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Blurb As the Alpha's first daughter, Lexi lived her entire life trying to be the perfect daughter of her father and proving herself worthy to lead the pack. Her father's tenour is coming to an end and the pack's annual ball, she believed her father would finally proclaim her as his successor but to her deepest disappointment, her father passed the crown to her sister who'd always been negligent towards the pack affairs. And As if that wasn't enough, her Beta mate Conri decided to reject her. breaking their mate bond as he choosies her sister over her. Lexi's world came crumbling when she finds out that her entire life has been a lie - she has been adopted. Feeling so betrayed and devastated, she ran into the woods, Far away from the people who broke her, crossing the territory of Alpha Karl, her pack's swoon enemy. The ruthless Alpha who killed his own Luna and his brother. Characterization Lexi Adawolf: Role: Female lead. Betrayed by her family and her mate. She left the pack and joined the arm force of the lycanblood-line pack to fight against her own pack. Also become their Alpha's second chance mate. Karl Corbyn Role: Male lead. The Lycan Alpha of the Lycanblood-line pack. He is strongest amongst other Alphas and ruthless as well. Rumor has it that he killed his Luna and his own brother. He later mated with Lexi. Penelope Adawolf Role: Sub-villain. She is Lexi's younger sister who hates Lexi because of her beauty, her special strength and healing ability. She eventually becomes her father's successor even though she didn't merit it and she stole lexi's mate for herself. Conri halmilton: Role: sub-vallian. He's the beta's son so he's the next beta of the dynamite pack. He's Lexi's mate who eventually rejected Lexi, breaking their bond just to be with Penelope because she was going to become the Alpha female while Lexi was left with nothing. But he later fought Alpha Karl to have Lexi back. Lowell Role: Arch villain. Karl's brother who everyone thought was dead but later came back to fight his brother, joining forces with the dynamite and as a Lycan himself, Karl was out numbered. Alaric Adawolf: Penelope's father and Lexi's adopted father. Aurelia Adawolf: Penelope mother and Lexi's adopted mother. Other minor characters in the main story. Plot Exposiition: Lexi Adawolf had lived her life to please her parents. Unlike most werewolves, she shifted at a very young age and with no time she was able to control her wolf. She was naturally powerful but still spends most of her life training just to prove herself worthy to be her father's daughter and the next leader of the dynamite pack. But her parents had always cherished her younger sister Penelope over her. They held Penelope to a high esteem even though she was being a nuisance most of the time, frolicking with the pack boys and being negligent towards pack affairs. Penelope taking advantage of their parents favoritism had always chastise Lexi causing troubles for her; out of the jealousy of Lexi being more beautiful and more gifted with special abilities like healing and physical strength and she was also mated to the beta's handsome son whom all the girls are dying for. The only person who'd loved and supported Lexi was conri but Lexi never knew everything was a charade. The main story started when it was time for Alaric Adawolf to proclaim his successor and naturally, everyone expect it to be Lexi. And Lexi also expected her father to ordain her cause she had worked so hard to merit the Alpha rank but to hers and everyone's shock, her father chose Penelope as the next Alpha and her mother was excited about it. That was a huge disappointment and a blow to Lexi, while everyone was jubilating about the proclamation, the only person that consoled Lexi was conri. On that same day, Lexi had to confront her parents about the betrayer and to her deepest shock, her parents told her that she is just an adopted girl whom they had picked up from the street, that she doesn't have their blood in her vein so she doesn't deserve to be an Alpha but Penelope who's their real daughter. She was hurt and she decided to go to Conri for comfort but when he arrived at conri, she met another cruel betrayer which was the worst. Her mate was having sex with her sister and that was when she realized that conri hadn't loved her. He had only accepted her since she was going to become an Alpha. Conri rejected her harshly and break their mate bond. The whole tradegy that befell her, made run her away from the pack into the woods where she encountered some wild creatures. She had to fight them but also run for her life, that led her into the territory of her pack's enemy. The Lycan blood-line pack and the dynamite pack has been known to be swoon enemies since ages and their current Alpha Karl is cold blooded and ruthless. History has it that he killed his own brother and Luna. As a Lycan, all other Alphas fears him, including his own pack.

Chapter 1 The Unseen Twist

Chapter one


Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't contain the broad smile that splayed across my lips.

The pink ball gown I wore fit perfectly, dangling beneath my waist. But that wasn't the reason why I was excited.

"You look pretty, Lexi" Arya, my wolf compliments. "All heads are going to be on you at the ball"

"Of course. I'll be crowned father's next in line" I blurt out.

