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Sleeping With Mister D

Sleeping With Mister D



Under the influence of alcohol and stimulants given to her by her stepmother, Aaria ended up having a one-night stand with a man she did not know. As a result, Aaria became pregnant and was kicked out by her father for tarnishing the family name. What will happen to Aaria next?

Chapter 1 First Meet

The Grand City Hotel looked very crowded tonight. Lots of invited guests are arriving. It was said that the hotel had been rented by a famous businessman for his daughter's wedding.

A man was seen walking down the hotel hallway towards one of the rooms. The man's VIP room was at the end of the hall.

He had just had a meeting with Mister Johnson, who was one of his clients in the hotel lobby.

Actually, just before leaving he had been offered by Mister Johnson to join a small party organized by his client at one of the bars in the hotel.

But the man refused subtly because he knew that his client must have prepared some comfort women there too.

Dastan, the man was very handsome and well-established. He was tall and athletic. He was like a human version of a Greek god. Anyone who looked at him would be crazy about him. But unfortunately, he was never interested in women. He had a very cold and haughty attitude towards the opposite sex. I don't know what caused him to be so cold and haughty towards women. Even though so many women crave his touch. But all of them, just considered a breeze, by Dastan.

"I'm not interested in parties like that and women, Tom. " said Dastan, when his personal secretary asked him why Dastan refused Mister Jhonson's offer to join the party with the comfort women.

"Then what kind of women does the boss like? " Dale asked later.

"I don't know. But I've never been interested in any woman. I've never even dated a woman. Let alone play love with them," Dastan revealed.

Tom glared at his boss's revelation of the fact.

What the held,

A Dastan has never been interested in any woman? What a shocking news!

What could his boss be up to? Tom's brain was thinking hard.

As if he knew what was going through his secretary's mind, Dastan threw a wad of tissue at Tom's face. "Keep those dirty thoughts out of your brain, Tom. I've never been attracted to women - they don't mean I'm gay. I'm a normal guy like you," he said.

Tom was stunned when the tissue landed right in his mouth.

"If you're not gay, then what. Is it true that you are not attracted to the opposite sex at all? Then do you like the same sex?" Tom asked.

"Tom, watch your language, I'm your boss,"

"Okay. I'm sorry." Tom said later. "Then I'll take my leave, boss. Good night and have a good rest." Tom said goodbye to Dastan.

Tom chose to avoid his boss' tantrum rather than accept Dastan's anger. I don't know, lately, his boss is very sensitive.

The truth was, Dastan was indeed having a headache. It's about the wishes of his mommy, Mrs. Amber.

Mrs. Amber always urged Dastan to get married immediately. Even though Dastan has no desire for that.

Therefore, to avoid Mrs. Amber's insistence, Dastan chose to run away and stay at this hotel.

Just as Dastan wanted to lay down on the bed, suddenly someone knocked on the door of his room in a hurry. He immediately moved to open the door. He thought it must be Tom who came to disturb him.

"What else Tom? You want me to fire you."

Dastan's words stopped when he saw who was standing in front of his bedroom door. It was not Tom, but a girl.

Before Dastan's shock was gone, the girl suddenly burst into his room and closed the door quickly. The door was locked

"Miss, what are you doing?" snapped Dastan who was annoyed that the girl had entered his room without permission.

"Sir, please help me! "The girl pleaded with a frightened face. She clasped her hands together in front of her chest.

Dastan looked at the girl with a probing look. What happened to the girl. It looked like she had run a marathon. Her breathing was also still ragged. Is she being chased by someone.

"Who are you? Why did you enter my room without permission, Miss. Have you never been taught the etiquette that it is forbidden to enter someone's room without permission, especially if it is a man's room. " Dastan asked.

The girl looked down at Dastan's words. Yes, it was indeed inappropriate for a girl to enter a man's room, especially without permission and unknown.

"Were you told by someone? Did Mister Johnson tell you to come here?" Dastan's question made the girl look up at him.

"What do you mean, mister? I just asked you for a favor. Because there are people chasing me outside. They intend to harm me." she said.

"Don't play innocent, miss. You're pretending to ask for help, when in fact... "

Dastan had not finished his sentence, suddenly someone knocked on the door of his room again.

The girl's face turned pale. Her body was trembling with fear. She begged with gestures for Dastan to help her.

Without another word, Dastan walked to the door. Meanwhile, the girl immediately hid under Dastan's bed.

When the door opened, in front of Dastan stood a man and a middle-aged woman dressed in fancy clothes and makeup. The man was about the same age as her.

Behind them stood two men with strapping bodies and scary faces. The two men's gazes pierced into Dastan's room.

"Good evening, sir. Forgive me if I have disturbed your peace. But I am looking for my daughter. Did you see a girl come in here?" Asked the woman with a sweet smile. The woman's name was Selena Harris. She was the wife of Harris Foster, a real estate entrepreneur who had just held his daughter's wedding at this hotel.

Dastan gave the woman a probing look. The woman was not older than his mommy. Probably the same age as her mommy. He guessed that it must be the girl in his room right now that these peoples were looking for.

"No girls come in here." Dastan replied with a cold face.

Hearing Dastan's answer, the smile on Selena's face immediately disappeared.

"But my guards said that they saw my daughter running this way. You'd better not have to argue anymore, sir. Tell me quickly where you hid my daughter." Selena snapped arrogantly.

."Maybe Madame's bodyguard saw it wrong. I've been in my room, so how could I possibly know about your daughter. You come and knock on my door, disturb my peaceful rest, and now accuse me of hiding your daughter. You're really annoying, ma'am. Maybe I should just call security. I don't accept your accusation, ma'am." Dastan said.

From the attitude and appearance of the woman standing in front of him, Dastan suspected that this woman must want to do harm to the girl who was currently staying in his room. I don't know for what reason, but certainly, the girl was in need of his help at the moment.

Selena furrowed her brow as she looked at Dastan's cold and flat face.

Suddenly, a message came through her cell phone. It turned out to be a message from Anabelle. Her daughter was asking about her whereabouts.

Finally Selena said, "I'm sorry, sir. It seems we have seen the wrong person. If so, we'll excuse ourselves." she said.

It seemed like Selena realized who she was dealing with. This man in front of her didn't seem like just anyone. The room Dastan was in was a VIP room. It is impossible for just anyone to enter the room. Perhaps it was true, she was wrong to accuse people. It would be bad if that person reported it to the hotel security.

Dastan finally closed the door in annoyance. "What a freak. You're just going to bother other people." He muttered as he turned around.

He intended to question the girl. The girl who entered his room without permission.

When he arrived at the door, Dastan's eyes widened in disbelief. The girl took off the dress that was attached to her body. And also untied her hair knot. So that her long and beautiful hair was loose and seductive.

"What are you doing?" Dastan shouted angrily.

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