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Blinded By Love

Blinded By Love

Vera Sam


Elle and Fred were the perfect embodiment of young love-two dreamers who had fought their way out of the shadows of their modest upbringings, determined to build a life together in the dazzling city of Rivergate. For years, they nurtured their ambitions side by side: Elle, a passionate writer with dreams of crafting stories that would touch the world, and Fred, determined to rise through the ranks of the city's elite as a powerful attorney. Their love was their anchor, their guiding light through the challenges of life in the bustling metropolis. But when Fred's future is suddenly threatened by a financial roadblock that could end his law career before it even begins, Elle makes an unthinkable sacrifice. She gives up her own education, pouring everything she has into ensuring Fred's success, believing that their shared dream will carry them both to the top. She trusts in his love and the promises he's made-that once he reaches his goals, he will help her reclaim her path. Yet, as Fred's career begins to take off, so does his ambition. In the high-stakes world of law, Fred's loyalty to Elle begins to waver. Seduced by power, wealth, and a glamorous woman from a world of privilege, Fred's love for Elle falters. What began as a relationship built on trust and sacrifice slowly disintegrates into deception and betrayal. Elle's world crumbles as Fred drifts further away, leaving her broken and alone-wondering how the man she sacrificed everything for could so easily forget her.

Chapter 1 The Promise of forever

Chapter 1: The Promise of Forever

Rivergate was a city of contrasts. The sprawling skyline of glass towers and luxury apartments gleamed under the bright city lights, a beacon of hope and opportunity. Yet, behind the shimmer of wealth and success lay the gritty realities of survival, especially for young dreamers like Fred and Elle.

Elle was petite, with soft brown skin that glowed in the fading light. Her hair was always tied up in a messy bun, loose tendrils framing her heart-shaped face. She wasn't beautiful in the conventional sense, but there was a quiet grace about her, something that drew people in. Her eyes, large and expressive, had a way of seeing through to the soul, and it was one of the many things Fred loved about her. She imagined herself one day designing buildings that would inspire others as an Architecture.

Fred, on the other hand, was a different kind of dreamer. He worked tirelessly to prepare for his law exams, determined to break free from his impoverished past. He envisioned himself in a prestigious law firm, winning cases and making a name for himself among the city's elite. Rivergate was his ticket out, the place where he would finally leave behind the limitations that had held him back

They had grown up together, their houses only a few feet apart, separated by a narrow path that led to the village square. Fred's family was even poorer than Elle's, if such a thing was possible. His father, a subsistence farmer, had barely been able to provide for their five children, and Fred had often gone to bed hungry as a child. Elle's family wasn't much better off, but at least her father had a small provision shop that kept them afloat.

Despite their circumstances, Fred had always been the smart one in school, the boy with the big dreams and even bigger ideas. His teachers often praised him for his intelligence, telling him that if he worked hard enough, he could make something of himself. And Fred believed them. He believed that if he could just leave his hometown, he could change his life, and Elle's too.

Elle, on the other hand, wasn't as confident. She was content with the simple things in life. She enjoyed school, but she didn't dream of fame or fortune like Fred did. Her dreams were smaller, simpler a good job as an architect, a home filled with love, and a family of her own. But Fred's dreams had a way of infecting her, making her want more than she had ever imagined for herself. So, she clung to him, believing that together, they could achieve anything.

"Do you ever think about what it'll be like when we finally leave?" Fred asked, his voice soft, as if he didn't want to disturb the peace around them.

Elle smiled, looking up at him. "Every day. I wonder what the cities will look like, what it'll be like to live in a place where everyone is working toward something great."

Fred squeezed her hand. "We'll make it happen, Elle. I promise. We'll both finish university, get good jobs, and leave this place behind. No more struggling, no more wondering where the next meal is coming from."

Elle's smile faded slightly. "What if it doesn't work out the way we hope? What if we can'tĆ¢ā‚¬""

Fred turned to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "It will work out, Elle. I won't let anything stand in the way of our future. We just have to stay focused and work hard. I'll become the best lawyer this country has ever seen, and you'll design buildings that will be talked about for generations."

