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Dark Desires( The Tempting Gaze)

Dark Desires( The Tempting Gaze)



Michelle's life was a testament to innocence and virtue. Raised in the sheltered walls of an orphanage, she grew up with a heart full of kindness and a soul so pure it seemed almost otherworldly. Her days were spent helping the sisters with chores, attending mass, and dreaming of a simple life. She never knew the harsh realities of the world beyond the orphanage's gates. As she blossomed into a beautiful young woman, her naivety only deepened. She saw the world through a lens of goodness, believing everyone had a heart of gold. Her smile could light up a room, and her laughter was contagious. At twenty years old, she was still a wide-eyed and gentle soul, unaware of the darkness that lurked in the shadows. After completing her education, she returned to the orphanage as a worker, dedicating herself to caring for the very children she once called friends. Her life was a simple, peaceful routine, devoid of any hint of adventure or excitement. But fate had other plans. In the blink of an eye,Michelle's tranquil existence was shattered. She was snatched from the orphanage grounds, dragged into a dark van, and thrust into a world of crime and violence. Her whole life was crumbled upon and her dreams shattered.

Chapter 1 From Grace To Shadows



Inside the church, the congregation gathered for the special program. Father Michael stood at the altar, his vestments a symbol of his devotion. The pews were filled with faithful parishioners, all clad in their Sunday best, each wearing a crucifix (also known as a cross necklace or rosary) as a symbol of their faith.

Among the crowd stood michelle in her head bowed in reverence,her palms clasped together and her eyes closed. She was putting on "a habit" (The nun outfit). It's a full white tonic dress,a blue veil on her head,and a white rosary around her neck,she was wearing a white sneakers also.

As one, the congregation recited the Ave Maria prayer, their voices rising in unison.

"Hail Mary, Full of grace,

The Lord Is With Thee,

Blessed Art Thou Among Women,

And Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb, Jesus,

Holy Mary,Mother Of Christ,

Pray For Us Sinners,

Now And At The Hour Of Our Death


Michelle opened her eyes with her usual smiley face, she kissed her rosary and carried her bag.

"Sister Michelle,do you have a moment to spare?" One of the senior nuns in the church called her as she tried to escape out,,she already promised to help the children back in the orphanage with their assignments and it's almost 4pm,they still have a lot to do,tomorrow is Monday.

"Oh,yes"Michelle smiled and bowed respectfully,she was taken to other nuns where they had a short conversation before Bluey was finally released.

As soon as she was out of the church,after taking time to bow to the sculptures of David and others,she started running to the orphanage home,her house precisely. That is where she spent all the twenty years of her life and still counting, she doesn't even know when she will be out. she love the children so much to think of leaving them someday.

Seeing them everyday remind her of her young self, after clocking eighteen, she made a vow to start working as of the caretakers also and she's been doing that with her uptight nature, everyone loves her so much.

As she approached the building,she saw two black cars parked just in front of the gate and she was confused,what's going on? The only time she's able to see cars parked this way is whenever there are some parents here ready to adopt.

"Is that it?" She asked and a smile escaped her lips. maybe finally one of the children is getting a better life,those cars outside screams luxury that's all.

She entered into the compound and it was dead silent unusually.

Michelle concluded that it was because of the meeting with the car owners,definitely,she already turned to the direction of her room when she heard a scream,coming from the head mistress office,her legs froze and her eyes widened. She turned and threw her bag away, she started running over there.

Inside the office,Head Mistress Esther was on her knees,shaking in fear,she was sweating prufusely in front of the young man sitting on the plastic chair, the smoke coming from his weed entering into Esther's nose. Other two ladies,also part of the caretakers were also kneeling down,but some distance away.

"I'm asking you for the last time bitch,where is my money" He asked,puffing out his smoke,that's Axe.

Esther grabbed his leg,crying loudly.

"Queen mother gave me the money,I thought I shouldn't return it back,I thought....." Axe pulled his trigger as she was talking and the ladies screamed.

"Boss,I don't think they are ready to give the money back,let's just kill them" One of his men said and Axe got up from the chair,he pointed his gun straight to Esther's head.

"No oo!!!!!!!"Michelle rushed in and covered Esther up,hugging her tightly.

"Who's this......fresh bread?" One of the boys said and they laughed.

Axe frowned when Bluey turned and faced them,she was already in tears.

"Please don't hurt anyone, please" She cried pleading.

Axe smirked and looked at Esther.

"You should have told me you have a collateral" He said and Esther's eyes widened.

"I will take her and you will be free....."

"No!! Please don't do that,she's just a child,she's a child" Esther immediately cried.

