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Daniel My First Love

Daniel My First Love

Sally Mendoza


In the city of Auckland, Emily Stevens had resigned herself to a life without Daniel, never anticipating his return. Yet, when he strode back into her world, it was as if the past had come rushing back with him, along with the bitterness and resentments that had never truly faded. Emily's family disowned her for choosing Daniel, and things got even more complicated when she found out she was pregnant with his baby. Years later, Emily went back home only to find out that her parents passed away. Then she ran into Daniel, and old feelings stirred up again. They have to figure out how to raise their daughter, Olivia, together, but it's not easy with all the past hurt still there. And then there's Bryan, a guy from Daniel's past who's out for revenge. He tried to drive a wedge between Emily and Daniel, making things even more complicated. As they struggle to make things work, Emily and Daniel have to decide if they're willing to give love another chance. With plenty of drama, "Second Chances" is a story about forgiveness, healing, and finding happiness against all odds.

Chapter 1 The insight

Emily's point of view.

"Mommy, can I go with you to the art exhibition tomorrow?" Olivia said her plea accompanied by a pout and her best puppy-dog eyes that are quite attractive as a result of her hazel eyes. She is an inquisitive and charming thirteen-year-old with a face that has both her parents' features, accompanied by her chestnut hair.

She is the living proof of her mother's previous relationship with the billionaire tech mogul, Daniel Hartman, despite the pain and heartbreak she endured. Olivia is remarkably curious and intelligent, inheriting her parent's love for the arts.

Emily firmly responded, "Olivia, the last time you followed me to an exhibition, you nearly disappeared, and I was worried sick. So, my answer is a definite no,"

"Mommy, please" Olivia implored, her eyes filled with earnest longing.

"Fine!" She breathed out, "You can come with me, but you'll be under my constant supervision. No asking, 'Mommy, can I go see this?'"

"Thank you so much, mommy. I love, love, love, you so much," Olivia said, dancing in excitement as she made her way out of the art studio.

Emily chuckled and she proceeded to admire her artwork.

She sighed with satisfaction, appreciating her creation. Approaching the place where she had hung them, she gently touched the artwork, admiring it with a sense of contentment.

"They're beautiful," Sarah said softly as she walked in, catching Emily by surprise.

Startled by the sudden sound of her voice, Emily responded, "Don't sneak up on me like that, girl," playfully feigning annoyance.

Sarah chuckled, saying, "You're so skittish, Emily."

"Whatever. You always manage to get on my nerves," Emily retorted with a hint of humor.

"What are best friends for?" Sarah said with a playful tone.

Emily quipped with a knowing smile, acknowledging the quirks and occasional annoyances that come with their close bond.

"You know there are chances that you'd run into him right?" Sarah inquired, hinting at the potential encounter.

"I know, Sarah. Please, don't remind me. I'd rather not think about it," she replied, clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

"I mean, you can always attend another art exhibition other than this one being sponsored by him," Sarah said, her voice filled with concern.

Turning abruptly to face her friend, shocked by her words, she questioned, "What? Are you serious right now?" She continued, "You know how much of a struggling artist I am, I juggle between my two part-time jobs and this art as well. This could be a chance for recognition, and that's all I want - to succeed and be able to cover my bills without burdening you or anyone else!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just genuinely concerned for you," Emily pleaded, her face reflecting sincere remorse.

"You can do better, Sarah. Encourage me, tell me you'll be there with me, support me. That's all I need from you, and not to get on my nerves," Emily pleaded.

Reaching out to give her a warm and heartfelt embrace, "I'm sorry," Sarah whispered, expressing her sincere apology and understanding.

"It's fine. Look, I understand that you're worried about me, but sometimes you just have to..." She paused, searching for the right words to continue.

"That's enough," Sarah said with a smile, changing the subject. "I brought your favorite," she added.

Glancing at Sarah's hands in anticipation of her favorite treat, She remarked, "I don't see them."

"Well, that is because it's still in the car trunk. I wanted to surprise you," Sarah admitted with a mischievous grin, hinting at the surprise waiting for Emily.

"Now, I'm really curious," She responded, her anticipation building as she wondered what surprise awaited her in the car trunk.

"Calm your nerves. Let's go get them," Sarah said with a playful laugh.

They made their way out to the garage to retrieve the gifts, laughing and chatting lively as they walked amidst the daylight streaming in through the open doors.

"Omg Sarah, thank you so much, I love these," She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she admired the art supplies her best friend had thoughtfully bought for her.

"You're welcome, love. Always remember that I've got you," Sarah reassured her with a warm smile.

She leaned in, embracing her lifelong friend tightly. Sarah had been a constant presence in Emily's life since childhood, unwaveringly supportive and a true blessing through the challenging times, especially after Daniel's departure. From the early days and even after Olivia's birth, Sarah remained by her side, serving as her confidante, a paragon of loyalty, and a brilliantly witty friend.

"Okay, okay, that's enough," Sarah said with a playful grin, gently releasing herself from the lengthy embrace that spoke volumes about their deep connection.

Emily let out a soft chuckle and mouthed, "Sorry," which sparked a shared outbreak of laughter between them.

"Okay, I have to go now," Sarah said, checking her watch. "I've got a meeting with a client in an hour, and I can't afford to miss it or be late," she explained.

"Client? How come I'm just hearing about it? Or is it one of your admirers?" Emily teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"No, it's not!" Sarah replied, defensively.

"Alright, if you say so," Emily said with a chuckle, finding her best friend's defensiveness rather amusing.

"Yes, I say so," Sarah retorted playfully. She then added, "And, be ready early tomorrow. I'll be here two hours early to pick you guys up for the exhibition." With that, she waved and drove off.

"Sure! Thank you!" Emily yelled, making sure her friend who had just driven out heard her while she made her way into the house.

Worry engulfed her as she searched the entire house, calling out Olivia's name. The television played cartoons, but there was no sign of her daughter. Panic began to creep in as she couldn't find Olivia in any of her usual spots in the house, not even her room.

"Olivia!" She yelled, yet there was no response.


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