on her, not while I'm alive", Rudolfo spat.
"That's where you are wrong boy. You will be alive for now and watch me lay my hands on your sister. Dahlia", he warned this time.
"Christian", Dominic called out to him.
"Shhh, I will be nice", he shushed Dominic.
Christian's thugs ripped a screaming Dahlia from her brothers arms and threw her into the Lions cage, literally. Christain grinned evily and with a single attempt, he tore dahlias gown from her body, leaving her in her underwear that he tore off immediately.
The next thing that happened was not something anybody should have to endure.
"That's more like it little girl, enjoy it", Christain grunted as he had his wicked ways with her.
Her brothers screams filled the room as the girls cries and pleas harmonized with their screams, Christain was hitting his peak.
In and out he slammed into her, mercilessly enjoying the pains that unconsenting sex brought the girl.
"Christain just kill her please!", Dominic screamed as he tried and failed to free himself from his confinement.
After long minutes he shot his load into the girl and stood up from the destroyed girl, panting and smiling with satisfaction going through his body.
"Here's the game plan boys", he demanded their attention.
"Nobody betrays me and goes scot-free and oh your family will learn this the hard way. You will all determine if your darling little sister here will live or die, you will participate in the hunt and the outcome of it decides Dahlia's fate. As for whatever you told your outlaw friends, you will tell me before I send you off to your maker", Christian sneered at Dominic's face which he grabbed harshly.
He turned on his heel and walked out of there, leaving the siblings to comfort each other while he goes to think of more sinister antics.
"Get up you lazy slut!", A magnanimous woman kicked a young girl who had maintained a slumped stature as tears flowed freely from her eyes.
"Stop kicking her you filthy pig, if you were a mother, you wouldn't do this to a child but I'm sure you sold your womb along with that wretched soul of yours to the devil", a fiery red head woman pushed the big woman and covered the little girl with her body while casting a withering glare at the woman.
The next thing that happened was this big woman bringing down her heavy hand on the face of the red head as the sound of the slap resonated through the room.
The red head spat blood out of her mouth and made to stand up to the woman but the young girl that she was shielding clutched her arms.
"Freya, please", the girl pleaded, her eyes wide as saucers at the thought of the heavy devil dragging her savior out of the room for standing up to her.
"Never in your life, you Irish whore, talk back to me, unless you want me to send you to the pit for an early product testing", the woman grabbed Freya's face and spat in her face.
The pit. The one place that none of the victims want to be. With an avalanche of horny bastards there, ready to 'test the product' before they are delivered to Christian. Only that these victims that go through 'product testing' do not get to Christian, they have a long list of lies to tell Christian on how they died.
"Now get that stupid thing up with you and get a move on. The cook suffered to make the lot of you ungrateful cunts a good meal, the least you should do is eat it", the big woman snapped and walked out of the room.
"I didn't ask to be kidnapped you fat lizard", Freya mumbled, helping the young girl up.
"Gloria I know this is not the life you wished for but you have to be strong now that you've been dealt a bad hand", Freya spoke softly to the girl that leaned on her for support.
"Freya I just want to die. I don't want to be a sex slave Freya", Gloria sobbed uncontrollably, cuddling to the only motherly person she met in this wicked place.
"No Gloria. Don't die before trying to survive. You will go out there, with your head held high, your shoulders squared and you will eat whatever concoction the blasted cook conjured up for us. Hey, look at me. You are not a sex slave, you are a sweet little girl who met a cruel world and you will make it out of it, a survivor", Freya spoke firmly but gently to the girl as she lead her out to an open space where other abductees carried slimy looking things in plates in the name of food, their postures deafeted.
"Line up folks. Ain't nobody waiting for your slow asses to get fed. You don't get here now, you won't eating till we get to our destination and you ain't gon' like what's waiting for you there", a guard yelled, standing close to the grumpy cook who dished out food to the prisoners.
"Seems we are getting to whatever place we are going tomorrow, I heard", a young sexy man, with a cherubic face that makes him look like a girl said when Freya and Gloria got their mashed food and sat down.
"Yeah, I heard fatso over there discussing it with scarface over here", a raven haired lady with a distinct beauty mark on her face said, pointing at the big woman from before and a particularly ugly man with a nasty scar marring his face.
"We can escape then", the cherubic faced boy said, eyes darting around.
"You saw what happened to those two girls? I am not dying like a pig", raven hair commented.
Two girls had tried to escape but met a gruesome fate when they were caught so thinking of escaping is like the worst suicidal attempt ever.
"Save your strengths. Trying to escape is human instinct but don't get yourself killed", Freya shrugged, picking at the puddle on her plate but sticking it into her mouth when she caught a guard eyeing her, they were not to waste food.
While they were discussing and trying not to let there woes get to them, Freya thought about her little angels at home. She was not supposed to get them from school that day but when her husband called her to pick the kids up because he had the most important meeting of his career to attend, she had to close early from work to pick them up and that's when she was abducted.
'I hope you're safe where you are'
She thought wistfully when she thought of them, knowing that as much as her husband was their father, he was a man without emotions and a poor excuse for a father. She only hoped that her mother and sister would step in and take care of her children since it's been two months now and she didn't know when she will be free from her bondage.
Chapter 1 The rat
Chapter 2 Hell Hall
Chapter 3 Deck of Cards
Chapter 4 Typical Irish woman
Chapter 5 Freya McIntyre
Chapter 6 The auction
Chapter 7 Pizza delivery
Chapter 8 Is that a bomb
Chapter 9 New friends
Chapter 10 Recruiting spies
Chapter 11 ISIS
Chapter 12 Ace of Diamonds
Chapter 13 Suspicious husbands
Chapter 14 Vengeance is not of the Lord
Chapter 15 A man wth nothing to lose
Chapter 16 Hangovers and memories
Chapter 17 Dislocations and regrets
Chapter 18 A friggin bastard