His confidence was infectious, and Elle found herself nodding, her worries slipping away. She leaned into him, resting her head on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. For a moment, everything was perfect. They were young, in love, and full of hope.

But hope, as fragile as it was, had a way of slipping through one's fingers when life threw its challenges in the way.

Chapter 2: Sacrifice

Elle watched the sunrise through the small window of the room she shared with her two younger sisters. The first rays of light filtered through the worn curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Today was supposed to be an important day for both her and Fred Ć¢ā‚¬" the start of their final year in university. But instead of excitement, her heart was weighed down with worry. Fred had called her late last night, his voice tinged with panic.

"I don't have the money, Elle," he had said, his voice cracking. "I can't pay for my law school exams."

She had listened, silent but understanding. Fred's tuition had always been an issue. His family had sold off what little they had to get him through the first few years of university, but now, with the end in sight, it seemed impossible to come up with the money he needed to sit for the exams that would qualify him as a lawyer.

"What are we going to do?" Fred had asked, desperation creeping into his voice. Elle had heard that tone before. She knew that if Fred dropped out now, it would crush him. His dreams would shatter before his eyes, and she couldn't bear to see that happen.

"Don't worry, Fred," she had whispered, trying to sound reassuring. "I'll figure something out."

And she had. She had tossed and turned all night, thinking of ways to help Fred. Then, just as the first light of dawn touched the sky, she made a decision, one that would change everything.

Later that morning, Elle sat across from Fred at a small cafe near the university. He was nursing a cup of tea, his eyes dark with exhaustion. She could tell he hadn't slept either. She reached across the table, placing her hand on his.

"I have the money for your exams," she said quietly.

Fred looked up at her in surprise. "What? How? Where did you get it?"

Elle bit her lip, her stomach twisting with nerves. "I'm I'm not going back to school this semester."

Fred's eyes widened. "Elle, no! You can't do that."

"I can," she said firmly. "And I will. Fred, you need this more than I do. You're so close to achieving your dream, and I can always go back to school later."

Fred shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "Elle, I can't let you do this. It's not fair."

Elle squeezed his hand tighter, willing him to understand. "I love you, Fred. I believe in you. You're going to be an incredible lawyer, and when you make it, you'll help me finish my studies. We'll still have our future together, just like we always planned."

Fred stared at her for a long moment, his throat tight with emotion. Finally, he nodded, his heart heavy with gratitude and guilt. "I'll never forget this, Elle. I promise, I'll make it up to you."

Elle smiled softly, though her own heart ached. "I know you will."

Fred could hardly believe the sacrifice Elle had just made for him. The cafe felt smaller, more claustrophobic, as his mind swirled with thoughts of guilt, gratitude, and an underlying fear that he didn't dare admit to himself. He sat back in his chair, staring at Elle, who was attempting to smile but couldn't quite mask the sadness in her eyes.

"I don't know how to thank you," Fred whispered, his voice cracking under the weight of what she had done. "This changes everything."

Elle reached across the table, brushing her hand over his. Her fingers were soft, but Fred could feel the slight roughness from her part-time work at the local tailor's shop. It reminded him of how much she'd endured over the years, not just for herself but for him.

"You don't need to thank me," Elle said softly, her eyes locking onto his. "You're my future, Fred. Everything I do, I do because I believe in us."

Fred swallowed hard. The weight of those words settled heavily on his chest. How could he ever repay her? How could he ensure that he lived up to the expectations she had placed upon him?

Yet deep inside, there was a small, insidious whisperea voice that had grown louder since he started working at the law firm. It told him that he deserved more, that he was meant for something bigger than this small town and the humble girl who had given everything for him. He pushed the thought aside, burying it beneath the surface. For now, he had to focus on the present.

