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Unmatched attraction

Unmatched attraction



If I can't have him no one will Alicia said, as she pointed the gun to Brien Anderson, her supposed child hood friend. If I kill the kids you guys can have another one If I kill Daisy,you can just get another wife ,so Brien you gonna go to hell with me Alicia listen to me let's just come down please ,said Daisy Sure let's calm down Sure let's come down She repeated much more to herself You took everything from me Daisy, everything and you want me to calm down To hell with you and your family she said as she pulled the trigger. Leaving everyone shocked and scared as Brien's body dropped to the ground

Chapter 1 Hello Daisy

Is 7:58 in the morning as Daisy Peterson a young girl of 18 walked down from the stairs walking past the maids who greeted her by slightly bowing,

Nanny Ester, she called out,

Good morning Daisy, how was your night , ohhh I see your ready for school , are you sure your ready to go, I mean you could just transfer you know ,she said walking past Daisy to the dinning room to put down the things she was carrying.

Come here child, she called out, come have something to eat before you head off ,

Suddenly she heard Daisy laughing with tears running down her delicate face.

Heyyy what is it she came reaching for her

I got my period nanny I got it, it finally came

Wow that's good news now we're sure your not pregnant,but why are you crying it's a good new right,

Nanny I was so scared she said hugging her tightly as she cried more of the thought that she could have been pregnant.

Hey that's enough it's time for school hurry up the drivers waiting for you ,

Alright bye

Daisy said now composing her self and walking down to the garage where the car was packed .

Heyyy Daisy her nanny called out, don't let anyone get to you .

I won't she said.


As the car stopped at the parking space,

She sat down and watched other students walking , laughing and discussing.

Summoning enough courage she walked down from the car, feeling nervous.

As she walked through the corridor towards the class room she could feel the eyes of the other students and even teachers. Making her even more nervous.

You can do this ,she said more to herself.

Look who we have here, miss drama queen of the year, Daisy turned at the voice and din't find it surpriseing that it belonged to her ex best friend.

So you finally decided to return ,

So tell me where you really raped or you decided to just gain attention from the hole school,

Daisy could feel the eyes of other students on her as she almost cried.

But she decided to ignore them and ran to the class room.

All through the day no one talked to her, and she talked to no one.

It was 12:50 in the afternoon and a free period so she decided to take a quick nap to cool off her mind.

She was brought back to reality by the cries of the students in the hall way , she tried to ignore it but it was getting too much .

She decided to take a look herself, reluctantly she got up from her seat and slowly walked towards the corridor.

She could here the students hailing to a man dressed in an all black suit. Deciding it was non of her business she headed towards the door and walked along side the garden in the back yard of the school .

Sitting herself down on a carved rock which the school used as decoration she put on her head phone and brought out a pack of snacks .

Brien Anderson stood beside a tree watching her, he wanted to excape the noise from the students.but instead he almost had an heart attack seeing the same girl who his friends has arranged for him at a school party about a month ago.

He contemplated going to her but was afraid she would recognise him.

Reminding himself that the chances of her recognising him was thin he decided to walk towards her .

On that night he couldn't get a clear view of her face but looking at her back turned to him. As the wind blew her hair exposing her neck he started to have flashback of the night he spent with her .

And that was making him a little horny.

Putting all his though back he walked up to her extended his hand and said hello Daisy

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