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Supercritical Universe Above the Starry Sky

Supercritical Universe Above the Starry Sky

Fan Xing444


When you look up at the starry sky; Have you ever questioned; Under the starry sky are us, So what is above the starry sky? Do they exist; How civilizations collide and blend. When you immerse yourself in the online world every day; Is there also confusion; What you see is what you want to see; Is there still someone who wants you to see? We live in a fortunate era; The rapid development of technology and intelligent networks; We enjoy all of this; And all of this is also eroding us; Perhaps in the future, we will be Marionettes controlled by the internet!

Chapter 1 Midnight Bell

[On August 19, 2025, scientists captured a mysterious interstellar celestial body entering the solar system from the direction of the constellation Lyra. Scientists named it "Hei Mo". The mysterious celestial body is about 400 meters long and has a diameter of about 40 meters. It is shaped like a cylindrical body, with an orbit perpendicular to the ecliptic plane and a speed of 26 kilometers per second. Do you think this is an alien spacecraft?]@Fan Xing@......

Netizen A: "In terms of shape alone, it's too mysterious. It looks very similar to an alien spacecraft. Of course, we can't say that it's an alien spacecraft just because of its mysterious appearance. This type of celestial body is difficult to form under natural conditions. Whether it's a meteorite or an asteroid, the reason for its formation is mainly due to the collision, tearing, and disintegration between celestial bodies. This process is often accompanied by a large number of collisions, and it's impossible for objects with this shape to survive in collisions. Look at our asteroid belt, there can't be such celestial bodies. It's hard to say that this shape doesn't have" human "participation"

B: "The above statement makes sense, and you can see that its speed has far exceeded the speed of the third universe in the solar system, indicating that it is not controlled by the gravitational force of the sun and can freely enter and exit the solar system. Or, it has a very high initial velocity before entering the solar system. The closest star system to us is 4.2 light-years away, and the position of the solar system or other star systems in the Milky Way is constantly changing. Therefore, the possibility of this celestial body accelerating by the gravitational force of other galaxies is very small. So how did its initial velocity come about"

C: "Everyone is looking at the angle at which it enters the solar system, almost perpendicular to the ecliptic of the sun. This way, it can avoid celestial meteorite fragments in the star system as much as possible during high-speed navigation, which is also very reasonable and fully in line with the setting of interstellar flight routes"

D: " Anything can be called an alien, so why did it come here? It just walked around and ran away"

E: "Ha ha ha, maybe it's here to deliver some package or detector"

F: " You whispered, maybe your voice was too loud and scared the aliens away"

"Ha ha ha, at a speed of 26 kilometers, if we could travel interstellar and run out of the Oort Nebula in the solar system for hundreds of millions of years, wouldn't it"

"They slow down when they reach the solar system, what do you know"

"Scientists have also conducted exploratory observations on it, stating that there are no energy fluctuations and no electromagnetic waves have been detected"

"If it were an extraterrestrial creature or spacecraft, it would be impossible to have no energy fluctuations"

Fan xing@:"Electromagnetic waves cannot be used as a basis for alien spacecraft. If interstellar travel can be achieved, electromagnetic waves will definitely not be used as a communication medium. If aliens use electromagnetic waves to send messages to their home planet from here, it will take at least several years to receive the message. Therefore, it is normal to have no electromagnetic waves, but it does not mean that it is an interstellar spacecraft. Obviously, the photo is just a stone,Don't call deer horses here anymore......"

N:"His words are to the point, even such a simple thing can be boasted about for a long time by you......"


This is a post from the Cat Claw Network forum. There are many posts of this kind on the forum, especially when scientists posted detailed observation data and photos of the "Hei Mo" celestial body three days ago. These posts are particularly popular on these forums. Some people seem to be serious analysts, but they are just trying to attract attention and traffic. Of course, there are those who set up platforms, and there are also those who dismantle them. Naturally, there are also enthusiastic onlookers.

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, a young man was lying in bed with his mobile phone brushing his post, and occasionally he would roast and roast in his post.

The young man's name is Fan Xing. When it comes to the habit of posting, it can be traced back a little earlier. Fan Xing was born in a rural area and was born in the 1990s. When he was in high school, the internet was not very popular, and chat apps and forum websites were also popular among young people at that time. Fan Xing also came into contact with the Cat Claw website forum at that time.

When Fan Xing was in school, he was a science student with good grades. Due to his studies and interests, he was also very enthusiastic about browsing some posts on mathematics, physics, chemistry, science fiction, and so on. Sometimes he learned from others' problem-solving ideas, sometimes he would post his own problems for help, and sometimes he would participate in discussions on popular topics.