"I promise, Elle," Fred said, leaning forward. "Once I graduate and land a job, the first thing I'll do is send you back to school. I won't rest until we've achieved everything we've ever dreamed of. Together."

Elle smiled, her eyes softening. She believed him. She always had. The sun was setting behind them, casting a golden glow across her face. In that moment, Fred felt a surge of emotion, love, yes, but also fear. Fear of failure. Fear of letting her down.

"I trust you, Fred," she whispered. "And I always will."

As they left the cafe hand in hand, Fred's mind raced with the possibilities of the future. But beneath the surface, something else stirred a desire for more than what they had. He loved Elle, but the allure of wealth and status was beginning to plant seeds of doubt.

Chapter 3: The Law Firm

The city of Rivergate was everything Fred had imagined and more fast-paced, glamorous, and bursting with opportunity. Skyscrapers loomed over the streets, casting long shadows on the sidewalks. Cars rushed past in a never-ending stream, and the scent of wealth hung heavy in the air, as though even the breeze carried the promise of success.

Fred had graduated, just as he had promised Elle, and had secured a position at one of the top law firms in the city -Marshal & Bricks. The firm was everything he had dreamed of: marble floors, glass offices, and an endless supply of cases that could propel him into the highest echelons of society. But it was more than just the cases that intrigued him. It was the people.

And no one intrigued him more than Katherine.

Katherine Bricks was the daughter of Chief Justice Bricks, the most powerful man in the legal sphere. She walked through the firm like a queen, her head held high, every step exuding confidence and control. She was tall and striking, with long, straight hair that cascaded down her back in thick, glossy waves. Her sharp features were softened only by her piercing green eyes that seemed to see through people, to cut through their masks.

Fred couldn't help but be drawn to her. She was everything Elle wasn't: wealthy, sophisticated, and untouchable. At first, he had tried to push his attraction aside, telling himself it was nothing more than admiration for her power. But the more time he spent around her, the more difficult it became to ignore the growing pull he felt toward her.

Fred, could you come to my office for a moment?" Katherine's voice was soft but commanding as it echoed down the hallway.

Fred's heart skipped a beat as he rose from his desk, straightening his suit jacket. He walked briskly to her office, feeling the eyes of his colleagues on him as he entered.

Katherine was seated behind her large oak desk, her manicured fingers tapping idly on a stack of papers. She glanced up at him, a slow smile spreading across her lips as she gestured for him to take a seat.

"I've been hearing good things about you," she said, her voice low and smooth. "The partners are impressed with your work. You've handled your cases exceptionally well."

Fred felt a surge of pride but remained calm. "Thank you, Katherine. I'm just trying to do my best."

Her smile widened, and Fred noticed the way her eyes lingered on him, assessing, calculating. "I think you and I could work well together, Fred. There's a case coming up that I believe you'd be perfect for. High profile, lots of media attention. It could really put you on the map."

Fred's pulse quickened. This was itĆ¢ā‚¬"his chance to prove himself, to climb the ladder even faster than he had imagined. "I'd be honored," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Katherine's gaze remained fixed on him, and for a moment, the air between them seemed to crackle with tension. "Good," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll make sure you're involved."

As Fred left her office, his mind raced with thoughts of the future. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. But there was something else lingering in his thoughts Katherine's attention wasn't just professional. He could feel it. There was something deeper there, something that both excited and terrified him.

He tried to push the thought away, focusing on his work. But as the days went by, his interactions with Katherine became more frequent, and the line between professionalism and attraction began to blur.

Chapter 4: Lies and Deception

Elle sat on the edge of her bed, her hands folded in her lap as she stared at the empty room around her. It had been months since she had dropped out of school to help Fred, and though she didn't regret her decision, the loneliness was beginning to gnaw at her. She had taken on extra work at the tailor's shop, but the pay was barely enough to cover her basic needs, let alone save for her own tuition.