Some people might query me for saying that when it hadnt happned yet but it was like a written law already.

I'd put in more efforts than anyone in my trainings and had gone lengths to please father enough to be crowned the next in line to his throne.

As father's eldest daughter, I'd made sure to live up to his expectations even if that meant doing things that didn't seat well with me but I'll put things back in their rightful place once I claim the throne.

Arya chuckled. "Have you prepared a big speech?"

"Of course, I have"

A soft knock on my door interrupts my conversation with Arya. "Come in"

The door slowly pushs open as Penelope, my younger sister walks in a blue ball gown. It's design was exactly like mine.

This disturbed me as Penelope and I didn't settle on having the same dress design but I brushed it off.

"It's time for the pack's annual ball festival. Father said I should fetch you" Penelope says.

"I'll join shortly" Penelope turns to walk away. "Penelope!"

She halts. "Is everything alright?"

Did she expect me to bring up the dress?. Should I bring up the dress?. It's just a silly dress, Lexi. I chide myself. It doesn't mean anything.

"Lexi, are you going to say something?"

"I just wanted to tell you that your gown looks very beautiful on you"

Penelope lets out a soft smile. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself"

You see, Lexi. You were just worried about nothing. "Thanks, Penelope. Shall we go to the party together?. I'm all dressed up"

"I don't see why not"

With intertwined hands, Penelope and I walked out of my bedroom chamber to the centre of the pack house where the pack annual ball was to be held.

On getting there, the party was already filled with pack members. The realization that I was late began to dawn on me.

"Would father be angry at me for coming late?" I ask Penelope.

Pelelope gave me a ludicrous gaze. "Why would he? You're the star of this party"

Brushing past a tight crowd, Penelope and I finally reached the high table where father, mother and the pack's leaders were seated.

Throwing myself down to father's knees, I apologized. "Forgive me for coming late, father"

Father remained mute before bursting into a fit of laughter. "It's okay. Get up on your feet and sit beside me"

Relieved, I do as told exchanging pleasantries with the pack leaders.

"You raised such a fine young girl, Alaric" Reginald, one of the pack leaders compliments father. "I heard she even conquered the Ponvelliion pack"

"That's my Lexi for you." Father agrees. "She's always making me proud"

"She's made a name for the Dynamite pack"

"I couldn't agree any less"

I couldn't be more elated hearing father complient me with the pack leader. It only meant that I was still in his good book.

"Now now" Father announces. "Let the real party begin"

Rising up from his feet, father holds up a wine glass; clunking it with a silver spoon as he called the party to silence. "Are we all having fun?"

"Yes!" Came a response in unison.

"Well the party is only about to get better as I, Alpha Alaric has a very important announcement to make" Father makes a dramatic pause. "It's of no news to each and everyone of you here that I am already nearing old age"

"So in order to look after my health better Father continues. "I've decided to step down from the throne"

A horror gasp filled the air. "Who would protect the pack now!?" A voice shouts in disapproval.

"And would the throne be left unprotected!?"

Father clinks his glass once more as silence filled the air. At times when I looked at father, I was in awe of him for the power he possessed as the Alpha of this pack.

With the tip of his fingers, father could make and unmake. It was a power I didn't have yet. When I ascend the throne would the lack of this power affect me?.

Shaking off my thought, I decided not to dwell on it too much. Let's think about this later, Lexi.

Turning my attention back to father, I listened intently as he continued his speech. "Put your worries to rest, people. Of course I wouldn't be descending the throne without a plan"

"I would be passing on my crown to one of my daughters who would lead the pack in my stead as your new Alpha" Father exchange glance with me. "She's made me proud beyond words and is more than worthy to be crowned your new leader"

Here it comes. Here it comes.

Father takes off his crown from his head. "It is with great joy in my heart, I give you your new Alpha and leader" Father extends his hands out towards me. "Lexi, dear"

This is it!. My moment of recognition!. I couldn't hold back my smile as I glanced down at father's outstretched arms. "Yes, father?"

"Move aside for your sister"

My heart dropped to my stomach. "W-What?"

"Penelope, come" Father calls as Penelope rises up from her seat towards father; placing her hands in his with a smile on her face.

Slowly, father seats his crown on Penelope's head. "Behold members of Dynamite pack, your new Alpha and leader; my beloved daughther, Penelope"

As the shock of the event took it's toll on me, the members of the pack cheered and applauded the reinstatement of their new Alpha and leader.

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