Later on, when it came time to take the college entrance exam, many people were interested in engineering. Born in a rural area with limited information and parents who were farmers, they knew nothing about this field. Whatever others said was good, they felt good, so they asked Fan Xing to choose one from civil engineering, teaching, or medicine. In the eyes of the parents, these were all jobs that were based on their own strengths and there was nothing wrong with them.

However, at that time, although the internet had just entered the lives of ordinary people, online information still had a significant impact on students born in the 1990s. Various types of information challenged young people's worldviews and life philosophies, pursuing fashion and advocating freedom. Fan Xing also shouted for his own decision and followed his own preferences to get into the physics major at Yanghai University.

However, in the past few years of university, information technology has experienced explosive development, and smartphones, social apps, and games have also begun to corrupt a generation of young people. In fact, these are not much because they will soon become a part of the lives of the vast majority of people in human history.

The serious thing is that the first personalized choice quickly brought about the first social backlash for the post-90s generation. Everyone who enters university campus is full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit, but they are quickly worn away in reality. Fan Xing is no exception. Four years passed by quickly, and as graduation approached, he realized that what he learned here had no meaning for his job. Therefore, what he learned supported him to become a high school teacher. As for continuing to study for postgraduate entrance exams, physics is better off. In fact, not only Fan Xing, many majors in universities in this era are seriously out of touch with social needs.

In the three years after graduation, Fan Xing changed several jobs, went to factories, worked in offices, and ran business Later, while running business at an equipment factory, I also met some customers and friends. In addition, with the rapid development of e-commerce in recent years, I started my own business and started an online channel. In fact, I rented an office and bought a second-hand car by myself. In six months, I have also made progress.

Today happens to be Friday, and a batch of goods has been shipped out. The small company is alone, with each person assisting. After processing the order, shipping the goods, and settling the accounts, it's exhausting. After eating a bowl of noodles at the restaurant, it's already past nine o'clock. Lying in bed, I'm exhausted, but there's still some happiness in my eyes and eyebrows. It's clear that I've made a lot of money from this order, whether it's during my college years or after graduating from work, Fan Xing Yiwu keeps the habit of playing games on the forum. When he was in school, his roommates usually called to play games and participate in activities. Later, after graduation, he went his own way and got busy with his own work. There was less chatting, let alone playing games together. Apart from a few friends in college, Fan Xing also had few friends. After seven or eight years of experience in the forum, he met many netizens. He was also under the brand of God, so bragging in the forum became a way to kill time when he was free.

Fan Xing continued to browse the post. With his seven or eight years of experience, he always felt that something was wrong with today's post, but he couldn't say what was wrong. He also received a lot of notifications, and many people @ him to read the post. Some old friends also sent messages. Usually, when a hot topic comes up, many people @ him to watch the debate or express their opinions, so Fan Xing also thinks it's normal.

[Are there really aliens in this world? Or can it be proven?]@Fan xing@......

Netizen K: "According to the Drake equation N=R * x Fp x Ne x Fl x Fi x Fc x L, N represents the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, and the right side of the equal sign represents the conditions for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. All conditions are objectively real. Therefore, as long as the probability of the existence of aliens is not zero, even if the probability is small, it should exist in large numbers in the vast galaxy base of the universe. Take the Milky Way as an example, there are hundreds of billions of stars. Multiplying the probability by this base, there should be many extraterrestrial civilizations. "

Q: "If there were aliens, they would definitely leave some traces in the vast universe. From a temporal perspective, some civilizations are even tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years ahead of us. If that's the case, they must have left some traces in the universe. However, humans have been searching for radio waves, gravitational waves, neutrinos, dark matter, quantum physics, and so on for nearly a hundred years, why haven't they discovered anything"

W: "It can only indicate that our technological conditions are not advanced enough, and these detection methods can only be considered as just beginners for us. We cannot even research neutrinos, dark matter, and quantum physics. Most of them still exist in theoretical physics. We have only entered the technological era for a long time, and human detectors cannot even leave the solar system. If we cannot find aliens, should we deny their existence? "

"Why did ancient wars use beacon smoke to transmit information instead of candles? We can observe stars tens of thousands of light-years away and galaxies hundreds of millions of light-years away, but can you observe bonfires burning on planets a few light-years away? Time and space are an absolute barrier that limits communication between civilizations"

"If we consider from the perspective of higher civilization rationality, even if we have the ability, we wouldn't have the leisure to create some dazzling movements like stars in space"


Fan xing@:"There must be aliens. If you need evidence, I can provide it now"

"??You wouldn't say you've seen any aliens, would you"

"Don't use any UFO incidents as evidence"

Fan xing@:"We, humans, are the best evidence, and it can even be said that every creature on Earth is evidence. Before answering this question, let me ask you a question: Is the emergence of Earth's creatures accidental or inevitable?"