Fred had promised to send her back to school as soon as he landed a job, and she believed him. But the distance between them was growing. He called less often now, his voice distracted and hurried when he did. And when Elle asked about his progress, Fred would brush her off, saying that things were busy at the firm but that he was working on it.

One evening, Elle gathered the courage to confront Fred. She had been saving money from her meager salary, hoping to surprise him with dinner in the city. She made the journey, her heart pounding with anticipation as she arrived at his apartment unannounced.

But when she knocked on the door, it wasn't Fred who answered it was Katherine.

Elle froze, her breath catching in her throat. Katherine stood in the doorway, her face a mask of surprise that quickly turned to disdain. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice dripping with condescension.

"I'm Elle, she stammered, her eyes wide. "Fred's girlfriend."

Katherine let out a low laugh, shaking her head. "Oh, you must be mistaken. Fred hasn't mentioned anyone like you."

Before Elle could respond, Fred appeared behind Katherine, his face pale. "Elle?" he whispered, his voice filled with shock and something that resembled guilt.

Elle's heart shattered in that moment. She could see it all in his eyes the lies, the betrayal. She had sacrificed everything for him, and now he was standing there with another woman, a woman who looked at her as though she were nothing more than dirt beneath her shoes.

Tears welled up in Elle's eyes, but she held them back. "I just came to see you," she whispered. "I wanted to surprise you."

Fred's jaw tightened, his eyes flickering between Elle and Katherine. "This isn't a good time," he said coldly. "You should go."

Elle swallowed hard, nodding as she turned away. Her world felt as though it had collapsed beneath her feet, but she refused to cry. Not here. Not in front of them.

As she walked away, the pain in her chest felt unbearable, but she kept her head high. She didn't know how, but she would survive this. She would find a way to move forward even if it meant letting go of the man she had loved more than anything.

Chapter 5: Torn Apart

The days following her encounter with Fred and Katherine felt like a blur to Elle. The pain of betrayal was unbearable, leaving her hollow inside. She returned to the small town she had once believed held her future, but now, it only seemed like a place of lost dreams.

Elle threw herself into work at the tailor's shop, sewing from dawn till dusk, her mind numb to everything around her. But no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, the thoughts of Fred kept creeping in, his cold expression, the way he had so easily discarded her in front of Katherine. The man who had once been her everything now felt like a stranger, someone who had walked out of her life without a second thought.

Late one night, Elle sat on her bed, the weight of everything pressing down on her. She hadn't cried since that day, hadn't allowed herself to feel the full force of the hurt. But now, in the silence of her room, the tears came slow at first, then in waves. She sobbed into her pillow, clutching it tightly as though it could somehow absorb all the pain she felt.

"How could you do this to me, Fred?" she whispered into the dark, her voice cracking with emotion. "After everything I gave up for you how could you?"

She didn't expect an answer. There was no one there to listen, no one to comfort her. She was alone, left to pick up the pieces of a broken heart.

But something shifted in Elle that night. As the tears subsided and exhaustion took over, she realized that she couldn't live like this forever mourning a man who had betrayed her, clinging to memories of a future that would never be. She had to move forward, even if it meant doing it on her own.

The next morning, Elle rose with a renewed determination. She packed her few belongings into a small bag, took one last look at the apartment she could no longer afford, and walked out into the sunlight.

Her first stop was a friend's place. Cynthia had been one of the few people who had stood by Elle through thick and thin. She worked at a local eatery and had always been the more pragmatic of the two. When Elle showed up at her door, Cynthia took one look at her and knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" Cynthia asked, pulling Elle into a tight embrace.

Elle exhaled slowly, the weight of her decision still fresh. "I'm done, Cynthia. I can't stay here anymore. I need to get out of this town, away from everything from Fred."

Cynthia pulled back slightly, studying Elle's face. "Are you sure about this? I mean, I get it, but where will you go?"

Elle wiped a tear from her cheek and nodded. "I don't know. But I can't stay. Every street corner, every building it reminds me of him. I need a fresh start."

