The werewolf The Diamond Crescent pack is where Quinn lives. She is both physically and mentally strong, and as the daughter of the head pack warrior, she would fight anyone or anything that got in her way. She doesn't need a partner right now, but this year she is old enough to go to the yearly mating ball. Will Quinn reach her goals and leave the ball single, or will her soul mate find her and drag her into a life she's not ready for? If her mate finds her, will she have the strength to turn down the one person who was really meant for her, or will her years of training not be enough and she will give in to his demands? I stopped for a moment, closed my eyes, and took a big breath. I want to know where the smell is coming from. It fell suddenly, right on top of me. When I suddenly opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful chest standing in front of me. I thought about the blue suit. I slowly turned around and saw the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. "Mate." Even before I knew I was thinking it, I had already said it. The man gave me a big smile, and his eyes were shining. It was hard to keep from sending it back. "Let me tell you about myself," he said. He looks a little worried. At least I wasn't the only one. "I am..."
POV of Quinn
The sounds of nature leaking into my chamber roused me up. Even though it was early, I liked waking up to the sun. I felt peaceful as the gentle sunlight caressed my skin and the cool breeze entered through the window that was always open. This was my preferred method of beginning the day.
I stretched out in bed and fumbled for my phone. I opened my eyes to discover that it was Thursday. I had just one day left before I was transported to the yearly mating ball. My eighteenth birthday falls on the first day of the ball, so this will be my first time attending. Only wolves that are not mated and are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine may attend. When a wolf reaches the age of 30, it's typically considered that either their mate has moved on or is dead. However, most unmated wolves don't survive that long. Most attendees at the mating ball are in their twenties or thirties. After age 23, the need to mate becomes so strong that most wolves choose a mate who is both convenient and acceptable. Although a chosen mating is not nearly as powerful as a true mating, it serves its purpose.
Concerning maybe meeting my mate tomorrow, I had no anxiety. I was aware that it wasn't a guarantee. Sincerely, I'm not all that interested in dating. I tend to be a happy-go-lucky person who goes with the flow. Don't get me wrong; I could absolutely dominate anyone. Simply put, I prefer to live with the belief that everything is going according to plan. I am confident in my ability to deal with everything that comes my way. It just isn't meant to be if I don't run into my friend this weekend. I'll carry on doing what I'm doing and pushing myself to become the greatest female pack fighter. I won't lie; I've experienced my fair share of heartbreak, but I keep reminding myself that happiness always comes after suffering.
I got out of bed after reading my texts and made the decision to get ready for the day. I always try to begin by going for a run around the outside to make sure everything is in place. My father, who leads the pack's warriors, instilled in me a sense of pride in our country and its residents from an early age. He is both the toughest and smartest man I know. He has taught me so much over the years, and as a result, I am a better wolf. He could have broken down after Mom was abducted twelve years ago, but instead he grew stronger, and I admire him for his strength.
My typical gym attire was on my dresser, so I went there. I slipped on my sports bra and leggings and started to descend the stairs. This early in the morning, the pack house was still vacant, and it was comforting to breathe in the clean air of my deserted surroundings. The only scents in the space were those of the wolves from the previous evening. Like usual, I was the first person to ascend inside the pack house.
As I opened the big oak doors into the cold, sunny morning, a sense of total tranquilly overcame me. The distance between the pack house and the tree line is not great, and I could already smell the morning bustle in the forest. While not the largest, our pack is also not the smallest. We're situated in the center of a huge forest on a sizable piece of land. We enjoy the seclusion of the location since it keeps us hidden from inquisitive human eyes while still being near enough packs to act as allies. We are a peaceful pack, yet when it comes to fighting, we have a reputation for brutality.
Before setting off for the pack border, I warmed up my body with a few stretches and exercises. I cherished the sense of liberation I experienced as I ran through the soggy woodland. As I pushed myself to the edge, I could feel the ground shifting beneath my feet. As I got closer to the edge of our pack, I leapt over shrubs and avoided trees.
My morning routine was known to every border guard. We waved or greeted each other as I passed them. This morning, my dad's best friend was on duty, and when he spotted me make my way through the dense bushes towards his station, he flashed me a wide smile.
Quinn, we can't keep you out of this world, can we?
Reggie: "Not even if you tried." As I sped by him, I grinned broadly in response.
His giggle slowly dissipates into the atmosphere behind me. Since they were puppies, my dad and Reggie have gotten along well. Together, they attained the level of pack warrior, and Reggie was my father's staunchest ally when he rose to the rank of chief pack warrior years before I was born.
Fortunately for me, Reggie has a daughter who is roughly my age, so we were able to continue the tradition by also being best friends. In a sense, Suze is my sister. Since I only have brothers, we do everything together, so I certainly need a little lady time in my life.
I jogged back to the pack house after finishing my circle while softly perspiring. If I don't push myself every day, I won't move any closer to my goals. In addition to my daily runs, I train for four hours every day after school and twice a day on the weekends. My dad will oversee my training sessions when he has time, but because we have been working together for so long, I can handle them on my own when he is unable.
Before returning to the pack house to begin my day, I took one final glance at the sun as it began to gently rise in the sky.
Chapter 1 Rise in the sky
Chapter 2 Girlie
Chapter 3 Ball
Chapter 4 Authentic
Chapter 5 Choice
Chapter 6 Shared memories
Chapter 7 Final embrace
Chapter 8 Dodge
Chapter 9 The Mating Ball
Chapter 10 Calm
Chapter 11 Little oddly
Chapter 12 Midnight Pack big hall
Chapter 13 Diamond crescent
Chapter 14 Growl
Chapter 15 Pack border
Chapter 16 Peanut
Chapter 17 Desire
Chapter 18 Fantastic
Chapter 19 Cold one
Chapter 20 Velvet
Chapter 21 Mistake
Today at 03:57
Chapter 22 I'm already in love
Today at 04:05
Chapter 23 Dreams
Today at 04:05
Chapter 24 Fun
Today at 04:07
Chapter 25 Play on
Today at 04:07
Chapter 26 Smart
Today at 04:07
Chapter 27 Next Partner
Today at 04:08
Chapter 28 Ideal
Today at 04:10
Chapter 29 Warriors
Today at 04:11
Chapter 30 Rest up
Today at 04:11
Chapter 31 Goddess
Today at 04:12
Chapter 32 Restless
Today at 04:12
Chapter 33 Privacy
Today at 04:12
Chapter 34 Diamond cresent
Today at 04:13
Chapter 35 Whole mate
Today at 04:14
Chapter 36 Falling
Today at 04:16
Chapter 37 Rogue
Today at 04:18
Chapter 38 Sea
Today at 04:18
Chapter 39 My wolf
Today at 04:19
Chapter 40 End
Today at 04:19
Other books by Bella Kay