"By chance"

"Doesn't that mean denying our existence? The world we live in is full of countless living creatures, do you think this is accidental?"

"But it's also unreasonable to say it's inevitable"

Fan xing@:"This is indeed a difficult question to answer, but humans have discovered millions of species of organisms in the pressure environment of -50 ℃ to 50 ℃ on Earth, and from 100 KPa in the air to hundreds of MPa in the ocean. It is estimated that the Earth has produced billions of species of organisms since its origin, and such environments are very common in the universe. The material foundation required by living organisms is also abundant in the universe. Scientists were once obsessed with searching for water sources outside of Earth, but it was completely unnecessary. Hydrogen itself is the most abundant element in the universe, with oxygen ranking third, indicating that water must exist in extremely large quantities in the universe. Not finding water only indicates that our technological level is not up to par, not that water does not exist. Now it seems that the conditions for the existence of extraterrestrial life are not strict, so in my opinion, our existence is inevitable, and our existence is also evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life."


[If alien spacecraft were flying towards us at the speed of light, would we be able to see them......]@Fan xing

Netizen G: "I don't think so. The essence of what we see as objects is electromagnetic waves or the light reflected by them. If we use a spacecraft as a reference frame, it will fly at the speed of light, so it's impossible to see the spacecraft flying towards us for a long time. If we use a spacecraft as a reference frame, the light emitted or reflected by the spacecraft will propagate towards us at the speed of light. Therefore, the spacecraft we observe should be stationary. So, regardless of the situation, if a spacecraft flies towards us at the speed of light, it will suddenly appear in front of us like time travel"

P: "If that's the case, then it's a bit scary. If there really is a higher civilization, we don't even have time to react when they launch a war against us. "

[If there were aliens, what would they look like? Will primates walk upright like us?]@Fan xing

Netizen M: "I think it will be similar to us. Alien creatures cannot be equated with extraterrestrial civilizations. Using tools is a characteristic that distinguishes humans from other creatures, and manufacturing and using tools is also a necessary condition for the development of organisms into civilizations"

L: "Not necessarily, it also depends on the environment, and the living environment and biological categories are different"

N: "The environment after birth is also an important factor, and biological evolution is caused by environmental changes. Our ability to become the masters of civilization on Earth is definitely due to the evolution of our ancestors caused by environmental changes at a certain point in time. Therefore, the evolution branches caused by different conditions will also be different. Reptiles, birds, and even aquatic organisms may also produce different evolution branches to form intelligent organisms if environmental changes occur at a certain point in time. "


Fan Xing continued to look at the posts, but he didn't reply to many of them. The more he browsed, the more he finally realized the problem, which was that there were suddenly more posts related to aliens online in the past few days. He thought that perhaps it was because of the heated discussion caused by the "black ink" celestial news. He had a lot of orders from his company these days and didn't pay much attention to the posts on the forum, so he didn't care. So he had random replies and replies. Unconsciously, he turned off the light and fell asleep.


Suddenly, a phone rang.

Who calls in the middle of the night? Fan Xing roast in his heart, but his hand touches the mobile phone.

The bright light on the phone screen made it impossible for him to open his eyes, so he habitually slid the screen with his hand. The ringtone stopped, indicating that it was turned on.

Then put the phone to your ear and say, "Hello......Hello......"

No one answered the phone, and Fan Xing thought it was an advertisement or a scam call, which made him angry.

"Shit, who made harassing phone calls in the middle of the night? "Fan Xing angrily pulled down the phone.

What he didn't see was that no one actually called, and after unlocking it on his phone, a webpage popped up.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again, but Fan Xing still didn't open his eyes. Instead, he was groping to unlock it just like before.

The webpage pops up again.

Fan Xing still closed his eyes, put his phone to his ear, and shouted angrily, "Hello...... Hello......"

There was still no response from inside, and then Fan Xing angrily cursed into his phone, "Shit ***********, go to hell, fuck the scammers, unscrupulous advertisers...... "

'Little Fish Student' Fan Xing calls for mobile voice assistants

Drip~Drip~I'm here

The pop-up of the voice assistant has already overwritten the webpage that just popped up.

Fan Xing squinted his eyes and glanced at the time displayed on his phone, which was already 22:50. He then said to his phone, "Set it to shut down at 23:00 and turn it on at 10am tomorrow morning

Okay! We have set up scheduled shutdown and scheduled startup services for you

Then Fan Xing left his phone aside and continued to sleep.

A few minutes later, the phone ringtone woke up Fan Xing again.

Before he could even pick up his phone, Fan Xing started cursing loudly, "Damn it! Who is he? I curse you, your whole family is dead


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