Cynthia smiled sadly, squeezing her hand. "I get it. You know you can stay here with me as long as you need."

Elle shook her head. "Thank you, but I need more than a place to stay. I need a new life. I need to figure out who I am without Fred."

Cynthia sighed and nodded. "Alright, but promise me you'll keep in touch."

"I will," Elle promised. She gave Cynthia one last hug, then turned and walked away, the city skyline behind her a distant memory.

Chapter 6: A New Beginning

Elle's departure from her hometown marked the beginning of a long journey, both physical and emotional. She boarded a bus bound for Port Harcourt, a bustling city far from the painful memories of Fred and Katherine. The city was known for its oil industry and commerce, a place where people came to make something of themselves a perfect destination for someone looking to rebuild their life.

The first few weeks in Port Harcourt were hard. Elle lived in a small, rundown apartment in a crowded neighborhood, taking any job she could find. She cleaned houses, waited tables, and even took up a short-term job at a local market, selling fruits and vegetables. It wasn't glamorous work, but it paid the bills, and more importantly, it kept her mind occupied.

At night, she would collapse onto her bed, exhausted from the day's labor, but there was a strange sense of peace in it. For the first time in months, Elle felt like she was in control of her own life. There was no Fred, no Katherine just her and her determination to build something new.

One evening, while she was working a shift at a small cafe, a man walked in who would change the course of her life forever.

He was unassuming at first glance dressed in simple clothes, with a worn-out backpack slung over his shoulder. His hair was slightly disheveled, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. But there was something kind in his eyes, a warmth that drew Elle's attention.

The man approached the counter, looking a bit unsure of himself. "Excuse me," he said softly, "but do you have anything affordable?"

Elle glanced at him, noticing the tiredness in his face. She could tell he was down on his luck, just like she had been. Without thinking twice, she smiled and handed him a plate of food one of the leftovers from a customer who had ordered too much.

"Here," she said gently. "It's on the house."

The man blinked in surprise, his eyes widening. "Thank you," he whispered, taking the plate with shaking hands. "You didn't have to do that."

Elle waved him off, offering a kind smile. "It's nothing. I've been where you are. Sometimes, a little kindness can go a long way."

The man took a seat at a nearby table, eating slowly, savoring every bite as though it were the best meal he had ever tasted. Elle watched him from behind the counter, her curiosity piqued. There was something about him that intrigued her, something that went beyond his worn-out clothes and tired demeanor.

After he finished eating, the man approached Elle again, a soft smile on his face. "Thank you again," he said. "I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't have to," Elle replied. "Just pay it forward when you can."

The man chuckled lightly. "I'll remember that." He hesitated for a moment, then added, "By the way, my name is Thomas."

Elle smiled warmly. "Elle."

They shook hands, and for a moment, Elle felt a strange sense of connection with him. She didn't know why, but something told her that their paths had crossed for a reason.

Chapter 7: A Growing Bond

Thomas returned to the cafe the next day, and the day after that. Each time, he would sit at the same table, order a small cup of coffee, and talk to Elle between her shifts. He was quiet at first, but gradually, he began to open up, sharing bits and pieces of his life with her.

He told her how he had once been a successful businessman, running a multimillion-dollar company. But due to a series of bad investments and betrayals from people he had trusted, he had lost everything. He was now trying to start over, just like Elle.

Elle found herself drawn to Thomas in ways she hadn't expected. He was gentle, thoughtful, and, most importantly, he understood what it was like to lose everything. Their conversations became the highlight of her days, and soon, she found herself looking forward to the moments when they could talk.

One evening, after the cafe had closed and the city had quieted down, Thomas and Elle sat outside on a bench, watching the stars twinkle overhead.

"Thank you," Thomas said softly, breaking the silence.

For what?" Elle asked, glancing at him.

For being kind to me when you didn't have to," he replied. "For giving me hope when I had none left."

Elle smiled, her heart warming at his words. "I didn't do much. I just saw someone who needed a little help."