"I'm not interested in her childhood story,,her pussy is old enough for screwing,don't you think?" Axe smiled and grabbed Bluey's jaw,she swallowed hard.

"Her mouth is wide enough to take me in too" Axe said,grinning.

"Please you can't..... "

Before Esther could finish,Axe shot one of the ladies in the room dead.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!" Came the scream.

"No!! Aunt Melody!!"Michelle cried.

Esther was shaking like she could die any moment from now.

Axe looked back at her with a deadly glare.

"Are you still saying No?" He asked.

They swallowed.

"Answer me!!" Axe yelled,almost pulling the trigger again.

"You can take her!" Esther shouted and Michelle's eyes widened.

"Aunt Esther...I...I can't...."

"It's just for a while Michielle ,I will make sure I pay the money back and you can return...."

"That's a lie!! How will you pay back millions?!" Michielle cried out...two of the guys dragged her up as she continue crying.

"No!! I can't follow them!! Aunt Esther please stop them!! Please!!"

One of them carried her and threw her on his shoulder,Axe gave her a strategic knock on her neck and she passed out then the boys carried her out.

"You made a good decision" Axe smiled at Esther and put his weed in between Esther's lips before walking out also.


Billie walked into the lounge,her boots heels making sounds which got the two girls sitting on the big table attention and they turned at once.

"I heard Axe brought a new doll to the empire" She said.

"Since last night,I've not seen her tho" Lupa chuckled from where she was sitting.

"It's been a while,finally a new face,I hope she knows what she entered tho" Gelato said.

"There's nothing to talk about,Sunny just got a rival" Lupa smirked.

"I guess this is going to be interesting" Billie grinned.

"I know" Gelato smirked.

"I love that skirt,good for a quickie" Gelato said,referring to Billie who turned immediately and shook her @ss.

"Fuck girl! You're hot!" Lupa shouted.

"I think we might have a mission tonight,how about a little shooting?" Billie asked,twisting her wrist a bit.

"I hope so,I want to blow off a head so bad" Gelato muttered.

"I can't remember the last time you did that tho" Lupa said and Billie laughed.

"Fuck that mother fucker fucking you" Gelato blurted.

"Oops" Lupa winked.

They all walked out of the lounge together.


Michielle opened her eyes slowly,blurry at first as she groaned out tiredly but when she suddenly remembered what happened to her,she jumped up from the small bed in the empty room.

"Where is this?" She looked around,she was still in her outfit but her headveil gone,she walked toward the door and gently opened it,nervously,she walked out of the room almost bumping into a lady carrying a tray in her hands.

"Watch out! Dumb@ss!!" She yelled at Michielle and she gulped.

She continue walking, she felt like she had entered a parallel universe. The grandeur and opulence surrounding her were unlike anything she had ever seen before. The sprawling complex stretched out before her like a miniature city, with towering buildings and winding corridors that seemed to go on forever.

Everywhere she looked, she saw evidence of the empire's vast wealth and power. Marble floors gleamed like polished mirrors, and crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room. The air was thick with the scent of cigar smoke and fine cologne, and the sound of hushed conversations and clinking glasses filled the air.

People milled about, their designer suits and diamond-encrusted jewelry glinting in the light. They moved with a confident swagger, their eyes gleaming with a sense of superiority. Bluey felt like a small fish in a vast ocean, overwhelmed by the sheer scale and grandeur of her surroundings.

As Michielle turned a corner, she was met with a sudden and synchronized movement. Everyone around her guards, servants, and even the patrons bowed their heads in unison. Confused, Michelle followed their gaze and her eyes landed on a vision that made her heart skip a beat.

Before her stood the most breathtakingly handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. His features were so chiseled, so perfect, that he seemed almost otherworldly.

'Is he a human or anime?' She asked inwardly as she continue staring.

His blonde and almost white hair shone brightly looking so thick and his skin was a radiant, porcelain white.

A lollipop stick protruded from the corner of his mouth, giving him a hint of playfulness that belied the aura of power surrounding him. His eyes were pools of deep, piercing that seemed to see right through her. He walked with a confident stride, his long legs eating up the distance with grace and precision.

His outfit was a masterpiece of opulence - a black tailcoat with intricate silver embroidery, a white shirt with billowy sleeves, and black trousers that seemed to be tailored to perfection. A diamond-encrusted earring glinted in his left ear, and a tattoo of a written word she doesn't understand coiled around the back of his ear.

'Is he the boss? He's totally different from the one who killed aunt Melody' she said inwardly.

She was still staring when suddenly someone pushed her head down,making her bow low.

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