Thomas turned to face her, his eyes locking onto hers. "You've done more than you realize, Elle. You've reminded me that there's still goodness in the world. And I don't know what the future holds, but I'm glad I met you."

Elle felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked into his eyes. There was something there's something deep and unspoken. She had been so focused on rebuilding her life that she hadn't allowed herself to think about love or romance. But now, sitting next to Thomas, she couldn't deny the growing connection between them.

As the days turned into weeks, Elle and Thomas grew closer. They spent more time together, sharing stories, dreams, and hopes for the future. There was a natural ease between them, a comfort that Elle hadn't felt in a long time. And though neither of them said it out loud, the spark of romance was undeniable.

Chapter 8: The Unveiling of True Wealth

As the weeks passed, Elle and Thomas became inseparable. They spent almost every moment outside of work together, exploring the city, sharing meals, and talking late into the night. The connection between them deepened, and soon, what had started as a friendship blossomed into something much more.

One evening, Thomas invited Elle to join him for a walk along the waterfront. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden hue across the cityscape. As they strolled along the water's edge, Elle felt a sense of peace that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Elle," Thomas began, his voice gentle, "I want to share something with you."

Elle looked up at him, sensing the seriousness in his tone. "What is it?"

Thomas paused, taking a deep breath. "There's something you don't know about me something I've kept hidden."

Elle's heart skipped a beat, a small flicker of anxiety creeping in. "What do you mean?"

Thomas stopped walking and turned to face her. "I haven't been entirely honest about my past. You see, I didn't lose everything because of bad investments. I walked away from it all, from a life that was consuming me."

Elle frowned slightly, trying to understand. "Why would you do that?"

Thomas looked out over the water, his expression thoughtful. "Because I realized that wealth and power weren't everything. I had all the money I could ever want, but I was miserable. I was surrounded by people who only cared about what they could get from me, not who I really was."

He turned back to Elle, his eyes softening. "So I left. I gave up the company, the luxury, everything. I wanted to see if there was more to life than just chasing after material things. I wanted to find real connections, real people."

Elle's heart ached as she listened to him. She understood more than he could know. "And did you find what you were looking for?"

Thomas smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from him. "I did. I found you."

Elle felt her breath catch in her throat, her emotions swirling inside her. She had never expected to find someone like Thomas, someone who saw the world in the same way she did. She reached out and took his hand, holding it tightly.

You don't have to be afraid," Thomas continued, his voice soft. "I'm not the man I used to be. I don't care about money or status. I care about you, Elle. You've shown me kindness, compassion, and strength. You're everything I've been searching for."

Elle's eyes filled with tears, but they were tears of joy. "Thomas, don't know what to say."

You don't have to say anything," he whispered, pulling her close. "Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll build a new life together, one that's based on love, trust, and honesty."

Elle rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. In that moment, she knew that she had found something truly special, something that went beyond anything she had ever imagined.

Chapter 9: The Shadows of the Past

As Elle and Thomas' relationship deepened, she found herself slowly healing from the wounds of the past. Her days were filled with happiness and love, and for the first time in a long while, she allowed herself to dream of a future that wasn't tainted by betrayal.

However, shadows from the past have a way of creeping back when least expected.

One afternoon, while Elle was working a shift at the cafe, she noticed a familiar face among the crowd. Her heart stopped as she realized who it was Fred.

He looked different now, disheveled and gaunt, a far cry from the confident man she had once loved. He didn't see her at first, too focused on whatever inner turmoil was plaguing him. But as he approached the counter, their eyes met.

Fred froze, his expression a mix of shock and shame. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Elle stared at him, a whirlwind of emotions crashing over her. There was anger, yes, but also a deep sadness for the man who had once been her everything. She could see that life hadn't been kind to him since their last encounter.

"Elle, Fred finally managed to say, his voice hoarse.

"What are you doing here, Fred?" Elle asked, trying to keep her voice steady. She didn't want to show him how much seeing him again affected her.

Fred swallowed hard, looking down at his feet. I was just passing through. I didn't know you worked here."

Elle nodded slowly, unsure of what to say. Part of her wanted to turn and walk away, to leave the past behind for good. But another part of her was curious...curious about what had happened to him, about why he was here now, in this condition.

"Can we talk?" Fred asked, his voice pleading. "Please, Elle. I need to explain."

Elle hesitated, torn between wanting to hear him out and protecting her newfound peace. Finally, she nodded. "Alright. My shift ends in an hour. Meet me outside."

Fred nodded, relief washing over his face. He turned and walked out of the cafe, leaving Elle alone with her thoughts.

When her shift ended, Elle found Fred waiting outside, leaning against the wall. He looked even more worn out in the daylight, and Elle couldn't help but wonder what had happened to him.

"Let's go somewhere quiet," she said, leading him to a nearby park.

They sat on a bench, the silence between them heavy. Finally, Fred spoke, his voice filled with regret. "I've lost everything, Elle. After I married Katherine things just went downhill. I thought being with her would make me happy, that it would bring me success. But all it did was destroy me."

Elle listened, her emotions swirling inside her. She wanted to feel satisfaction, knowing that Fred had gotten what he deserved. But all she felt was sadness for the dreams they had once shared, for the man he had once been.

"Katherine she never loved me," Fred continued, his voice breaking. "I was just a pawn to her family, a way to further their power. They never respected me, never cared about me. And when I finally had enough and asked for a divorce they ruined me. I lost my job, my reputation and everything."

Elle felt a pang of sympathy, despite herself. She knew what it was like to lose everything, to be betrayed by someone you trusted. But she also knew that Fred had made his choices, and those choices had led him here.

"I'm sorry, Fred," Elle said softly. "But you made your bed. You chose Katherine over me, over us. And now you have to live with the consequences."

Fred looked at her, his eyes filled with desperation. "I know, Elle. I know I made a mistake. But I'm begging you to give me another chance. Let me make it right."

"Elle shook her head, her resolve firm. "I can't, Fred. Too much has happened. I've moved on, and so should you."

Fred's shoulders slumped, defeat washing over him. "I understand," he whispered. "But I had to try, I had to let you know how sorry I am."

Elle stood up, looking down at him with a mixture of sadness and pity. "I hope you find peace, Fred. But whatever we had it's gone. You need to let it go."

With that, Elle turned and walked away, leaving Fred alone on the bench. As she walked, she felt a sense of closure, a finality that she hadn't known she needed. The chapter with Fred was finally over, and she was ready to move forward with her life.

Chapter 10: A Love That Heals

As Elle distanced herself from the remnants of her past, her relationship with Thomas grew stronger. They spent their days working side by side, planning a future together, and their nights were filled with laughter and warmth. For the first time in years, Elle felt truly happy, free from the chains of her past.

One evening, as they sat together on the balcony of Thomas' modest apartment, looking out at the twinkling lights of the city, Thomas turned to Elle, his expression serious.

"Elle," he began, taking her hand in his, "there's something I want to ask you."

Elle looked at him, her heart skipping a beat. "What is it?"

Thomas took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto hers. "I love you, Elle. I've loved you since the moment you offered me that plate of food in the cafe. You've brought so much joy and light into my life, and I can't imagine my future without you. So, I want to ask if you'll marry me."

Elle's heart swelled with emotion, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes. She had never expected to find love again, not after everything she had been through. But here, with Thomas, she had found something real, something pure.

"Yes," Elle whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Yes, Thomas, I'll marry you."

Thomas pulled her into his arms, holding her close as they both cried tears of joy. In that moment, all the pain, all the heartache of the past melted away, leaving only love and hope for the future.

Their wedding was a small, intimate affair, attended by only a few close friends. Cynthia was there, beaming with pride, as were a few of Thomas' old friends who had stuck by him through thick and thin. The ceremony was simple, but it was perfect!

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